Newsletter No. 135
4 No. 135 19th November 1998 CUHK Newsletter 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 崇基學院新校董 New Members of the Chung Chi College Board of Trustees 崇基學院校董會委任陳晴佑先生、高叔平博士及黎錦文先 生為校董會新成員,任期三年,由一九九八年八月一日起生 效。 其他新任校董為中華基督教會香港區會代表蘇義有先生、 基督教香港信義會代表戴浩輝博士及王國江先生,以及崇基校 友會代表區月晶女士。 陳晴佑先生 為美國哥倫比亞大學工商管 理碩士,現任荷蘭寶信銀行集團(香港)副主 席。陳先生熱心公益,出任香港公益金執行 委員會董事、香港公益金投資及基金小組主 席、香港旅遊協會投資管理委員會主席,並 為香港西區扶輪社社長。 高叔平博士 為美國 普林斯頓大學化學工程博士,現任香港華明 行有限公司董事長兼總裁。高博士熱心教育 及慈善事業,曾在內地捐建工專、中學、小 學、幼稚園、醫院及運動場設備,並歷任香 港西區扶輪社社長、香港乒乓協會名譽會 長、香港上海總會常務理事、香港滬港經濟 學會理事及中國人民政治協商會議第九屆上海市委員會會員。 黎錦文先生 畢業於倫敦法律學院,現 為黎錦文李孟華律師事務所股東律師,並於 一九八六年獲中國司法部委任為法律公證 人。黎先生出任第三屆全國政協委員、律師 會紀律委員會委員、博愛醫院董事局主席、 公益金元朗屯門區副主席、元朗東區童軍會 會長、香港童軍會委員,以及多個團體的法 律顧問。 Mr. Frank C. Chen, Dr. Henry Kao So-ping, and Mr. David Lai Kam-man have recently been elected to the Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College for three years until 31 st July 2001. Vice-chairman of MeesPierson Group (Hong Kong), a Dutch merchant bank, Mr. Frank C. Chen obtained his MBA in finance at Columbia University. He is also director of the Executive Board of the Community Chest, chairman of the Investment and Endowment Fund Sub-committee of the Community Chest, chairman of the Hong Kong Travel Industry Investment Management Board, and president of Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West. Chairman and chief executive of Wah Ming Hong Limited, Dr. Henry Kao So-ping obtained his Ph.D. in chemical engineering at Princeton University. He is keen on promoting education and sports locally as well as on the mainland. As chairman of Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island West, honorary chairman of the Hong Kong Table Tennis Association, member of the executive committees of the Hong Kong Shanghai Fraternal Association and the Hong Kong-Shanghai Economic Society, as well as member of the Ninth Committee of Shanghai of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, he has donated a technical institute, a secondary school, a primary school, a kindergarten, and sports facilities in mainland China. A senior partner of Messrs. K.M. Lai & Li, solicitors, Mr. David Lai Kam-man graduated from the London College of Law. He has been appointedAttesting Officer by the Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China since 1986. He has also served as a member of the Third National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and of the Law Society Disciplinary Committee, chairman of the Board of Directors of Pok Oi Hospital, vice-chairman of the Community Chest New Territories Districts for Yuen Long and Tuen Mun, president of Yuen Long (East) District Scout Council, as well as legal adviser to numerous organizations. Acting Appointment Prof. Lau Ka Sing, acting chairman of the Department of Mathematics, is on leave from 22nd to 27th November 1998. Prof. All Kwok-keung has been appointed as acting chairman by the vice-chancellor during his leave of absence. 職員審議 Staff Review of Non-teaching Staff Members on Terms of Service (B) & (C) 行政事務委員會及職工事務小組委員會已於日前函邀各學 系及部門主管,就有關乙類及丙類服務條款僱員之退休、延 任、擢升事宜提供意見或舉薦人選。各學系/部門提交有關函 件之截止日期為一九九八年十二月三十一日。職員自行提交之 申請將不獲考慮,惟彼等可與其學系/部門主管商討其晉升機 會等有關事宜。 The Administrative Affairs Committee and the Sub-committee on Junior Staff Affairs have invited department chairmen/unit heads to make nominations and recommendations concerning the retirement, extension of service, and promotion of non-teaching staff members on Terms of Services (B) and (C). The deadline for submission of nominations is 31st December 1998. Direct Mr. Frank Chen Dr. Henry Kao Mr. David Lai applications from individual staffmembers will not be considered. They may however discuss their promotion prospects with their department chairmen/unit heads. 居所資助計劃 Home Financing Scheme 大學校董會業已通過實施「居所資助計劃」,由一九九八 年十月一日起生效。「居所資助計劃」用以取代原有之房屋福 利(包括入住宿舍、自行租屋津貼、自置居所資助津貼、房屋 津貼等),並為本年十月一日及以後入職教職員的唯一房屋福 利。在生效日期前入職而符合資格的教職員,須在限期內選擇 參加「居所資助計劃」或保留現行的房屋福利安排。 居所資助津貼可用作支付租住本港住宅物業的實際租金或 償還購置自住的本港住宅物業的實際按揭貸款,領取津貼期以 一百二十個月為限。校方會按「居所資助計劃」及防止享用雙 重房屋福利有關規則發放居所資助津貼。 查詢詳情可致電財務處(內線七二四四或七一八五)或人 事處(內線七二八八或七二三零)。 The University Council recently approved the implementation of the Home Financing Scheme (HFS) for eligible staff members with effect from 1st October 1998 to replace the existing housing benefits of Quarters, Private Tenancy Allowance, Home Purchase Scheme and House Allowance. HFS is the only housing benefit for eligible staff appointed on or after 1st October 1998. Eligible staff appointed before this date will be given an option to join the scheme within a stipulated period or to retain their existing housing benefits. Home Financing Allowance (HFA) may be used to reimburse either the actual rental payment or the actual mortgage repayment on a local residential property in which the staff member lives, for a maximum aggregate period of 120 months. The granting of HFA is subject, among other things, to the Rules on the Home Financing Scheme and the Prevention of Double Housing Benefits Rules. Enquiries on the implementation details may be directed to the Bursary (Ext. 7244 or 7185) or the Personnel Office (Ext. 7288 or 7230). 教職員人事紀錄 Updating of Personnel Records 各同事之個人資料如地址、電話、婚姻/家庭狀況、學歷 等倘有更改,請盡早填寫特定表格,並附上有關文件正本,通 知人事處,以便修訂大學之人事紀錄及作報稅之用。 又已婚同事在選擇其本身或配偶所享有之各類福利(例如 房屋津貼、子女教育津貼及機票等)事宜如有變更,或其配偶 工作上所獲之福利有所改變,亦請填寫特定表格通知人事處。 To facilitate the maintenance of updated personnel records at the University and for Inland Revenue reporting purposes, appointees are requested to notify the Personnel Office on prescribed forms at the earliest possible opportunity if they have changed their address, telephone number, marital status or family size, or acquired additional qualifications. Where applicable, the originals or certified true copies of relevant documents should be attached. Married appointees are also reminded to notify the Personnel Office on prescribed forms if they would like to change their options in respect of benefits such as housing, education allowance, and passages, or if there are any changes in their spouses' entitlement to such benefits provided by the latters’ employers. 額外門診服務計劃再添新醫務所 New Physicians of the Extra Outpatient Consultation Services Scheme 由一九九八年十一月一日起,三名醫生加入本校的額外門 診服務計劃,為大學同人及家屬提供服務,詳情如下: 張意靈醫生 新界大埔安慈路 3 號翠屏商場二樓 5 號室 電話: 2664 3487 診症時間 星期一至四 上午八時半至下午一時 下午四時至八時 星期五至日及公眾假期 上午八時半至下午一時 胡兆雲醫生 大埔昌運中心商場一樓 109-110 號 電話: 2665 7955 診症時間 星期一至五 上午八時半至下午一時 下午三時半至八時 星期六、日及公眾假期 上午八時半至下午一時 林文俊醫生 粉嶺名都商場二樓26號(粉嶺火車站側) 電話: 2676 2821 或 2676 2006 診症時間 星期一至五 上午九時至下午一時 下午三時半至八時半 星期六 上午九時至下午一時 下午二時至七時 星期日及公眾假期 上午九時至下午一時 下午三時至七時 另,參與計劃的陳洪昭醫生,亦由一九九八年十一月一日 起,除在原有深水埗醫務所外,亦在港島中區醫務所提供醫療 服務,詳情如下: 陳洪昭醫生 香港皇后大道中 16-18 號新世界大廈 401B 室 電話: 2522 8262 診症時間 星期一至五 上午十一時至下午一時 下午二時至五時半 星期六 上午十一時至下午二時半 星期日及公眾假期 休息 九龍深水埗巴域街 27 號地下 電話: 2779 9689 診症時間 星期一至五 上午八時至十—時 下午五時至八時半 星期六 上午八時至十一時 星期日及公眾假期 上午九時至中午十二時 With effect from 1st November 1998, three more physicians have been recruited to provide services for the Extra Outpatient Consultation Services Scheme. Their clinics are listed below: Dr. Florence Y.L Cheung Shop No. 5, Level 2, Jade Plaza, 3 On Chee Road, Tai Po Tel: 2664 3487 Consultation hours Monday to Thursday 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. Friday, Saturday, 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Sunday and public holidays Dr. Kelvin S.W. Wu Shop 109—110, 1/F, Shopping Arcade, Fortune Plaza, Tai Po Tel: 2665 7955 Consultation hours Monday to Friday 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. 3.30 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. Saturday, Sunday and 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. public holidays Dr. Lam Man Chun Shop 26, Level 2, Fanling Town Centre, Fanling Tel: 2676 2821/2676 2006 Consultation hours Monday to Friday 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. 3.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. Saturday 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. 2.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. Sunday and public holidays 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. In addition, Dr. Chan Hung Chiu, who has been providing service under the Scheme in Shamshuipo, will also render the same service at another location in Central as follows: Dr. Chan Hung Chiu Room 401B, New World Tower, 16—18 Queen's Road, Central, Hong Kong Tel: 2522 8262 Consultation hours Monday to Friday 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. 2.00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. Saturday 11.00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. Sunday and public holidays closed G/F, 27 Berwick Street, Shamshuipo, Kowloon Tel: 2779 9689 Consultation hours Monday to Friday 8.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. 5.00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. Saturday 8.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. Sunday and public holidays 9.00 a.m. to noon 華文戲劇學術硏討會 第二屆華文戲劇節(香港 • 1998 ) 學術研討會將於本月廿 二至廿九日在邵逸夫堂舉行,匯聚近百位學者及戲劇家研討 「邁向二十一世紀的華文戲劇」。會議由邵逸夫堂「香港戲劇工 程」策劃,為本校卅五周年校慶活動之一。查詢請電二六零九 七八五二。
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