Newsletter No. 126

4 No. 126 4th May 1998 CUHK Newsletter 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 偉倫講座 Wei Lun Lecture 美國賓夕法尼亞大學市場學系教授 Prof. Paul E. Green 本月以偉倫教授身分訪問本校, 並於五月五日下午四時假信和樓 LT2 演講廳主持公開講座,講題爲「市場學硏究的未來 ——市場科學或市場工程學?」。歡迎出席。 Prof. Paul E. Green, professor of marketing at Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, will deliver a public lecture entitled Marketing Science or Marketing Engineering: What is the Future for Research in Marketing?' at the University in his capacity as Wei Lun Visiting Professor. The lecture will take place at 4.00 p.m. on 5th May 1998 in Lecture Theatre 2 of the Sino Building. A ll are welcome. 部分大學道正式改爲單程行車 University Avenue to Remain One-Way on Specific Section 行政事務委員會最近決定將部分大學道正式改爲單程行車,即時生效。 大學保安委員會去年四至六月,在范克廉樓對開的一段大學道實施單程路試驗計劃, 以觀察可否好緩該地段在繁忙時間之潛在危機,保障道路安全。大學行政事務委員會其後 接納保安委員會的建議,延長試驗期至九七年十二月三十一日,以觀察該段路面在正常上 課日的交通情況,再決定是否長期實施有關安排。 保安委員會本年初詳細硏討試驗計劃實施以來各方的意見,包括各學生會提交的書面 意見、個別師生的書面意見及在校內刊物發表的意見、教師協會及職員協會代表與行政事 務主任諮詢的會議紀錄,以及中大學生會問卷調查的結果。委員會得悉各學生會及大部分 學生均認爲有關措施有助改善道路安全,並贊成長期實施單程路安排。委員會亦了解到該 項安排對部分駕駛者及部分上行校巴乘客不便,也導致中央道交通流量較昔日爲多。 最後,綜合各方意見並經由實地觀察所得,保安委員會確認單程路措施切實紓緩了有 關地段的路面安全。在權衡各方意見後,委員會以校園安全爲大前提下,認爲實施單程路 措施是保障道路使用者安全的最簡單及有效方法。 爲推行有關單程路措施,校方將在受影響區段設置更淸楚及明確的路標和指示牌;保 安組也會派員在適當地點包括大學道及中央道繁忙區域,協助疏導交通。 The one-way traffic arrangement on one section of University Avenue will be implemented on a long-term basis with immediate effect. The Administrative Affairs Committee (AAC) made the decision based on on-site observation, feedback from students, staff, and staff associations, and the findings of a survey conducted by the Student Union. During the trial period beginning April 1997, traffic on University Avenue was observed to be much smoother and more orderly, and presented a much safer and less stressful environment to all road users, despite the inconvenience the arrangement might have caused to some drivers and passengers of uphill buses, and the fact that more traffic has been diverted to Central Avenue. The A AC also noted that the student community support the one-way system for safety considerations. To complement the one-way system, more road signs will be set up in all affected areas, and security guards will be on duty at strategic spots on both University Avenue and Central Avenue during peak hours to regulate the traffic. 圖書館指定參考資料借閱須知 Course Readings on Reserve at the University Library 教硏人員可將課堂所需的指定參考資料,如書籍、手稿、期刊中單篇文章的複印本等 存放於圖書館內。詳細資料及電子申請表格已存放在圖書館的網頁( http://www.lib. )。 借閱指定參考資料 存放於大學圖書館的指定參考資料,可於新翼大堂特藏書庫服務台借取;而存放於分 館的指定參考資料則於各館流通處借取。 逾期罰款 因指定參考資料爲學生的重要讀物,爲免延誤其他學生的學習進度,逾期未還者,每 項每小時罰款一元,最高罰款額爲每項一百元。圖書館會向讀者發出逾期通知書;讀者亦 可在流通處申請以電子郵件方式接收逾期通知書。 借閱統計 指定參考資料的使用率極高,單是總館的已佔大學圖書館系統流通量的四分之一強。 學期完結後,教硏人員會收到一份其課程資料使用率的統計報告。 意見及查詢 如有任何意見或查詢,請與指定參考部職員(內線八七四零或電 郵 resbk@uli.msimil. ) 聯絡。 A l l teaching staff of the University are welcome to place course readings, including books, articles, and handouts, on reserve at the University Library and its branch libraries. Procedures and e-form for submitting reserve requests are available from the library homepage at http:// Items on reserve may be requested from the Special Collections Counter on the ground floor of the University Library Annex or, for materials kept in branch libraries, from the circulation counter of those libraries. A maximum of three items can be checked out at a time. Failure to return on time materials that have been placed on reserve will seriously affect other users who need to consult the materials for their course work. A relatively heavy fine of $1.00 per hour for each overdue item is therefore levied, and the maximum penalty per item is $100. Overdue notices will be sent. To avoid unnecessary campus-mail delay, users may register for notification by e-mail at the circulation counter. Teaching staff will be given the circulation statistics of their reserve items at the end of each semester. Suggestions may be directed to reserve books staff at Ext. 8740 or e-mailed to . 公積金計劃投資成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Schemes 總務處公布公積金計劃內各項投資基金於一九九八年三月及截至該月之累積回報如 下: From the Bursary The monthly and cumulative returns for March 1998 in the Designated Investment Funds of the 1995 Scheme and 1983 Scheme are as follows: —九九八年三月 M a r c h 1998 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指標回報 Benchmark Return 1995 1983 (未經審核數據 u n a u d i t e d) 增長 Growth 1.71% 1.68% 0.61% 平衡 Balanced 1.66% 1.66% 0.43% 穩定 Stable 1.01% 1.24% -0.10% 銀行存款 B a n k Deposit 0.72% (年息 Annualized 8.44%) 0.76% (年息 Annualized 8.93%) 0.50% (年息 Annualized 5.89%) —九九八年一月—日至三月卅一日 1st January to 31st March 1998 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指標回報 Benchmark Return 1995 1983 (未經審核數據 u n a u d i t e d) 增長 Growth 7.58% 7.61% 10.66% 平衡 Balanced 6.93% 7.80% 8.81% 穩定 Stable 2.08% 4.00% 4.25% 銀行存款 B a n k Deposit 2.41% (年息 Annualized 9.77%) 2.44% (年息 Annualized 9.89%) 1.87% (年息 Annualized 7.58%) 一九九七年七月—日至一九九八年三月卅一日 1st July 1997 to 31st March 1998 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指標回報 Benchmark Return 1995 1983 (未經審核數據 u n a u d i t e d) 增長 Growth -11.04% -15.07% -14.99% 平衡 Balanced -6.45% -6.24% -8.47% 穩定 Stable -1.70% -0.88% -0.65% 銀行存款 B a n k Deposit 6.90% (年息 Annualized 9.19%) 6.92% (年息 Annualized 9.22% ) 5.89% (年息 Annualized 7.85%) Committee Membership Five committees have recently been reconstituted as follows: CommitteeonSexualHarassment Policy Chairperson: Prof. H.C. Kuan (appointed by the VC) Members: Mr. Jacob Leung (nominated by AAPC) Prof. Lee Wing-yee, Eliza (CUTA representative) Dr. Memie Kwok (CUSA representative) Ms. Wu Ka-ming (CUHK Student Union representative) Prof. Catherine Tang (Convener of Sexual Harassment Panel) Prof. Lam Mong-chow Faculty members or staff members of Mrs. Sophie Lau 一 different genders who are sensitive to Prof. Maria Tam sexual harassment matters Secretary: Mrs. Amelia Wong NominationCommittee forAcademic/Professional Visitorships Chairman: Prof. Ambrose Y.C. King Members: Prof. H.C. Kuan Prof. Joseph C.K. Lee Prof. Leslie N.K. Lo Prof. Andrew T.L. Parkin Prof. Wong Chak-kuen Prof. Leslie Young Prof. Kenneth Young Secretary: Mrs. Sophie Lau ManagementBoardof the HongKongCentreof SportsMedicineandSports Science Chairman: Prof. Joseph C.K. Lee (Dean of Medicine) Members: Mr. Dennis Whitby (Director, Hong Kong Sports Institute) Prof. Chan Kai-ming (Chairman, Senate Committee on Physical Education) Prof. P.C. Leung (Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology) Prof. Roy CM. Chan (Acting Chairman, Department of Sports Science and Physical Education) Miss Hon Kwai-yue (Director, Physical Education Unit)