Newsletter No. 86

宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointment 大學委任梁兆仁教授爲 病理解剖及細胞學講座教 授,由一九九六年三月十一 日起生效。 梁兆仁教授生於新加 坡,在馬來亞大學習醫,一 九六九年獲授內外全科醫學 士學位,一九八三年取得澳 洲阿德萊德大學醫學博士學 位。 梁教授本科畢業後,於 馬來西亞大學醫院實習,嗣 後數年在美國和馬來西亞多所著名學府和醫院任職。一 九七六年移居澳洲,轉職伊利莎白女皇醫院,七九年晉 升爲高級病理學家,八二年爲顧問病理學家,其後出長 澳洲醫學及獸醫學硏究所,八四年出任阿德萊德大學臨 牀教授,加入中大服務前爲該校臨牀病理學講座教授。 梁教授爲英國皇家病理科醫學院等多個專科學院榮 授院士。 Prof. Anthony Leong Siew Yin has been appointed as professor of anatomical and clinical pathology from 11th March 1996. Born in Singapore, Prof. Leong received his medical education at the University of Malaya and obtained his MB BS degrees in 1969. After a two-year stint as visiting fellow at the University of Washington and Case Western Reserve University, he returned to the University of Malaya to take up the posts of lecturer and clinical specialist at the university hospital. He then left for Australia and obtained his MD degree in 1983 from the University of Adelaide. Before joining The Chinese University, Prof. Leong worked in Australia for 20 years. Institutions at which he has taught or practised include the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, the South Australian Institute of Technology, The University of Queensland, the Royal Adelaide Hospital, and the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science. His most recent post in Australia was clinical professor of pathology at the University of Adelaide, a post he held for eight years. Prof. Leong is married, with two children. Staff Development Grants The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) invites applications from staff members of the University for the following fellowships: 1. ACU Development Fellowships 1996-97 (General fellowships, titular fellowships and travel fellowship sponsored by the Worshipful Company of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales) 2. Academic Exchange Fellowships 1996 3. Times Higher Education Supplement Exchange Fellowship 1996 4. The T.H.B. Symons Fellowship in Commonwealth Studies Details about these programmes have already been sent to the faculty offices. Further enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7286). The internal deadline for application is 1st May 1996. 國際現象學會議 Conferences on Phenomenology 哲學系將於四月十至十三日假祖堯會議廳主辦國際 現象學會議。與會專家學者二十餘人,來自德國、比利 時、美國、日本、中國、台灣和香港,將以「文化交互 性與生活世界」爲主題,發表論文。是次會議由德國現 象學會及中國現象學會協辦,是第一個在東南亞舉行的 大規模國際現象學會議。 此外,哲學系特於四月九日與崇基學院合辦中國現 象學硏討會,讓兩岸三地學者切磋砥礪「現象學與現代 世界」的關係。硏討會將假崇基學院行政樓啓眞道室舉 行。 歡迎出席上列學術會議,費用全免。索取會議程序 表或查詢資料,請與哲學系聯絡(內線七一三六或七一 三五;圖文傳眞二六零三五三二三)。 An international conference on phenomenology entitled 'Interculturality and Life-World' will be held in the Cho- Yiu Conference Hall on campus from 10th to 13th April. Organized by the University's Department of Philosophy and co-sponsored by the German Society for Phenomenological Research and the Chinese Society of Phenomenology, the conference is the first of its kind in the Asia Pacific region, and will be attended by prominent and world famous scholars and specialists from Germany, Belgium, USA, mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, and Hong Kong. Preceding this function is another conference on phenomenology co-organized by the Department of Philosophy and Chung Chi College. With 'Phenomenology and the Modem World' as its theme, the conference will be held on 9th April in Kilborn Room of Chung Chi College's Administration Building. Chinese-speaking academics from mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong will participate in the conference. All are welcome to attend. For details please contact the Department of Philosophy (Ext.7135/7136; Fax. 26035323). 大學游泳池重開 University Swimming Pool Reopens 大學游泳池將於四月十八日(星期四)重新開放。開 放時間爲上午十時三十分至下午一時四十分,及下午二 時三十分至六時十五分,假日照常。本年度入場收費如 下: 學生 五元五角 教職員及其家屬 十一元 教職員十八歲以下的家屬 五元五角 已繳納二百二十元年費的校友 十一元 攜同親友 三十元 補證費(每張) 十七元五角 周一至周五(假日除外)每天下午一時四十分前爲優 惠時間,教職員、學生,以及他們的配偶、子女的入場 費,一律每位五元五角。 申請或換領游泳證可到游泳池辦事處(范克廉樓一 零八室)辦理。申請人須帶備有關職員證及直系家屬之 半身近照乙張;十八歲以下之申請者,須一倂帶備其出 生證明文件影印本,以便核對。 The University Swimming Pool will reopen on Thursday, 18th April. Opening hours are from 10.30 a.m. to 1.40 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 6.15 p.m. Monday through Sunday (including public holidays). Admission charges are as follows: HK$ Students 5.50 Staff and immediate family members 11.00 Staff immediate family members aged under 18 5.50 Alumni (after payment of $220 annual subscription) 11.00 Accompanied guests 30.00 Re-issuing of membership card 17.50 (for staff family members and alumni) A flat rate of 5.50 per head will be levied for all staff, students, and their dependents (spouse and children) on weekdays (Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays) before 1.40 p.m. Dependents of staff and students may now apply for new admission cards or renewal of the cards at the Office of Student Affairs, Room 108, Benjamin Franklin Centre. One photo is required for each card and the applicant has to bring along the relevant staff or student ID card. Those under 18 will be asked to produce copies of birth certificates for authentication purposes. 崇基學院上網 Chung Chi on the Net 崇基學院網頁已存放於中大萬維網,網上資料有學 院簡介;校董會、行政人員和各委員會名單;特設之課 程及學系、校牧室、學生輔導處、圖書館、微型計算機 室、綜合基本教育中心、獎學金、交換計劃,以及學生 會等簡介。 崇基學院網址是。 崇 基院務室歡迎各方意見,俾改進網上資料。提供建議請 致電二六零九六四四一或電子郵遞至。 Information on Chung Chi College has been available on the University World Wide Web Server since 15th March 1996. Computer users can reach the college home page at Comments can be directed to the college office at Ext. 6441 (e-mail . 鄭子瑜教授自選集 獲中國圖書榮譽獎 中國文化硏究所客座高級硏究員鄭子瑜教授的《學術 論著自選集》,最近獲得第二屆中國國家圖書獎之最高獎 譽——榮譽獎。鄭教授是首位大陸以外之學者獲此殊榮。 鄭教授爲新加坡著名學者,祖籍福建,六十年代曾 任日本早稻田大學教授。八四年加入中大服務至今,期間 兼任北京大學、廈門大學、復旦大學等校的客座或顧問教 授。鄭教授硏究中國修辭學造詣甚深,有關著作曾在日 本、中國大陸及台灣出版。 中國國家圖書獎由中國新聞出版署主辦。本屆獲獎 著作由全國三百四十一家出版社推薦的六百五十四種圖書 中評選出來,獲榮譽獎者共七種。 社會科學院與中學教師聚會 社會科學院於三月十六日假祖堯會議廳接待五十 五位中學輔導主任及教師,向他們介紹該院各學系的 特色和課程內容。 中大通訊 第八十六期 一九九六年四月四日 4