Newsletter No. 111

宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 教學人員審議事宜及教職員進修資助申謂 A n n u a l A c a d e m ic Staff Re v i ew a n d Staff D e v e l o p m e nt G r a n ts Applications 校方將審議一九九八至九九年度敎學人員 之擢升、敎師職稱、退休/延任事宜,以及敎職 員進修資助之申請。 本年度接受提名或申請之截止日期如下: •敎師與導師之擢升事宜:一九九七年九月 三十日 •敎師職稱評審事宜:一九九七年九月三十日 •敎師與導師之退休/延任事宜:一九九七年十月 十一日 •敎職員與導師申請進修資助事宜:一九九七年十 月十一日(資助計劃項目詳見下期《中大通訊》) 敎師與導師之有關提名或申請,須於截止日期前 送交敎師審議委員會秘書阮健驄先生(大學行政樓南座 三樓人事處)。查詢請電內線七二八五或七二八零。 至於(甲)、(乙)及(丙)類服務條款職員之有關審 議事宜,容後通告。 Applications/nominations are invited from (a) full-time teaching staff at instructor grade or above in respect of retirement/extension of service, promotion and academic title review, which will soon be considered in the staff review exercise for the academic year 1998-99; and (b) full-time teaching staff at instructor grade or above, and non-teaching staff on Terms of Service (A) or equivalent contracts regarding staff development grants. Deadlines for submission are: • 30th September 1997 — for promotion in respect of full-time teaching staff at instructor grade or above. • 30th September 1997 一 for review of academic titles for serving teachers. • 11th October 1997 — for retirement/extension of service in respect of full-time teaching staff at instructor grade or above. • 11 th October 1997— for staff development grants in respect of full-time teaching staff, and non-teaching staff on Terms of Service (A) or equivalent contracts. (Details of the Staff Development Grants/ Programmes will be announced in the next issue of the CUHK Newsletter.) Academic staff review applications/nominations should be sent to Mr. K.C. Yuen, Secretary, Academic StaffReview Committee, do Personnel Office, 2nd Floor, South Wing, University Administration Building. Please direct all enquiries to Ext. 7285/7280. The schedule for staff review matters of non-teaching staff on Terms of Service (A), (B) or (C) will be announced in due course. 人事處新網頁 Pe r sonne l O f f i c e 's N e w H ome p a ge 全新設計之人事處網頁已於八月中旬面世,提供最 新的人事資訊。網址爲 h t t p : / / www . c u h k . e d u . h k/ personnel , 內容包括員工福利、假期事宜、敎職員培訓 及進修、人事處職員之通訊電話,以及敎師職稱計劃等 項目。全職員工可隨時在網頁查閱上列資料;校外人士 從網頁可得知本校之職位空缺,更可直接印取所需之職 位申請表格。人事處歡迎同人透過網頁,以電子郵遞提 問或表達意見。 人事處新網頁能在短時間內完成及推出,實有賴負 責設計及發展此網頁之中大應屆畢業生張桂榮先生,及 提供技術支援之資訊科技服務處同事郭偉本先生。 漫遊人事處網頁,給你帶來驚喜!(注意:如使用 Netscape ,應用 3.0 或以上之版本) The Personnel Office has recently introduced a new homepage (website on the Internet. Full-time staff members can now access, through the homepage, such information as benefits and allowances, leave matters, staff training and development, personnel announcements, contact persons in the Personnel Office, and academic titles. The general public is kept informed of the University's job vacancies through the homepage, which are updated weekly. This facilitates job search and enables the University to reach more potential applicants. Staff members are also welcome to e-mail questions and comments to the Personnel Office direct while browsing its web page. Credit goes to CUHK alumnus Mr. Chang Kwai-wing, the engineer and designer of the homepage, and Mr. Morris Kwok of the Information Technology Service Unit, for making these conveniences possible. Do visit the Personnel Office's homepage; you may be pleasantly surprised. (For Netscape users, please use version 3.0 or above) 校園急救服務 First-Aid Services on Campus 大學保健處爲求更廣泛地和更有效地提供校園急救 月艮務,於九月一日開始實施下列安排: (一)於校內主要建築物,包括學生宿舍、敎職員宿 舍、實驗室、師生康樂中心、敎硏及行政大樓 等,設置更多急救箱,方便使用。急救箱用品由 保健處負責添補,急救箱存放的位置可向各學系/ 單位辦公室查詢。 (二)經常舉辦訓練課程,爲校內保安員、實驗室職 工、舍監、宿舍導師,以及由各學系/單位主管推 薦的職員提供基本急救知識和技巧,俾能在意外 發生時替傷者進行急救。 (三)依照大學已實施多年的安排,在校人士如遇到意 外嚴重受傷,或需要緊急醫療護理,宜速往威爾 斯親王醫院的急症室求助。大學保健中心的開放 時間:星期一至五上午九時至下午五時;星期六 上午九時至下午十二時三十分。星期日及公眾假 期休息。保健中心在上述開放時間以外並無醫生 或護士當値° (四)在大學保健中心正門新設電話分機一部,同人在 保健中心開放時間以外遇上緊急事故,致電保 安組求助。 所有查詢請電大學保健處(內線六四二二)。 From the University Health Service The University Health Service (UHS) is developing a comprehensive and campus-wide first-aid network. With a view to enhancing first-aid services for the campus community, the following arrangements have been introduced from 1st September 1997: 1. First-aid kits are installed in major University buildings—student hostels, staffquarters, laboratories, amenities centres, and academic/research/ administrative complexes —to provide easy access to materials for immediate first-aid treatment. These kits can be replenished by the UHS. Details of their exact locations are obtainable from the general office of departments/units. 2. Regular courses are organized by the UHS to provide first-aid training for security guards, laboratory staff, wardens, resident tutors, and staff members nominated by their department/unit heads, so that they can offer on-the-spot assistance to clients in need in case of emergency. 3. Campus residents are reminded of the established University policy that after office hours, they should go direct to the accident and emergency unit of the Prince of Wales Hospital in case of emergency and serious injuries. The service hours of the University Clinic are from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 9.00 to 12.30 p.m. on Saturday. The clinic is closed on Sunday and public holidays. No physician or nurse will be on duty outside the clinic's announced service hours. 4. A telephone extension has been newly installed at the entrance to the UHS for emergency use to seek assistance from the Security Unit after the clinic is closed. Please direct all enquiries to the UHS at Ext. 6422. 大學游泳池消息 University Swimming Pool News • 大學游泳池於九月八日至十一月三十日之開放時間 如下: From 8th September to 30th November 1997, the opening hours of the University Swimming Pool are as follows: 第一節 First session: 10.30 a.m.-1.40 p.m. 第二節 Second session: 2.30 p.m.- 6.15 p.m. • 泳池於星期日及公眾假期照常開放。九月十六日中 秋節則提前於下午五時關閉;九月廿三至廿六日及 十月三日停止開放,供書院和大學舉行水運會。 The pool is open seven days a week including public holidays. It will be closed earlier at 5.00 p.m. on 16th September (Mid-Autumn Festival), and w i ll be reserved for the whole day for University and college swimming galas on 23rd, 24th, 25th and 26th September, and 3rd October. • 大學游泳池淺水區於下列日期下午三時至五時二十 分供敎育學士學位課程專用。 The shallow end of the pool will be reserved for the full-time B.Ed, programme in physical education and sports science from 3.00 to 5.20 p.m. on the following days: 星期一 Monday: 8/9, 15/9 , 22/9 , 29/9, 6/10, 13/10 , 20/10, 27/10, 3/11, 10/11, 17/11,24/11. 星期三 Wednesday: 10/9 , 24/9, 8/10 , 15/10 , 22/10, 29/10, 5/11 , 12/11, 19/11,26/11. •淺水區於下列日期及時間由體育部徵用作上學期游 泳課場地: The shallow end will also be reserved for first-term swimming lessons run by the Physical Education Unit on the following days: 星期一 Monday(10.30a.m.-3.00p.m.) 8/9, 15/9, 22/9,29/9, 6/10,13/10,20/10,27/10,3/11. 星期二 Tuesday (10.30 a.m.-4.10 p.m.) 9/9,16/9,30/9’ 7/10,14/10, 21/10,28/10, 4/11. 星期三 Wednesday (10.30 a.m.-3.00 p.m.) 10/9,8/10,15/10,22/10,29/10,5/11. 星期四 Thursday (10.30 a.m.-4.10 p.m.) 11/9,18/9, 9/10, 16/10, 23/10,30/10,6/11. 星期五 Friday (10.30 a.m.- 11.20 a.m.) 12/9,19/9, 17/10 ,24/10,31/10,7/11. •第一及第二水線則於下列日期及時間專供中大泳隊 及院隊訓練之用: The first and second lanes of the pool will be reserved for swimming practice of the University and college swimming teams on the following days: 星期五 Friday (4.30 p.m.-6.15 p.m.) 19/9,17/10,24/10,31/10. 星期六 Saturday (10.30 a.m.-12.30 p.m.) 13/9, 20/9, 27/9,11/10,18/10,25/10. 中大通訊 第一壹一期 一九九七年九月四日 5