Newsletter No. 168

8. Lee Hysan Foundation Endowment Fund for Staff Development* Staff members interested in applying for the above grants/programmes may consult their departments/unit heads or faculty deans, who should have received detailed information on these programmes. Further enquiries may be directed to the Personnel Office (Ext. 7191 or 7288). # Details were published in the CUHK Newsletter Summer Supplement (19th August 2000); application deadline is 31st October 2000. * Now open for application (internal deadline: 14th October 2000) 教學人員評審事宜及教職員進修資助申請/提名 An n u al A c a d em i c Staff Rev i ew and Staff De v e l o pme nt Gr an t s Ap p l i c a t i o n s / Nom i n a t i o ns 大學現接受二零零一至二零零二年度教學人員之晉升、職稱評審、屆退休年齡 後延任’以及教職員進修資助之申請/提名,截止日期如下: 審議事宜 截止申請/提名日期 遞交申請/提名或查詢 教學人員晉升 (導師職級或以上) 二零零零年 九月三十日 有關提名或申請須於截止日 期前送交人事處助理處長阮 健驄先生(大學行政樓南座 三樓人事處)。 教師職稱評審 二零零零年 九月三十日 查詢請電內線七二八五或七 二八零。 教學人員屆退休年齡後延任 (導師職級或以上) 二零零零年 十月十四日 教職員與導師進修資助 二零零零年 十月十四日 各項進修資助計劃詳見本 期《中大通訊》。 查詢請電內線七二八八或 七一九一。 同人可向學系或部門辦公室索閱由人事處發出之通告,或瀏覽人事處網頁 (。 至於「甲」、「乙」及「丙」類服務條例非教學人員之評審事宜,容後公布。 The annual academic staff review exercise for the academic year 2001-2 will soon begin and the following are deadlines for applications/nominations; Nature of applications/nominations Deadline Submissions to be forwarded to/Enquiries Promotion (full-time teaching staff of Instructor grade and above) 30th Sept 2000 Mr. K.C. Yuen, Assistant Director of Personnel, 2nd Floor, South Wing, University Administration Building. Review for award of academic titles (serving teachers) 30th Sept 2000 Please direct enquiries to Ext. 7285/ 7280. Extension of service beyond retirement date (full-time teaching staff of Instructor grade and above) 14th Oct 2000 Staff development grants/ programmes (full-time teaching staff, and non- teaching staff on Terms of Service (A) or equivalent contracts) 14th Oct 2000 Details of the Staff Development Grants/Programmes are announced in the same issue ofthe CUHKNewsletter. Please direct enquiries to Ext. 7288/ 7191. Details concerning the above are outlined in a general circular issued by the Personnel Office for dissemination to members of the teaching staff via department chairmen/unit heads. The circular and application forms are also obtainable from the website of the Personnel Office (h ttp:// The schedule for staff review matters of non-teaching staff on Terms of Service (A), (B), and (C) will be announced in due course. 文物館展覽中國玻璃 F o r t h c om i ng Exh i b i t i ons at t he A r t Mu s e um 文物館將於本月十五日至十一月五日在 該館西翼展覽廳舉辦「虹影瑤輝——李景勳藏 清代玻璃」展覽,展出約一百五十件清代玻 璃、複色玻璃、套色刻花、畫琺郷、描金泥 金等玻璃器;器形多樣,色彩豐富,展現清 宮廷造辦處玻璃廠的精湛工藝水平,以及初 清西方傳教士的影響。部分展品屬民間作坊 產品或外銷商品。 文物館東翼展覽廳同期展出「五色琉璃 ——關氏所藏中國古代玻璃」,由東周至明 代的玻璃二百多項,包括用作個人飾物的玻璃珠、髮簪、手鐲等,以及日用器皿及 陪葬品。預展於九月十四日下午四時半舉行。歡迎參觀。 Two exhibitions on Chinese glass will be on display simultaneously at the Art Museum from 15th September to 5thNovember 2000. There will be apreview of the exhibitions at 4.30 p.m. on 14th September. The first exhibition, 'Elegance and Radiance — Grandeur in Qing Glass: the Andrew K.F. Lee Collection', w i ll have on display in the West-wing Gallery approximately 150 pieces of glass work in avariety of form, colour, and workmanship produced in the Qing dynasty (1644-1911). These include monochromes, polychromes, overlays, enamel-painted, gilded, and carved pieces. Some early pieces show the influence of the Western missionaries; most demonstrate the high lapidary quality of the glass products of the imperial workshops; others were produced in provincial workshops or for export markets. The second exhibition, 'Early Chinese Glass from the Kwan Collection', will have on display in the East-wing Gallery ancient Chinese glass from the Eastern Zhou period (770-220 BC) to the Ming dynasty (AD1368-1644). Most of the over 200 exhibits are personal ornaments such as beads, hairpins, and bracelets. There are also vessels for daily use and burial objects. 圖書館中秋節開放時間 L i b r a ry Op e n i n g Ho u rs D u r i n g M i d - A u t u mn Festival 大學圖書館暨各分館於中秋節(九月十二日)提前於下午五時閉館,並於翌日之 公眾假期休館;九月十四日回復正常開放時間。 The University Library and its branch libraries will close early at 5.00 p.m. on 12th September for the Mid-Autumn Festival. All libraries will be closed on 13th September, and will resume normal opening hours on 14th September. 中大健身室重新開放 Re - open i ng o f t he Un i v e r s i ty Fitness Ro om 位於夏鼎基運動場側的全新中大健身室(離舊址左面五十米)將於九月四日重新 開放°開放時間為:星期一至五上午七時至下午八時半,星期六上午九時至中午十 二時。星期日及公眾假期停止開放。 歡迎持有有效的中大健身室使用證者使用。查詢請聯絡體育部陳德有先生(二 六零九七五三九)。 The new University Fitness. Room, situated 50 metres to the left of the previous one, and right outside the racetrack of the Haddon-Cave Sports Field, will be re-opened from 4th September 2000. People with valid University Training Room User's Cards are welcome to use the facilities between 7.00 a.m. and 8.30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and between 9.00 a.m. and 12.00 noon on Saturday. Please direct enquiries to Mr. Chan Tak-yau at 2609 7539. 大學游泳池通告 Un i v e r s i ty Sw i mm i ng Pool •大學游泳池於九月四日至十一月三十日之開放時間為: 第一節:上午十時三十分至下午一時四十分 第二節:下午二時三十分至六時十五分 星期日及公眾假期照常開放 •游泳池按慣例於中秋節(九月十二日)提前於下午五時關閉。 •游泳池第一及第二水線於九至十一月逢週一及週三(九月十三日及十月二日除外) 下午三時至五時三十分,專供體育運動科學系作「教育學士學位課程」之用。 From 4th September to 30th November 2000, the opening hours of the University swimming pool will be as follows: 1 St session; 10.30 a.m. to 1.40 p.m. 2nd session: 2.30 p.m. to 6.15 p.m. (The pool is open seven days a week including public holidays.) The pool will be closed earlier at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 12th September 2000, for the Mid-Autumn Festival. The first and second lanes of the pool will be reserved for use by the full-time Bachelor of Education Programme of the Department of Sports Science and Physical Education from 3.00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. on all Mondays in September, October and November, except 2nd October, as well as all Wednesdays in September, October, and November, except 13th September. 額外門診服務計劃 Extra Ou t p a t i e n t Con s u l t a t i on Services Scheme 由二零零零年八月廿一日起,參與計劃的陳洪昭醫生只在其深水埗醫務所應診。 地址:深水埗巴域街廿七號地下 電話:二七七九九六八九或二五二二八二六二 傳真:二七七九九七零一 診症時間 星期一至五 上午八時半至下午十二時半;下午四至八時 星期六、日及公眾假期上午九時至下午一時 With effect from 21 st August 2000, Dr. Chan Hung-chiu will offer consultation service at his clinic in Shamshuipo only. Address: G/F, 27 Berwick Street, Shamshuipo Tel: 2779 9689, 2522 8262 Fax: 2779 9701 Pager: 7668 2347 Consultation hours: Monday to Friday: 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.; 4.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays: 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. 10 September 2000立法會選舉 Legislative Council Elections 中大通訊 第一六八期二零零零年九月四日 4