Newsletter No. 152

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Zhu Rongji, who came to the job in March, began his career as premier by reorganizing the government and the related state-owned enterprises, which created massive numbers of unemployed workers. The Asian financial crisis at last affected China's import and export trade as well as the flow of incoming investments, with rumours of a pending currency depreciation. China's policy-makers faced the difficult tasks of carrying out administrative and economic reforms while boosting the economy to an allegedly eight per cent GNP annual growth rate. The scene was brighter in the international arena. US president Bill Clinton's visit in September again brought Sino-US relations into the limelight. Disagreements on human rights and the issues of Taiwan and Tibet seemed shelved for the time being. Prominent scholars in the China field continued to explore the political and economic issues facing China during the year. At the local level, China Review 1999, edited by Lau Chong- chor and Geng Xiao, examines issues of recent legal developments, peasant discontent and protests, reorientation of social units, occupational structure and labour relations, literary tastes and cross- border media relations, all issues that relate to a fast moving socio- economic entity. It continues to be a comprehensive and timely volume for China watchers as well as readers interested in the developments in contemporary China. ISBN 962-201-896-3, hardcover, 392 pages, HK$330 Hong Kong Taxation: Law and Practice 1999-2000 Written by David Flux and revised by David G. Smith, Hong Kong Taxation: Law and Practice 1999— 2 0 0 is a professional book on the Hong Kong tax system. Written in a professional and user-friendly style, it is amply illustrated with practical examples and is cross-referred to relevant tax cases both in Hong Kong and elsewhere. It should be useful not only to accountancy students but also to businessmen and practising tax advisers who require a comprehensive and practical guide to Hong Kong. This 12-chapter 1999-2000 edition deals fully with all changes in taxation up to July 1999. ISBN 962-201-897-1, paperback, 168 pages, HK$255 The Yining Incident Ethnic Conflicts and International Rivalry in Xinjiang, 1944-1949 In 1944, Moslems in Yili of Xinjiang Province rose up in rebellion against the Guomindang government in China and established the Eastern Turkestan Republic (ETR), which became part of the newly established People's Republic of China in 1949. Sparking intense separatist feelings in the region for years, today the ETR in Yili is regarded as a dynamic symbol of the East Turkestan independence movement. A better understanding of the events between 1944 and 1949 in Xinjiang enables us to gain insight into the ongoing Uygur separatist movement. Written by David D. Wang, this study explores the historical background of the ETR, examining the domestic and international politics from which the ETR emerged, and analysing accounts of Soviet participation in the republic. Detailed analysis highlights Xinjiang politics between 1944 and 1949, and explains how and why the Chinese Communist Party was able to take over Xinjiang peacefully in 1949. This book also illustrates the interlocking pattern of ethnic disputes, government policy, foreign interference, and international rivalry in this complex event. ISBN 962-201-831-9, paperback, 588 pages, US$280 P e r s o n a l i a •人事動態• P e r s o n a l i a •人事動態• Personalia •人事動態• Personalia •人事動態• P e r s o n a l i a •人事動態 中大通訊 第一五二期 一九九九年十月十九日 4