Newsletter No. 85

CUHK Newsletter No. 85 19th March 1996 3 中大出版社 CUHK Press 《數量方法的管理應用》 不少管理人員需要應用統計學知識 及數量方法來解決商業運作的問題,例 如利息及本金的計算;缺乏這方面的知 識不但會降低工作效率,更有可能導致 錯誤決定。此書由隸屬職業訓練局的香 港管理專業發展中心編撰,以精簡淺易 的方法,介紹統計學的基本知識。全書 共分十五章,涵蓋九方面,包括描述性 統計資料、槪率原理、槪率分布、抽樣 法、統計推斷、統計決定分析及估計、 商業指數、商業數學,以及線性規劃。 編者精簡地解釋常用統計學名詞及重要 理論,並輔以大量實例說明。每章末均 附練習,供讀者測驗自學進度。 國際統一書號 962-201-7185 ,三百六十 頁,平裝本,一百五十港元。 大學教職員在富爾敦樓大學書店購買上 述書籍,可獲八折優待。 Three Chinese Economics: Ch i na, Ho ng Kong, Ta i wan — Challenges and Opportunities Edited by Linda Fung-Yee Ng and Tuen Chyau, the book is a collection of 11 articles by well-known economists and scholars on the subject of the economies of mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. A ll three places have achieved remarkable economic development and growth during the past four decades. If the trend continues under the most ideal circumstances, the emergence of the Southeast China Growth Triangle would not be too far away. The integration of economic capacities will place the three Chinese economies among the major economic powers of the world. The opportunities and challenges faced by the three Chinese economies have become significant issues in current economic and business studies, and are dealt with in this publication. ISBN 962-201-667-7, 228 pages, paperback, HK$160, sold at a 20 per cent discount to staff members at the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre. 香港亞太研究所 HKIAPS 《後過渡期香港青少年公民意識:全 港與沙田的比較》 該硏究論文由香港亞太硏究所硏究 統籌員王家英博士及硏究助理沈國祥先 生執筆。他們利用電話調查,訪問香港 和沙田區年齡十五至二十四歲的靑少 年,探討後過渡期間,香港靑少年公民 意識的狀況,並比較全港和沙田區靑少 年的差異。該硏究將公民意識細分爲公 民認知、公民態度和公民參與。結果發 現:(一)香港靑少年的公民認知普遍 偏低,但仍十分肯定現代社會大力提倡 的自由、民主、人權等價値;他們對公 民責任的理解,開始超越狹窄的政治範 疇,走向整體社會的關懷。(二)他們 的公民態度傾向消極負面:對政治人物 不信任,認爲政治十分複雜,對當前的 政治現實感到無能爲力,懷疑公務員的 能力,對九七回歸沒有太大信心。(三) 在公民參與方面,他們表現矛盾,一方 面關注時事,一方面對社會及政治參與 裹足不前。(四)較多靑少年看淡九七 後的香港狀況,而且逾四成被訪者表 示,若能力許可,會考慮移民。(五)被 訪者之中,對九七回歸持悲觀態度或會 考慮移民的,顯現較低的公民認知、較 負面的公民態度和較低的公民參與。 (六)比較沙田區與全港的靑少年,他們 對九七問題的態度和公民意識的狀況相 若,只在個別指標有細微的差異。 國際統一書號 962-441-048-8 ,五十二 頁,平裝本,三十港元。 有意購買上述書籍者,可致電二六零九 八七七零香港亞太研究所查詢。 Ho ng Kong Journalists in Transition Compiled by Dr. Joseph Man Chan, Dr. Paul S. N. Lee, and Prof. Lee Chin-chuan, this research monograph is the only comprehensive and representative academic survey of Hong Kong journalists to date. It aims to present their profiles, values, work settings, aspirations and frustrations. The project is part of a larger and continuing attempt to make sense of the significance of media politics in Hong Kong from the perspective of political communication in theoretical and comparative contexts. It finds that Hong Kong journalists hold a strong commitment to Western norms of professionalism, but they also seem to be attached to ideological partisanship. ISBN 962-441-525-0, 145 + xii pages, paperback, HK$50 Those interested please call HKIAPS at 2 6 0 9 8 7 7 0 , 譯 叢 Renditions Mo d e r n Times: A Brief H i s t o ry of En l i gh t enment Translated by Douglas Lancashire, Modern Times is originally a novel by Li Boyuan (1867-1906) set in the second half of the 19th century, a time which saw the emergence of a new consciousness in Chinese society. Questions concerning China's position in the world and her relationship with Western powers were the subject of nationwide discussion. Underlying every aspect of the debate was the collective realization that change would be crucial to China's future. This debate was the inspiration behind the novel whose diversity of characters, many of which were based on notable figures of the day, articulates the dilemmas facing both the official classes and the man on the street. Completed in 1905, Modern Times is representative of the many political novels written in the decade before the fall of the Qing dynasty which exposed China's ills and lobbied for change. The struggle that the novel outlines between reformers and conservatives, between modernization and bureaucratism, has telling parallels with today's China. ISBN962-7255-16-5, HK$290, sold at a 20 per cent discount to staff members at the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre. Renditions is also pleased to announce its new website: http:// Al l We l come t o Boat Club AGM The University Staff Boat Club was founded in 1986 to make use of the proximity of the University campus to the sea to provide leisure activities for staffmembers. In Hong Kong, the water sports season lasts all year. The club's main sporting activities are sailing and wind-surfing. At present the club has about 70 members. Membership benefits include the provision of hardstanding spaces for members' boats at $20 per month, and storage of surfboards and windsurfers at $10 per month. The following equipment and facilities are also available to members: • two otters (for two to three persons) • two laser dinghies (for single-handed sailing) • two sculling boats • one wind-surfing set • one motor inflatable (for four persons, license not required) • one motor boat (for five persons, license required) •life jackets • a small library Rescue services are provided by the Water Sports Centre should the need arise. The club also organizes sailing courses, cruises and weekend outings. Its premises are an ideal site for barbecues for members and their guests. A ll University staff members are eligible for ordinary membership or, for those on short term contract, temporary membership. University alumni may join as associate members. Current membership dues are an entry fee of $1,000 for Terms A (or equivalent) staff, and $500 for Terms B and C staff, in addition to a monthly fee of $70. Temporary and associate members are exempt from the entry fee but have to pay a monthly fee of $140. An annual general meeting will be held on 23rd March at the Staff Boat Club. It will be followed by a barbecue and fun sailing. All club members and those who are interested in the club are welcome to attend.