Newsletter No. 97

CUHK Newsletter 2 No. 97 19th November 1996 Wei Lun V i s i t i ng Professor Speaks on Wel fare States P rof. Ala n C . Walker , professo r o f social polic y a t th e Universit y o f Sheffield, UK , gav e a lectur e a t th e University on 30th October in his capacity as Wei Lu n Visitin g Professor . Entitle d 'Welfare States in Transition: A Politica l Economy o f Socia l Polic y i n Wester n Europe', th e lectur e outline d th e natur e of social policy i n Europe, examined the changes i n th e pace , causes , an d implications of western European welfare systems, and considered the relevance o f such change s t o Hon g Kon g an d othe r East Asian countries . Prof. Walker is a renowned expert in European socia l polic y an d socia l gerontology. H e chair s th e Europea n Observatory on Ageing and Older People and advise s th e Europea n Communit y Commission o n socia l policy . Prof . Walker i s als o th e presiden t o f th e International Sociologica l Association' s Research Committe e o n Ageing , non- executive directo r an d vice-chair o f the Community Healt h Sheffield NHS Trust, and holds a long list of professional and consultancy positions . Prof. Walker's research interests span wide in the fields of social analysis, social policy, and social planning. More recently he concentrate s o n intergenerationa l relations, th e sociolog y o f welfar e an d impact study of policies on older people, and comparative analysis of social policy in the Russian Federation an d on Chin a as an eastern form of welfare state. A distinguished scholar, Prof. Walker has published more than 12 books as well as numerous boo k chapter s an d journal articles. H e ha s hel d visitin g professorships a t man y universitie s th e world over. Collaboration wi th University of Alberta Further Strengthened T he University recently concluded a collaborative agreemen t wit h the University o f Alberta 一 on e o f Canada's leadin g researc h universities — whic h promise s a wide-range o f cooperative activitie s between the two institutions over the next fiv e years . Representin g th e University, Prof . Arthu r K . C . L i signed th e agreemen t w i t h Dr . Roderick D . Fraser , presiden t an d vice-chancellor o f the University o f Alberta, on 29th October. The agreemen t provide s th e framework fo r facult y an d staf f exchange, student exchange, joint research and publication activities, and participation in seminars, academic meetings and conferences. The two universities will also explore ways to exchange academic materials and help each other with short-term programmes. The last exchange agreement with the University o f Alberta was signed between the medical faculties of the two institutions i n February 1996 . Chung Chi Celebrates 45th Birthday C elebrations fo r th e 45t h Founders ' Day o f Chun g Ch i Colleg e bega n with a thanksgiving service in the college chapel on 25th October. Prof. S. W. Tam, director of the Open Learning Institute of Hong Kong , addresse d th e assembl y while Mr . Georg e Hung , chai r o f th e Board of Trustees, and Prof. Rance P. L. Lee, head of the college, presented awards and scholarship s t o students . Representatives of the Chung Chi College Alumni Associatio n als o presented gift s to the college on the occasion. The afternoo n feature d a studen t festival organize d b y th e Chun g Ch i Student Union . Activitie s include d a bazaar, a round-the-campus race, quizzes and inter-departmental singin g contests. In the evening, in what was a record-high attendance, over 2,500 alumni, staff and students o f the colleg e participate d i n a Feast for Thousands . The Alumn i Associatio n o f Chun g Chi College organized an alumni banquet at Hotel Furama Kempinski the following evening on 26th October. 45th Founders' Day Thanksgiving Service Prof. Rance P. L Lee gives the opening speech at the Vision of Hong Kong' conference, one of the 45th anniversary academic activities. New Medical Exchange Agreements • Th e Facult y o f Medicin e recentl y signed an exchange agreement with the Sun Yat-se n Universit y o f Medica l Sciences t o enhanc e researc h collaboration and academic exchange . Under th e agreement , th e latte r wil l recommend 1 0 teachin g staf f an d graduate student s to visi t CUHK eac h year. The two institutions will also join hands i n organizing the 9th Wilson T . S. Wan g Internationa l Surgica l Symposium t o be held in Hon g Kon g and Canton in December 1997 . Joint researc h project s currentl y under wa y includ e studie s o n th e morphological an d genetic changes i n the precancerou s lesion s o f nasopharyngeal carcinoma , variation s in the central nervous system during the ageing process , an d comparativ e studies o f th e growt h an d healt h o f young childre n i n Hon g Kon g an d South China. • Th e Departmen t o f Communit y an d Family Medicin e signe d a two-yea r exchange agreement with the School of Public Healt h o f Beijin g Medica l University ( BMU ) o n 14t h Augus t 1996. Representing the two parties were Prof. S. H. Lee, chair of the Department of Communit y an d Famil y Medicin e and Prof. Li Li-ming , dea n of BMU' s School of Public Health . Scholars an d student s fro m bot h institutions wil l no w hav e the chanc e to visi t on e another . The y w i l l als o collaborate o n 'Smokin g an d Health', a comparison study to be conducted i n both Hong Kong and mainland China. Students fro m th e Departmen t o f Community an d Family Medicine wil l be able to stud y an d practise a t BM U for thre e t o fou r weeks , a t the en d o f which the y have to submi t a thesis on public healt h i n th e PRC . Expert s i n public health will also be sent by BM U to assist the department in establishing Hong Kong's first Public Health School for th e trainin g o f loca l specialist s i n public healt h an d medica l administration. CUMBA Alumni Day T he firs t CUMB A Alumni Da y wa s held on 3r d Novembe r 1996 a t the Chung Ch i Stadium. Ove r 30 0 alumni, thei r friend s and family met for a day of fu n an d game s t o celebrate th e 30t h anniversary o f th e University's MB A Programmes. Othe r celebration activitie s include th e L i & Fun g Lecture, a n executiv e forum o n MB A education, an d a n anniversary banquet .