Newsletter No. 135

CUHK Newsletter No. 135 19th November 1998 3 Funding for Three Health Projects T he following projects are the latest undertaken by staff o f the University to have attracted support f r om the Health Services Research Committee: The Qualitative Experience of Postnatal Depression in Hong Kong Chinese Women Amount: HK$298,589 Investigators: Profs. Valerie Levy, Sally Chan Wai-chi, Dom i n ic Lee Tak-shing, and Tony Chung Kwo k - h u ng Comparative Analysis of Patient-controlled Analgesia versus Traditional Intramuscular Injection in Chinese Women Amount: HK$358,500 Investigators: Prof. Yvonne Wootton, Prof. Be t ty S.H. Wills, Prof. Anne M . Chang, and Ms. Ip Wan Y i m The Influence of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Factors on Uptake Rates for Cervical Screening: A Comparison of Perceptions of Hong Kong Chinese Women and Practitioners Amount: HK$472,880 Investigators: Dr. Sheila Twinn, Prof. Eleanor Ho l r o yd United College Turns 42 U nited College celebrated its 42nd anniversary on 23rd October. M r . Shum Choi-sang, O.B.E., M . A . , J.P., c h a i rman o f the College B o a rd o f Trustees, and The Honourable Justice Patrick S.O. Chan, chief judge o f the H i gh Court, officiated at the opening ceremony which took place at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. They also presented college prizes to students. A birthday party was held on the college campus immediately after the ceremony. There was a lion dance performed by the College Ku ng Fu Club and the cutting o f a 40-lb birthday cake given by the College Staff Association. This was followed by an anniversary luncheon at the College Staff Common Room. The traditional Feast for Thousands took place in the evening. The over 1,500 diners were entertained by a variety show staged by students. The Hon. Mr. Justice Patrick S.O. Chan addressing the congregation Rendition s No. 50 ( Au t umn 1998) THERE AND BACK AGAIN: The Chinese 'Urban Youth' Generation December 1998 marks the 30th anniversary of the order issued by Mao Zedong that resulted in the sending of twenty million urban high-school graduates to agricultural labour in the countryside. This special issue, guest- edited by Richard King, consists of selections of zhiqing (urban youth) writing from the early 1970s to the mid-1990s. Through this special issue, the reader will relive the experiences of the first generation raised under Chinese socialism. Published by the Research Centre for Translation Renditions No. 50 160 pages November 1998 HK$99 The book is sold at a 20 per cent discount to staff members at the University bookshop, John Fulton Centre. Visit our website: Engineering Projects Presented at Electronics Fair A visitor trying out the Cantonese Speech Recognition demonstration T he Faculty of Engineering presented nine of its projects at the Frontiers o f Brain Power Technology Transfer Forum o f the Hong K o ng Electronics Fair 1998 organized by the Trade De v e l o pme nt Co u n c il at the H o ng K o n g Co n v e n t i on and E x h i b i t i on Centre f r om 13th to 16th October. The emphases o f the projects were i n f o r ma t i on technologies, wireless c ommu n i c a t i o n, and software p r o d u c t i v i ty tools. T h ey were characterized by close collaboration w i th industry, and while some involved value- added products and services, others involved technology enhancement to increase the competitive edge o f local industries. The largest electronics exhibition in Asia, the Ho ng K o ng Electronics Fair attracted 1,388 exhibitors f r om 19 countries and regions and over 33,000 buyers this year. TDU Workshops and Seminars T he Teaching Development Unit ( TDU) conducted three Powe r Po i nt presentation wo r k s h o p s, one for the Department o f Japanese Studies and t wo for interested academic staff, on 30th September, and 8th and 20th October respectively. The contents included demonstration and hands-on practice o f PowerPoint 97 and demonstration o f Scala, a multi-media software. From 12th to 16th October, T D U collaborated w i th the Graduate School in inviting Prof. Ron Adams, head o f City Campus, Victoria University, and deputy director o f the Europe-Australia Institute, to conduct three seminars on thesis writing for graduate students and academic staff o f the Un i v e r s i t y. En t i t l ed ' D e m y s t i f y i ng the Thesis: A Strategic Approach to Researching and Writing a Thesis', the two workshops for students explored how a thesis differs f r om other kinds o f w r i t i ng and the structure o f a thesis. The staff wo r k s h o p, ' E f f e c t i ve Thesis Supervision: A Strategic Approach to Managing the Key Tasks Associated w i t h Research Supervision', examined h ow supervision work should be conducted and what examiners usually look for in a thesis. Workshop on Demystifying the Thesis Wheelchair Athlete Shares Experience wi th Chung Chi Students T olo Nocturne was organized for the second time this year by the Student Life Committee o f Chung Chi College and the Residents' Association o f Y i ng L i ng Tang on 3rd November at Y i ng L i ng Tang. The guest speaker was Mr. Cheung Wai-leung (front row, left 4), four-time gold medalist o f the Wheelchair Fencing Championship in the 1996 Atlanta Paralympic Games, who shared w i th the participants his experiences after losing a leg in a fire rescue. New Books CU Press Thefollowing books are sold at a 20 per cent discount to staff members at the University Bookshop, John Fulton Centre: Hong Kong Taxation: Law and Practice 1998—99 First published in 1981 this latest edition of Hong Kong Taxation: Law and Practice, written by David G. Smith, deals with all changes in Hong Kong taxation up to July 1998. Amp ly illustrated w i th practical examples and cross- r e f e r e n c ed in its 12 chapters, it should be u s e f u l n o t o n l y to accountancy students but also to businessmen and practising tax advisers requiring a comprehensive and practical guide to Hong Kong taxation and who are also facing more complex tax problems. ISBN 962-201-807-6 1,072 pages, HK$255, paperback A Manual for Management of Diabetes Mellitus — A Hong Kong Chinese Perspective Edited by Juliana C.N. Chan, Vincent T.F. Yeung, C.C. Chow, Gary T.C. Ko, and Clive S. Cockram, this manual combines the latest local and international guidelines for the management of diabetes mellitus, a condition commonly encountered by health care personnel of all specialties, and consists of data based on local research. A joint effort between the Diabetes and Endocrine Centre of the Prince of Wales Hospital and the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, it aims to provide a quick reference to all health care personnel involved in the management of diabetes mellitus with emphasis on the predominant Type 2 diabetes. Various topics such as classification and diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, acute and chronic complications, and recommended standards of medical care are discussed. ISBN 962-201-757-6 168 pages, HK$145, paperback