Newsletter No. 85

CUHK Newsletter 4 No. 85 19th March 1996 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 教師新職稱 N ew Ac adem ic Titles Scheme 教師新職稱計劃實施後,第一階段的評審 工作亦已經完成,超過六百名教師已採用新的 職稱。 行政與計劃委員會決定由一九九六年一月 一日起,校內公文及刊物會採用新職稱稱呼該 等教師。凡已採用「教授」、「副教授」或「助理教授」 新職稱的教師,均可稱爲「某某教授」。 爲求明晰,有關教師在其名片、名牌或履歷表等 文件上,以「教授」自稱時,宜同時註明其職稱,即 如 : 陳 彼 得 或 陳 彼 得 教 授 某某系教授/副教授/助理教授 或 陳彼得 或 陳彼得教 授 教授/副教授/助理教授 某某系 查詢請致電人事處(內線七二八五)。 Over 600 teachers have opted for new academic titles following the implementation of the new academic titles scheme. The AAPC has decided that with effect from 1st January 1996, the new titles will be formally adopted in all official publications and internal communication. Teachers who have assumed the titles ofProfessor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor under the scheme will henceforth be addressed as Professor. For the sake of clarity, they are advised to include their official academic titles in documents such as name cards, name plates, and resumes. The following may be used as a reference: Peter Chan or Professor Peter Chan Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor in the Department of X or Peter Chan or Professor Peter Chan Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor Department of X Enquiries on the subject can be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7285). 偉倫講座 We i Lun Lecture 美國聖巴巴拉加州大學歷史及中世紀學講座教授 Prof. C. Warren Homster 應邀以偉倫訪問教授身分到訪 本校,並於三月廿八日上午十時半假行政樓祖堯會議 廳主持公開講座,講題爲「中古的衰落與覆亡——歐 洲歷史分期新探」。歡迎出席。 Prof. C. Warren Hollister, Professor of History and Medieval Studies from the University of California at Santa Barbara, will give a lecture at the University in his capacity as Wei Lun Visiting Professor. Entitled The Decline and Fall of the Middle Ages: Reperiodizing European History', the lecture will take place at 10.30 a.m. on 28th March at the Cho Yiu Conference Hall in the University Administration Building. All are welcome. Two - day Con f e r en ce on An c i ent and Med i e v al H i s t o ry An academic conference on 'Politics and Religions in Ancient and Medieval Europe and Asia, will be held on 26th and 27th March. The function is jointly organized by the Department of History and New Asia College. Nine scholars from mainland China, four from Taiwan, and five from the University will present papers. Distinguished historian and renowned medievalist from the University of California at Santa Barbara, Prof. C. Warren Hollister, will give a keynote speech on 'Anglo-Norman Political Culture and the Twelfth-Century Renaissance' at 10.30 a.m. on the first day of the conference. The function will be held in the conference room of New Asia College on 26th March and the Cho Yiu Conference Hall on 27th March. For enquiries please call the Department of History at Ext. 7117. 翻譯學術會議曁書籍展覽會 Con f e r ence and Book Fair t o Pr omo te Studies in Translating into Chinese 翻譯系將於四月一至三日假祖堯會議廳舉行翻譯 學術會議,主題爲「外文中譯硏究與探討」。與會者逾 四十名,均爲來自中、港、台、美的知名翻譯家及學 者,部分將在會上發表論文。 大會亦爲中、港、台主要出版人提供交流的機 會,特設「翻譯出版專題座談會」。會議由翻譯系系主 任金聖華教授主持,開幕儀式由副校長金耀基教授主 禮。 此外,翻譯系將於會議期間假邵逸夫堂舉辦「翻 譯書籍展覽會」,共二十餘家中、港、台出版社參 展,促進文化交流之餘,亦交換出版訊息。書展開幕 儀式由法定語文專員蔡瑩璧女士主禮。 參加會議及座談會的註冊費用爲港幣三百元(包 括會議論文全套及三天午膳),報名表格可向翻譯系 索取。査詢請致電該系(二六零九七六九四)。 To enhance bilingualism in Hong Kong and to develop Chinese translating studies, the Department of Translation, with the assistance of New Asia College, will hold an academic conference on translation at the Cho Yiu Conference Hall from 1st to 3rd April. The theme of the conference will be 'Studies in Translating into Chinese'. Thirty eminent scholars of the field from mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong have accepted invitations to present papers at the conference. Prof. Ambrose King, pro-vice-chancellor of the University, will officiate at the opening ceremony. Concurrent with the conference, a book fair of translation and bilingual publications from mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong will be held. The fair will officially open at 3 p.m. on 31st March at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. The events are sponsored by the Translation Society of Hong Kong, Commercial Press (HK), Longman Asia, Oxford University Press (China), and Reader's Digest (Far East). Those interested in attending the conference should register with the Department of Translation. A fee of HK$300 is levied which includes one set of conference papers and lunches for the three days. Application forms are obtainable from the department. For more information, please contact the Translation Department at Ext. 7694 or fax. 26035173. 中文大學出版社書籍大減價 CU Press Annual Sale 中文大學出版社將於三月十八至二十三日在富爾 敦樓大學書店特價發售該社書籍,最低減至二折。 The Chinese University Press will hold its annual book sale from 18th to 23rd March in the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre. Discounts up to 80 per cent will be available. For more information, please contact Angelina Wong at Ext. 6500. 劉欽棟水墨畫展 I nk Painting Wo r k s by L i ew Come Tong 逸夫書院大講堂將於三月三十日至四月二十 日舉辦劉欽棟水墨畫展,展出時間爲每日上午十時至 下午六時(四月四至八日暫停展出)。歡迎參觀。 Ink painting works by artist Liew Come Tong will be exhibited in the Shaw College Lecture Theatre from 10 a.m. to 6. p.m. daily from 30th March to 20th April 1996. (The exhibition will be closed from 4th to 8th April.) All are welcome. 舉報性騷擾 Sexual Harassment Mediation/Complaints 校內有關性騷擾之投訴及舉報,可向新近成立之 性騷擾投訴小組提出,其成員名單已刊於《中大通 訊》第八十三期英文專頁第三頁。另一舉報途徑爲直 接聯絡校長室黃燕雲女士(內線七二七四)。 The membership list of the newly established Sexual Harassment Panel was published in the 83rd issue of the CUHK Newsletter (p.3) on 4th February 1996. Colleagues may wish to be aware that complaints in respect of sexual harassment can also be lodged directly with the Vice-Chancellor's Office. The contact person is Miss Margaret Wong (Ext. 7274). 麗豪及帝都酒店折扣優恵 Special D i scoun ts at Regal Riverside and Royal Park, Sha Tin 同人惠顧沙田麗豪及帝都酒店之餐廳,只須出示 中大職員證,即可享用下列優惠: •麗豪酒店:凡周一至周五(公眾假期及宴會除外) 惠顧酒店內之餐廳(只限一桌,不超過十二人), 可獲九折優待。優惠期至九六年底。 •帝都酒店︰ 凡周一至周五(公眾假期、須預購餐 券的場合,和超過兩席之宴會除外)於酒店屬下 餐廳午膳和晚膳,可獲八五折優待。優惠期至九 六年七月十五日止。 All staff of the University will be entitled to the following discounts from the two hotels on the production of their staff ID cards: • Regal Riverside: Discount of 10 per cent for patronizing its restaurants (Botania, Regal Seafood, Asian Delights, Boulevard Cafe and Oasis) during weekdays (excluding public holidays) throughout 1996. The discount is only valid for bills that cover a maximum of one table of 12 persons. Banquets are not included. • Royal Park: Discount of 15 per cent on all food and beverages for lunch and dinner in restaurants directly run by the hotel, on all weekdays (excluding public holidays, special activities requiring ticket sales, and banquets of more than two tables) until 15th July 1996. C r ou c her Gr ant of $ 4 8 2 , 0 00 f o r Comp u t er Project A project entitled 'Binary Fuzzy Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Properties and Solutions' proposed by Prof. Leung Ho-fung, assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, recently obtained a research grant of HK$482,000 from the Croucher Foundation.