Newsletter No. 72

宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新 任 社 會 科 學 院 院 長 New Dean of Social Science 心 理 學 系 張 妙 淸 教 授 獲 選 爲 社 會 科 學 院 院 長 ,任 期 三 年 , 由 一 九 九 五 年 八 月 一 日 起 生 效。 另 醫 學 院 及 文 學 院 亦 於 最 近 舉 行 院 長 選 舉 , 兩名 現 任 院 長 再 度 獲 選 。 Dr. Fanny Cheung of the Department of Psychology was recently elected dean of the Faculty of Social Science for a term of three years from 1st August 1995, succeeding Prof. Rance P. L. Lee. In two other recent elections of faculty deans, Prof. Arthur Li of the Faculty of Medicine and Prof. H.H. Ho of the Faculty of Arts were re-elected dean of their respective faculties. 中 大 評 議 會 周 年 會 員 大 會 香 港 中 文 大 學 評 議 會 將 於 六 月 廿 四 日 ( 星 期 六) 下 午 三 時 假 中 環 德 輔 道 中 七 十 七 號 恒 生 大 廈 廿 一 樓大 禮 堂 召 開 周 年 會 員 大 會 , 並 補 選 兩 名 常 務 委 員 會 選任 委員。 凡 列 名 中 大 評 議 會 名 冊 者 , 均 有 權 出 席 , 並 有投 票 權 。 有 意 出 席 者 , 可 向 評 議 會 秘 書 處 索 取 登 記 出席 表 格 。 截 止 登 記 日 期 爲 六 月 廿 三 日 下 午 六 時。 已 登 記 出 席 會 議 而 屆 時 不 克 出 席 者 , 可 以 書 面形 式 委 託 另 一 名 會 員 代 表 出 席 , 並 就 議 程 中 列 明 之 選舉 事 項 投 票 。 委 託 書 可 向 評 議 會 秘 書 處 索 取 。 塡 妥 之委 託 書 必 須 在 會 議 舉 行 前 四 十 八 小 時 , 郵 寄 或 圖 文 傳眞 至 評 議 會 秘 書 。 會 議 議 程 連 同 所 有 附 件 將 於 會 議 舉 行 前 一 星 期郵 寄 予 已 登 記 出 席 之 會 員 , 亦 會 於 六 月 廿 四 日 在 會 場派 發。 垂 詢 請 致 電 ( 二 六 零 九 七 八 七 二 ) 或 傳 眞 ( 二六 零 三 六 二 二 六 / 二 六 零 三 六 九 七 九 ) 香 港 中 文 大 學 評 議 會 秘 書 處 。 颱 風 襲 港 及 暴 雨 的 有 關 安 排 General Arrangements for the Approach of Typhoons and Rainstorms 颱 風 季 節 和 雨 季 將 至 , 新 聞 及 公 共 關 係 處 已 於 六 月 四 日 連 同 《 每 週 活 動 一 覽 》 派 發 關 於 颱 風 襲 港 及黑 色 暴 雨 警 告 懸 掛 時 之 安 排 通 告 。 如 未 收 到 該 份 通 告, 可 致 電 新 聞 及 公 共 關 係 處 ( 內 線 八 八 九 九 ) 索 取 。 Circulars on general arrangements for the approach of typhoons and the Rainstorm Black Warning issued by the Office of Director of Administrative Services were sent to various units as attachments to the Weekly Events on 4th June. Those who have not received the circulars or who want to obtain more copies please call the Information and Public Relations Office (Ext. 8899). Task Force on Teaching and Learning Quality Vice-Chancellor Charles K. Kao who is also the chairman of the Task Force on Teaching and Learning Quality has already appointed members to the task force for a one-year term from 5th May. The members are: • Prof. Ambrose King (pro-vice-chancellor) • Dr. Leslie Lo (dean of education, who is nominated by AAPC) • Prof. JeanWoo (chair of Department of Medicine) • Dr. Leung Kwok (chair of Department of Psychology) • Dr. Li Wai-kee (reader, Department of Chemistry) • Dr. Yip Hon-ming (chair of Department of History) • Mrs. Ho Wan Siu Wan (acting registrar, to serve as the secretary of the task force.) The terms of reference of the group are: • To review and promote teaching and learning quality at the University. • To undertake an internal teaching and learning quality process audit in the next eight months. • To prepare, liaise and coordinate within the University and with the UGC in matters relating to the Teaching and Learning Quality Process Audit to be conducted by the UGC in January 1996. • To assess the effectiveness of the projects funded under the Teaching Development Grant for 1994-95 and to develop an overall strategy and programme for developing teaching and learning quality to assist the University in bidding for the grant for 1995-98. • To perform any other tasks relating to teaching and learning quality as required from time to time. Establishment of CSC and ITSU Computing and information technology services within the University has been reorganized into two new units with effect from 15thMay 1995. The two units are: Computer Services Centre (CSC) • Computer Operations Section • Systems Programming Section • User Services Section • Administrative Support Section Information Technology Service Unit (ITSU) • Systems Management Section • Data Communication & Networking Section • Microcomputer Application Support Section • Information Management Unit The new structure places the centralized hardware and system under CSC, and gathers under ITSU all those activities that do not relate specifically to hardware and system in the centre. Dr. Stanislaus Hu is director of CSC, and has also been appointed as director of ITSU on a concurrent basis. Mr. Alan Ho is associate director of CSC, and has also been appointed as associate director of ITSU on a concurrent basis, with responsibility only for sections transferred from the former CSC. Mr. Aaron Li is in charge of the Information Management Unit as its associate head. Users should approach ITSU for provision of services other than those related specifically to facilities physically in the Computer Services Centre. In order to improve understanding with users, and where necessary to set directions and priorities for the developement of IT infrastructure and delivery of IT services in the University, a steering committee has been set up, with the following membership plus co-opted members as necessary: vice-chancellor (convener), pro-vice-chancellor with responsibility for CSC & ITSU, and professor of computer science. The Intellectual Property Committee An Intellectual Property Committee will soon be established as an AAPC committee. With the vice-chancellor as its chairman, its other memebrs will include up to three teachers (from different academic areas) appointed by the vice-chancellor, the chairman of the Patent Committee, the bursar, the director of personnel, and the University secretary (who will also be the committee secretary). The terms of reference of the committee are: • To recommend to AAPC and to review from time to time policies and guidelines regarding intellectual property. • To ensure proper dissemination of University policy on intellectual property to members of the University. • To supervise the administration (including financial administration) of all matters relating to intellectual property rights in accordance with established policies and guidelines. The Patent Committee A Patent Committee will soon be established as a sub-committee of the Intellectual Property Committee. Its chairman will be appointed by the vice-chancellor, and its members will include the deans of medicine, science, and engineering (or a representative of each), the chairman of the Research Committee (or his representative), and up to three teachers (from different academic areas) appointed by the vice-chancellor. The secretary of the committee will be the research administration officer. The Patent Committee has the following terms of reference: • Through the Intellectual Property Committee to recommend to AAPC and to review from time to time guidelines in the handling of existing and potential inventions and technology transfer by staff members of the University. • To ensure proper dissemination of University policy on patents to members of the University. • To help and advise staff on patents and to assist (where applicable, on a fee-charging basis) in the filing thereof and in related matters. • To supervise the administration (including financial administration) of all matters related to patents in accordance with the established guidelines. • To submit a report to the Intellectual Property Committee upon termination of activities with regard to each invention or discovery brought to its attention and such other reports as it deems necessary to the Intellectual Property Committee from time to time. New Departure Time for Homeward-bound Staff Buses The Administrative Affairs Committee has resolved that with effect from 1st August 1995, the departure time of all homeward-bound staff buses will be postponed to 5.15p.m. on weekdays and 12.55p.m. on Saturdays. The revised bus schedule is to enable staff passengers to observe office hours without difficulty in future. Regular office hours of the University are: Monday to Friday 8.50a.m. to 5.00p.m. Saturday 8.50a.m. to 12.40p.m. New Traffic Control Measures on Campus The Administrative Affairs Committee recently endorsed a recommendation of the Committee on Security to effect fee charging for commercial vehicles seeking accesss to the campus for convenience only and not on University-related business. From 1st July, vans and goods vehicles will be charged $50 per vehicle per entry, and buses $100 per bus per entry. Parking labels issued to non-CU members (such as contractors and suppliers including canteen staff) will be charged $100 per annum per car to cover the administrative cost. Private cars and passenger vans will continue to enjoy free access upon submitting signed pro-formas at the gate; delivery vehicles and buses carrying passengers on official business will also be allowed free entry, subject to either prior notification from departments/ people concerned, or upon verification of purpose. All University staff and students, with or without parking labels, will not be affected by the new fee charging arrangements. Shuttle Light Bus to make Hourly Stops at Health Centre From 1st August 1995, the shuttle light bus (SLB) service which runs regularly between KCRC University Station and Residences 10/11 will make stops at the University Health Centre at Clinic Road four to six times a day, on working days only, for the convenience of staff and students who wish to visit the Health Centre. It is being introduced on a limited-service basis in order to minimize not only the impact on the existing campus bus system, but also the inconvenience to other users of the system. The regular route for the SLB departing the University Station will be: University Train Station → Residence 1 → University Health Centre (4 to 6 times a day) → Benjamin Franklin Centre Carpark → Leung Kau Kui Building → Residences 3 and 4 → UC Staff Quarters → Residences 12 and 13 → Residences 10 and 11 From 1st August, the SLB will stop at the Health Centre at the following times: 9.00a.m. • 12.00 noon 10.00a.m. • 3.00p.m.* 11.00a.m. • 4.00p.m.* (*Not on Saturday) Passengers taking the SLB should purchase bus coupons ($3 each) in advance. These coupons are available at the Transport Unit. The new arrangement will be for a trial period of three months. For enquiries, please call the Transport Unit (Ext. 7990). Sale of Used Scooter A 150 c.c.-scooter 'Nice' is now for sale. The scooter was used by COSS and was first registered in June 1988. The last odometer reading was 14,842km. Licence registration expired on 31st May 1995. Interested parties please submit bids to the Tender Board, Business Section, on or before 30th June 1995. For further information, please contact the Transport Unit (Ext.7990). 文 物 館 展 出 徐 氏 藏 品 文 物 館 與 徐 氏 藝 術 基 金 合 辦 展 覽 , 將 於 七 月 八 日 至 九 月 十 日 在 文 物 館 西 翼 展 覽 舉 行 「 文 物 粹 珍— — 徐 氏 藝 術 基 金 藏 陶 瓷 靑 銅 器 選 」 , 展 出 由 新 石 器 時 代至 淸 代 之 中 國 陶 瓷 一 百 多 件 , 另 輔 以 商 代 至 戰 國 時 代靑 銅 器 數 十 件 。 全 部 展 品 屬 徐 氏 藝 術 基 金 藏 品 , 該 藏品 由 本 港 著 名 企 業 家 及 中 國 藝 術 鑑 藏 家 徐 展 堂 博 士 建 立 , 豐 富 精 美 , 聞 名 遐 邇 。 開 幕 典 禮 於 七 月 七 日 下 午 四 時 卅 分 舉 行 , 由 徐博 士 主 持 。 中大通訊 第七十二期 一九九五年六月十九日 4