Newsletter No. 146
CUHK Newsletter No. 146 19th May 1999 3 宣 布 事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS Golf Club Membership As a founding member of the Mission Hills Golf Club (MHGC) in Shenzhen, the University may nominate a staff member to MHGC membership. Full-time Terms (A) and equivalent staff are now invited to bid for the privilege of being the University's nominee with effect from 1st July 1999. The minimum bid, i.e. the monthly charge payable to the University, is HK$900. The vice-chancellor has discretion over the assignment of membership when bidding prices are identical. Preference is given to those who have not been nominated before. Membership, subject to the nominee remaining a full-time Terms (A) or equivalent employee of the University, has a minimum term of two years, which can be extended for another year at the member's request and with the University's agreement. The new member pays a transfer fee ofHK$20,000 charged by the MHGC as well as a monthly membership fee ofHK$389. The transfer fee is refundable by the University i f the staff keeps his/her membership for over two years; however, there is no refund for membership of less than two years if for whatever reason he/she ceases to be a full-time Terms (A) or equivalent employee of the University. Eligible and interested staff members should submit their bids to the Tender Board, c/o Business Office, G/F, John Fulton Centre, in envelopes marked 'Application for Golf Club Membership' before 2.30 p.m. on 27th May 1999. Applicants will be informed of the results in due course. For further information, please contact Ms. Jacqueling Cho at Ext. 7887. World Trade Centre Club Membership The University holds membership of the World Trade Centre Club (WTCC). A staff member nominated by the University to take up membership is eligible to use the club's facilities including the function rooms, the sports facilities located at the Excelsior Hotel, and the reciprocal arrangements that the Club has made with the Grand Royal Club, Shatin Race Course Private Box, and a number of golf clubs. Full-time Terms (A) or equivalent staff members are invited to bid for the privilege of being the University's nominee with effect from 1st July 1999. The minimum bid, i.e. the monthly charge payable to the University, is HK$150. In the case of identical bids, preference w i ll be given to staff with longer service. Membership, subject to the nominee remaining a full-time Terms (A) or equivalent employee of the University, has a minimum term of two years and can be extended for another year at the member's request and with the University's agreement. The new member pays a transfer fee ofHK$3,000 charged by WTCC as well as a monthly membership fee ofHK$880 (inclusive of spouse, and children between 16 and 21 years of age). The transfer fee is refundable if the staff keeps his/her membership for over two years. No pro-rata refund will be made. Eligible and interested staff members should submit their bids to the Tender Board, c/o Business Office, G/F, John Fulton Centre, in envelopes marked 'Application for World Trade Centre Club Membership' before 2.30 p.m. on 27th May 1999. Applicants will be informed of the results in due course. For further information, please contact Ms. Jacqueling Cho at Ext. 7887. 社會科學院院徽設計比賽 Social Science Faculty Logo Design Competition 社會科學院現正舉辦「學院徽號設計比賽」,歡迎中大學生(包括本年度本科及 研究院畢業生)、教學及研究人員參加,截止日期為一九九九年十月卅一日。得獎 者除獲得獎金以示鼓勵外,其作品將有機會用作學院之徽號。 社會科學院期望該徽號能突顯學院的特色,並藉著廣泛使用該徽號,例如刊印 於信紙、學院紀念品、刊物等,更有效地宣傳學院的形象。 比賽評判團成員包括周健林教授(社會科學院院長) 、Prof. TomPeters (建築學系 系主任)、陳文教授(社會科學院出版委員會主席)、呂大樂教授(社會科學院宣傳委 員會主席)、李潤桓教授(藝術系系主任)、吳享洪先生(吳享洪建築師有限公司)及 林小琪小姐(智威湯遜副創作總監)。查詢請與該院院務室陳裕昌先生聯絡(電話二 六零九六二三八)。 The Faculty of Social Science is now holding its Faculty Logo Design Competition. The competition is open to all CUHK students (including graduating students of 1998-99) and teaching and research staff. The deadline for submission of logo designs is 31st October 1999. In addition to the cash prizes for the winners, their designs may be adopted as the faculty logo. It is hoped that the logo will help to promulgate the characteristics of the Faculty of Social Science. By using the logo in different channels, such as letterheads, faculty souvenirs, publications and the like, the faculty image can be publicized more effectively. It is also hoped that the competition w i ll encourage students and staff of the University to know more about the faculty. Members of the adjudication team include Prof. Kenneth Chau, Prof. Tom Peters, Prof. Joseph Chan, Prof. Lui Tai-lok, Prof. Lee Yun-woon, Mr. Anthony Ng (Managing Director of Anthony Ng Architects Ltd.), and Miss Carol Lam (Associate Creative Director of J. Walter Thompson Company Ltd.). For details of the competition, please refer to the relevant posters or leaflets or contact Mr. Morris Chan of the faculty office at 2609 6238. 逸夫書院招聘學生宿舍導師 Shaw Recruits Resident Tutors 逸夫書院現招聘一九九九至二零零零年度學生宿舍男女導師,歡迎持大學學位 的全職教職員申請。 導師的職責為協助舍監處理宿舍事務及促進宿舍生活。獲委任者必須於宿舍居 住,住宿免費外,並無其他津貼。 申請者請致函逸夫書院學生輔導處左冠輝先生,截止日期為六月十日。查詢請 電內線七三五八。 From Shaw College: We are looking for outgoing young people to serve as resident tutors in our student hostel for the academic year 1999-2000. The appointees must be full-time employees of CUHK and degree-holders. The major duty of a resident tutor is to assist the hostel wardens to manage the hostel and promote hostel life. This is a concurrent appointment. Free accommodation will be provided but no allowance of any kind w i ll be granted. Please address application letters to Mr. K.F. Chor. He can be reached on Ext. 7358. The deadline for application is 10th June 1999. Acting Appointments • Prof. H.S. Kwan, Director of Studies of the Food and Nutritional Sciences Programme, is on leave from 18th May to 21st May 1999. Prof. David S.C. Tsang has been appointed as acting director during his leave of absence. • Prof. Samuel S.M. Sun, Director of Studies of the Molecular Biotechnology Programme and Chairman of the Department of Biology, is on leave from 18th May to 21st May 1999. Dr. P.C. Shaw and Prof. Norman Woo have been appointed as acting director and acting chairman respectively during his leave of absence. 中大藝術 99 Exhibitions 1999 of the Department of Fine Arts 藝術系將於五、六月舉辦「中大藝術 99」 活動,包括「中大藝術系系展」、「藝術 系本科生畢業展」及「藝術系碩士生畢業展」,分別展出該系本科生及碩士畢業生的 最新作品,歡迎參觀。 開幕典禮訂於五月廿九日下午三時半在文物館西翼展覽廳舉行,由區域市政總 署助理署長(文娛)馬啟濃先生及台灣師範大學美術系主任顧炳星教授主持。 該三項展覽的日期和地點簡列如下: 中大藝術系系展 日期:五月廿九日至六月十三日 地點:新亞書院誠明館 藝術系本科生畢業展 日期:五月廿九日至六月廿七日 地點:文物館西翼展覽廳 藝術系碩士生畢業展 日期:五月廿九日至六月十三日 地點:新亞書院誠明館四樓、許氏文化館及人文館地下 查詢請電內線七六一五,或到以下網址 htm 。 Beginning 29th May 1999 the Department of Fine Arts w i ll be holding three exhibitions: Graduation Exhibition, The Fifth Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition, and Annual Exhibition 1999. Mr. Ma Kai Loong, Assistant Director (Culture and Entertainment) of the Regional Services Department, and Prof. Ku Ping-hsing, chairman of the Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University, will officiate at the opening ceremony to be held at the Art Museum at 3.30 p.m. on 29th May. Graduation Exhibition 'Tsui Hau Kam T i n' 29th May — 27th June West-wing Galleries of the Art Museum The Fifth Master of Fine Arts Thesis Exhibition 29th May - 13th June 1. Paintings by Man Fung-yi: 'In Between Presence and Absence' Room 312-313 of Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College 2. Ceramic Sculpture by Annie Wan Lai-kuen: 'Longing and Rediscovery' Hui's Gallery, New Asia College 3. Sculpture by Jaffa Lam-laam: 'Sign • motion' Basement of Humanities Building, New Asia College An n u al Exhibition 1999 of the Department of Fine Arts: 'Pending Repair' 29th May - 13th June 2/F and 3/F, Cheng Ming Building, New Asia College Admission is free and all are welcome. For further information, please contact the Department of Fine Alts at Ext. 7615. Website: 心肺復甦急救課程 UHS First-aid Course 大學保健處將於下月舉辦心肺復甦急救課程,課程重點在提供心肺復甦法之理 論與實習,共分五節,每節兩小時,由六月二日起,逢星期三下午二時半至四時 半,在保健醫療中心研討室講授,費用全免。 此課程專為中大員生而設,名額二十名。學員完成課程後,可獲保健處簽發出 席證書。報名表格可在保健醫療中心索取,截止報名日期為五月廿一日,查詢請電 保健處護士長蔡太(內線六四二三)。 A first-aid course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation comprising five two-hour (2.30-4.30 p.m.) sessions on Wednesdays in June is being organized by the University Health Service. The course, to be held in the Seminar Room of the Health Centre, is open to students and staff and is structured to provide basic theory and practice. The course is free of charge and a certificate of attendance may be issued upon its completion. Those who wish to join are requested to enrol by 21st May 1999. Application forms are available at the Health Centre. 產前講座 保健處特為懷孕及準備製造小生命的教職員和家屬舉辦為期兩天的產前講座, 介紹分娩護理常識、產前產後運動、營養和餓哺母乳須知等。 該講座將於六月十六及十七日(星期三及星期四)下午二至五時,在保建醫療中心 會議室舉行,費用全免,惟名額有限。有意者請致電內線六四一六索取報名表格。
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