Newsletter No. 152

4 No. 152 19th October 1999 CUHK Newsletter 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任講座教授 Professorial Appointments 兒科講座教授 Professor of Paediatrics 大學宣布委任霍泰輝教授為兒科講座教授,任期由一 九九九年十月一日起生效。 霍教授在香港大學習醫,一九七五年獲授內外全科醫 學士學位,一九九七年以傑出論文取得中文大學醫學博士 銜。 霍教授在伊利沙伯醫院和瑪麗醫院實習後,加入瑪麗 醫院服務,七八年受聘為港大兒科學系講師,八四年轉到 中大兒科學系講學,八七年升任高級講師,九五年任教 授,研究專長是初生嬰兒疾患。 霍教授是多個專業學院的成員,擔任與醫療和兒童有關的公職逾十項,並為香 港和內地三份兒科學術期刊的編輯或編委。 Prof. Fok Tai-fai has been appointed professor of paediatrics from 1st October 1999. Prof. Fok obtained his MB BS from the University of Hong Kong in 1975 and his MD from CUHK in 1997. Prior to joining The Chinese University in 1984, he taught paediatrics for six years at the University of Hong Kong. He then joined the CUHK Department of Paediatrics as lecturer, was promoted to senior lecturer rank in 1987, and reader in 1995. His research interests are focussed on neonatology. Prof. Fok is currently associate dean of the CUHK Faculty of Medicine, chairman of the training sub-committee (paediatrics) of the Hospital Authority, vice-president of the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians, and vice-president of the Hong Kong Society of Neonatal Medicine. 化學講座教授 Professor of Chemistry 大學宣布委任李偉基教授為化學講座教授,任期由一 九九九年十月一日起生效。 李教授一九六四年取得美國伊利諾大學理學士學位, 其後到密西根大學進修,先後於六五及六八年獲授理科碩 士和哲學博士學位。 李教授一九六八年加入中大服務,任職講師,七六年 晉升為高級講師,八七年任教授。他於七七至七八年度曾 任加拿大安大略省布羅克大學訪問研究教授。 李教授的研究興趣為計算化學,已出版之著作一百二十多篇。 Prof. Li Wai-kee has been appointed professor of chemistry from 1st October 1999. Prof. Li obtained his BS from the University of Illinois in 1964, and his Ph.D. four years later from the University of Michigan. He joined The Chinese University as lecturer in chemistry in 1968, becoming senior lecturer in 1976, and reader in 1987. He was visiting research professor to Brock University in Canada from 1977 to 1978. Prof. Li has some 120 publications under his name and his recent research focus is computational chemistry. 内科及藥物治療學講座教授 Professor of Medicine and Therapeutics 大學宣布委任孫德生教授 (Prof. J.E. Sanderson) 為內科 及藥物治療學講座教授,任期由一九九九年十月一日起生 效。 孫德生教授在劍橋大學習醫,先後於一九七零、七 三、七四和八一年獲授文學士、內外全科醫學士、文科碩 士和醫學博士學位。 他七三年起在英國多所著名醫院和大學包括牛津行醫 講學,一九九二年以客座高級講師身分加入中大服務,九三年受聘為高級講師,九 七年晉升教授。 孫德生教授為十多個專業學院的成員,並出任五份學術期刊的編委。 Prof. John Elsby Sanderson has been appointed professor of medicine and therapeutics from 1st October 1999. Prof. Sanderson obtained his BA from Cambridge University in 1970, his MB B.Chir. in 1973, his MA in 1974, and his MD in 1981. Prof. Sanderson held a visiting senior lecturership at the Department of Medicine of The Chinese University in 1992-93, was appointed senior lecturer in 1993, and promoted to the rank of reader in 1997. He is a member or fellow of many societies including the British Cardiac Society, the British Medical Association, the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine, the Royal College of Physicians, the Hong Kong College of Cardiology, and the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. His current research interests include heart failure and dilated cardiomyopathy, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, angina, and syndrome X. 化學講座教授 Professor of Chemistry 大學宣布委任吳奇教授為化學講座教授,任期由一九九九年十月一日起生效。 吳教授一九八二年取得中國科學技術大學理學士學位,旋赴紐約州立大學石溪 分校進修高分子物理化學,一九八七年獲授哲學博士學位。 吳 教 授 取 得 博 士 學 位 後留 校,追隨朱鵬年教授從事博士後 研究兩年,八七年出任德國巴斯 弗 化 學 公 司 激 光 散 射 實 驗 室主 管,九二年加入中大化學系任講師,九六年晉升教授。 吳教授曾多次獲得美國和中國傑出年青學者的獎譽, 持有多項專利發明,現為內地四所大學的兼任教授。他的 研究興趣主要集中在膠體及高分子化學。 Prof. Chi Wu has been appointed professor of chemistry from 1st October 1999. Prof. Wu received his BS in chemical physics from the University of Science and Technology of China in 1982, and his Ph.D. in physical chemistry/polymer physics from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook in 1987. He was research associate at SUNY at Stony Brook from 1987 to 1989, and supervisor of the Laser Light Scattering Laboratory of the Department of Solid State Physics and Polymer Physics, BASF, in Germany from 1989 to 1992. He joined The Chinese University as lecturer in chemistry in 1992, becoming reader in 1996. Prof. Wu specializes in using various scattering and optical techniques to study the properties of polymers and polymer gel networks. He has published extensively and holds several patents for his inventions. 崇基學院新校董 New Trustee of Chung Chi College 崇基學院校董會委任李國謙先生為校董會新成員,任期三年,由一九九九年八 月一日起生效。 李國謙先生為美國賓夕法尼亞大學工商管理碩士、英國及威爾斯註冊會計師公 會及香港會計師公會資深會員,現任蔡克剛律師事務所財務顧問。李先生熱心推廣 教育及服務社會,並出任基督教聯合醫療服務、香港旅遊業議會、旅行代理商諮詢 委員會及空運牌照局等不同機構的公職。 Mr. John Li Kwok-heem has recently been elected to the Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College for three years from 1st August 1999. Financial adviser to Messr. Herbert Tsoi & Partners, solicitors, Mr. Li obtained his MBA from the University of Pennsylvania. He is a fellow of both the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and the Hong Kong Society of Accountants. He is a keen supporter of education and serves many public bodies, including the United Christian Medical Services, the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong, the Advisory Committee on Travel Agents, and the Air Transport Licensing Authority. Committee on Academic Links The Committee on Academic Links has recently been reconstituted as follows: Chairman: Prof. Kenneth Young Members: Dr. Chen Fong-ching Prof. Ambrose Y.C. King Prof. H.C. Kuan Prof. C.Y. Lee Prof. Lee Kam-hon Mr. Jacob Leung Registrar University Dean of Students Senior Executive for Programme Development (China Link) Academic Links Officer, Office of Academic Links (China) Director, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies Director, Office of International Studies Programmes Director, New Asia 一 Yale-in-China Chinese Language Centre Member and Secretary: Director, Office of Academic Links (International) (Term: until 31st July 2000) 預防流感 Influenza Vaccination 流行性感冒於冬季及春季最為猖獗,但一般體質良好的人士,在患病期間,只 要多喝水,進食有營養的食物,休息充足,保持室內空氣流通和注意衛生,可在一 星期內復元。 預防流行性感冒最有效的方法是增強個人抵抗力,實踐健康生活模式,也可注 射預防疫苗。對長者和慢性心臟病及呼吸道疾病患者來說,注射疫苗有一定功效, 可預防流感所引致的併發症。保建處備有預防疫苗,供員生注射,只收回成本價。 由於流感病毒每季不同,所以每年都要注射新的疫苗。 Influenza vaccinations are now available at cost price at the University Health Centre. The vaccinations have to be renewed annually due to differences in the types of endemic virus. They can help reduce complications due to influenza especially among the elderly and patients with chronic cardiac or respiratory diseases. Influenza is an acute febrile illness mainly affecting the respiratory tract. It is present in Hong Kong all year round and is especially common in the spring and winter months. Antibiotics are not effective against the influenza virus unless there is also a complicating bacterial infection. In most cases patients with a good health record recover within a week. General management and symptomatic treatment is recommended: • Have plenty of fluids as well as nutritious and easily digestible food • Take adequate rest • Maintain good ventilation • Observe good personal hygiene.