Newsletter No. 164

新亞書院周冠亨 物業管理處黃月英 聯合圖書館黃俞靜霞 七四年與同事攝於聯合書院校園,我站於左一。今日潮流 所興的迷你裙和厚底高跟鞋,我們在廿五年前已經穿上了。 化學系黃文闖 ( 第二排左一,穿毛背心者) 物理系賴漢明 上圖是早年與物理系同事的合照,我站在右一;下 圖是前年和學生攀上馬鞍山山頂,前排右二是我。 Looking Back in Appreciation Prof. Michael Bond, Department of Psychology I thank The Chinese University for giving me the most fruitful 25 years of my life. The opportunity to contribute to an aspiring academic institution in a different culture has enriched my intellectual understanding and infused my wo rk as a social psychologist with an international perspective. This return on my personal investment has been supported by a devoted staff, a proactive administration and the best students in the world. Our children were raised here, and in their adulthood remain eager to return to this jewel of a campus w i th its sheer rock faces, delicate azaleas, plangent coels in the springtime, and y ummy fai chans at the canteens. How can I repay such an opportunity? Let me promise to do the best teaching, writing and learning I am capable of doing, and dedicate my remaining output to the gardeners, the bus drivers, the canteen staff, the swimming pool attendants, the tea amahs, the technicians, and the executive office assistants whose good cheer and reliability in doing their wo rk has released me to do mine. We drink f r om the same clear stream. Looking groovy on a library card from the 70s 聯合書院錢正求 物業管理處陳文標 一直在中大負責維 修 水 管 , 與 上 上 下 下的 同事相處愉快。 市場學系何淑貞 此 照 攝 於 某 年 麥 理 浩 徑 某 段 。 前 排 左 二 為本 人,左三為經濟系周文林教授;後排右一為我系冼 日明教授,他當時任職助教。時間過得真快! 聯合書院鍾來嬌 文學院梁麗娟 左圖是我剛加入中大工作時的樣子。右圖是我(左二)與多名中國內地 研究生出席一個比較文學國際會議午宴的合照。 中大通訊 第一六四期 二零零零年五月四日 4