Newsletter No. 124

4 No. 124 4th April 1998 CUHK Newsletter 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 語文基金第六期撥款申請 The Language Fund - Sixth Call for Application 語文基金現接受機構、團體、學校,以及有志人士申 請資助,推行各項有助提高本港中文(包括普通話)及英文 水平的計劃或活動。過去五次撥款的總額達一億五千五百 四十萬元,獲資助項目共一百三十四個,包括研究、製作 教材和學習材料、培訓及學生活動等。 同人索取申請表格,可致電語文教育及研究常務委員 會辦事處(二九二一八三五七或二九二一八三四九),或本校語文改進工作組秘書區梁 美媚女士(內線八九四五)。申請人亦可從網頁 ( 或 ) 下傳申請表。 填妥之申請表格須直接交回語文教育及研究常務委員會辦事處。截止申請日期為 一九九八年四月三十日。 Applications are now invited from all educational/training institutions, registered organizations, and interested individuals for the sixth round of allocations from the government's Language Fund. The main objective of the fund is to raise the standard of Chinese (including Putonghua) and English, and enhance the use of the two languages in Hong Kong. A total of HK$ 155.4 million has been allocated to 134 projects in the last five rounds of allocations. Application forms are obtainable from the Standing Committee on Language Education and Research Support Unit (Tel. 2921 8357/2921 8349), or at the University from Mrs. Ophelia Au (Ext. 8945), secretary of the Working Group on Language Enhancement. The forms may also be downloaded from the following web sites: and Completed application forms should be submitted to the Support Unit by 30th April 1998. 共濟會研究東亞學科基金 The Freemasons' Fund for East Asian Studies 共濟會研究東亞學科基金現接受一九九八年度資助申請。 該基金乃為資助及促進香港專上院校對東亞之學術研究而設。資助形式包括贊助 學術研究、公開講座及出版專書。資助額可為有關活動之全部或部分費用。 申請人須把填妥之申請表及撮要表,於一九九八年五月十一日前經有關系主任及 學院院長,或部門主管,送交人事處行政助理盧杜燕萍女士,俾轉呈校內有關委員會 考慮。有關資料及表格已送交各學院院長。查詢可致電人事處(內線七二八八或七一 九一)。 The Freemasons' Fund for East Asian Studies is inviting one sponsored application for grant from the University to subsidize studies relevant to East Asia in 1998. Full or partial support can be given in the form of research fellowships and sponsorships for surveys, public lectures, and publications. Applications endorsed by department chairs and faculty deans, or unit heads concerned should be forwarded with a completed application form and a summary form to Mrs. Betty Lo, Administrative Assistant (Personnel), on or before 11th May 1998 for submission to the relevant University committees for consideration. Details of the fund and application forms have already been sent to faculty deans. Extra copies are obtainable from the Personnel Office (Ext. 7288/7191). 研究及科技事務處成立 New Research and Technology Administration Office In response to the increased research, consultancy, technology transfer, and licensing activities at the University, the Administrative and Planning Committee recently decided to expand and re-organize the Research Administration Office (RAO) to provide better administrative support in such areas. The RAO has now been renamed the Research and Technology Administration Office ( RTAO , 研究及科技事務處 ) . The Research Administration Officer has also been retitled Director of RTAO. 終生教育改革研討會 SCC Organizes International Conference on Lifelong Education 校外進修學院與美國俄亥俄大學將於本年八月廿六至廿九日合辦「如何推行終生 教育改革」研討會,邀請世界各地終生教育工作者以主題演講及個案研討形式,分享 推行終生教育的改革經驗及成功案例,從而推動終生教育的發展。 研討會的主講嘉賓及參加者將來自中國大陸、台灣、南韓、美國、英國、加拿 大、奧地利及香港等地,研討範圍包括課程策劃、科技、行政、資源及與學生的溝通 等,歡迎本地及海外傳媒、政府機關、社會服務及成人持續進修教育等的決策者參 加。查詢請電二三六六八四五九。 Professionals from mainland China, Taiwan, Korea, the US, Canada, Austria, and England will be coming to Hong Kong to attend an international conference on lifelong education from 26th to 29th August 1998. Entitled Implementing Changes in Lifelong Education', the conference is organized by the University's School of Continuing Studies jointly with Ohio University. The conference will adopt a case study approach to encourage exchange of ideas among the participants. Topics will include planning, technology, funding, administrative procedures, and communication skills for teachers and students. The conference is planned as part of the 35th anniversary celebration activities of the University. Please direct enquiries to Tel. 2366 8459. 圖書館新設二十四小時電話査詢服務 ULS 24-Hour Enquiry Hotline 大學圖書館系統最近增設二十四小時電話查詢資料服務,以粵語介紹各館之開放 時間、電話號碼、申請借書證和閱覽證手續、參觀圖書館的辦法,以及影印服務等。 讀者也可透過圖文傳真機索取各館位置圖、開放時間表、 流通服務簡介及館際互借服務申請表格等資料。服務熱線 為二六零三六六九九,而國語和英語查詢服務不日推出。 A 24-hour enquiry service is now provided by the University Library System. Information on all CUHK libraries, including opening hours, phone numbers, library card application, library visits, and photocopying services, is available by calling 2603 6699. Information can also be faxed to users around the clock. The service is currently provided in Cantonese, with Putonghua and English services coming up soon. 公積金計劃投資成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Schemes 總務處公布公積金計劃內各項投資基金於一九九八年二月及累積至該月的回報如 下: From the Bursary The monthly and cumulative returns for the month of February 1998 in the Designated Investment Funds of the 1995 Scheme and 1983 Scheme are as follows: 一九九八年二月 February 1998 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指標回報 Benchmark Return 1995 1983 (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth 9.56% 9.96% 12.81% 平衡 Balanced 7.36% 7.59% 9.42% 穩定 Stable 3.25% 3.43% 4.43% 銀行存款 Bank Deposit 0.81% (年息 Annualized 10.53%) 0.81% (年息 Annualized 10.51%) 0.51% (年息 Annualized 6.70%) 一九九七年七月一日至一九九八年二月廿八日 1st July 1997 to 28th February 1998 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指標回報 BenchmarkReturn 1995 1983 (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth -12.54% -16.47% -15.51% 平衡 Balanced -7.98% -7.77% -8.86% 穩定 Stable -2.68% -2.09% -0.55% 銀行存款 Bank Deposit 6.14% (年息 Annualized 9.22%) 6.12% (年息 Annualized 9.19%) 5.36% (年息 Annualized 8.05%) 一九九八年一月一日至二月廿八日 1st January to 28th February 1998 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指標回報 Benchmark Return 1995 1983 (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth 5.77% 5.84% 9.99% 平衡 Balanced 5.18% 6.04% 8.35% 穩定 Stable 1.06% 2.73% 4.36% 銀行存款 Bank Deposit 1.68% (年息 Annualized 10.39%) 1.67% (年息 Annualized 10.33%) 1.36% (年息 Annualized 8.41%) 暑期教職員體育訓練班及球拍類比賽 體育部將於五月至六月為教職員開辦短期初級體育訓練班,並舉辦球拍類比賽, 詳見下表。有意參加者請於四月七日起逢周一至周五上午九時半至下午五時,親臨大 學體育中心報名並繳交費用,先到先得,額滿即止(或於開賽前七天截止)。查詢 請電內線六零九七。 項目 組別 名額 日期/時間 地點 費用 訓練班 1.游泳 男/女 二十 五月十八日至六月二日 逢一、二、四、五下午五時十五分 至六時四十五分 中大游泳池 一百元 (不包括入場費) 2.網球 男 十八 五月十八至廿九日 逢一、二、四、五下午五至七時 3,4,5號網球場 一百元 3.羽毛球 男/女 十六 五月十八至廿九日 逢一、二、四、五下午五至七時 聯合體育館 一百元 4.健身 男/女 二十 五月廿五至廿九日 一、二、四、五下午五至七時 中大健身室 六十元 5.壁球 男/女 十八 五月廿五日至六月五日 逢一、二、四、五下午五時十五分 至七時十五分 汾陽體育館 一百元 6. 網球 女 十八 六月八至十九日 逢一、二、四、五下午五至七時 3,4,5號網球場 一百元