Newsletter No. 179
4 No. 179 4th March 2001 CUHK Newsletter 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 公積金計劃投資成績 Investment Returns of Staff Superannuation Schemes 財務處公布公積金計劃內各項投資基 金於二零零一年一月的回報如下: From the Bursary The investment returns of January 2001 in the Designated Investment Funds of the 1995 Scheme and 1983 Scheme are as follows: 二零零一年一月 January 2001 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指摽回報 Benchmark Return 1995 1983 (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth 4.52% 3.57% 5.16% 平衡 Balanced 3.36% 2.84% 3.71% 穩定 S t a b le 1.04% 0.92% 0.94% 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.50% (年息 Annualized 5.84%) 0.51% (年息 Annualized 6.00%) 0.41% (年息 Annualized 4.86%) 美元銀行存款 USD Bank Deposit 0.53% (年息 Annualized 6.27%) 0.53% (年息 Annualized 6.29%) 0.47% (年息 Annualized 5.43%) 僱員貸款利率下調 Reduction in Staff Loan Interest Rate 財務處最近與恆生銀行達成協議,中大僱員貸款利率由二零零一年二月二十八 日起,由最優惠利率改為最優惠利率減一點五釐。 From the Bursary Consequent upon recent negotiations with Hang Seng Bank, a reduction in the Staff Loan interest rate from 'Best Lending Rate' to '1.5 per cent below the Best Lending Rate' has been secured for staff members from 28th February 2001. 更改教職員個人資料 Updating of Staff Personal Data 為符合個人資料(私隱)條例及申報稅務,同人的個人資料如姓名、地址、電 話、婚姻/家庭狀況、學歷等倘有更改,請盡早向人事處(電話二六零九七一八九)索 取所需表格,填妥後附上有關文件正本或副本一併交回人事處,以更新資料。 個人資料如有變動,可能會影響僱員的附帶福利,如已婚僱員須選擇享用大學 抑或其配偶的僱主所提供的附帶福利,這些附帶福利包括: 附帶福利 個人資料更改的用途 子女教育津貼 •新生子女日後入學可申領津貼。 房屋福利 •家庭狀況改變(如結婚/新生子女)會影響自行租屋津貼。 •婚姻狀況或配偶職業的改變,須通知人事處以確保並無享用雙 重房屋福利。 旅費 •新生子女將可申領津貼。 醫療福利 •新婚僱員的配偶或新生子女將可成為醫療福利計劃的成員。 •年齡為十九至二十一歲並正接受全日制正規教育(至學士學位 課程為限)的受供養子女,亦可成為醫療福利計劃的成員。 To ensure the accuracy of staff data records as required under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and for Inland Revenue reporting purposes, staff members are requested to notify the Personnel Office at the earliest possible opportunity i f there are changes to their personal data, such as their name, address, telephone number, marital status, birth of child, or acquisition of additional qualifications. Such changes may be reported on prescribed forms obtainable from the Personnel Office (Tel. 2609 7189), and where applicable, the originals or certified true copies of relevant supporting documents should be attached. Change of personal data may have implications on the appointees' entitlement to benefits at the University. For instance, newly married staff should report the change in their marital status since married couples should opt to receive benefits from either the University or his/her spouse's employer. Such benefits may include the following: Fringe Benefits Examples of Changes in Personal Data Affecting Eligibility for Benefits Children's education allowances • New-borns should be reported so as to include them as eligible members. Housing benefits • Change of family size (e.g. marital status/new-borns) should be reported as it may affect the rates of Private Tenancy Allowance. • Change of marital status/spouse's employment should be reported for clearance of the Rules for the Prevention of Double Housing Benefits. Passages • New-borns should be reported so as to include them as eligible members. Medical benefits • Spouse of newly married staff and new-borns may be included as eligible members under the Staff Medical Benefits Scheme. • Dependent children aged between 19 and 21 will be accepted as eligible members if they are in full-time education up to the level of a first degree. Special Discount Offers for CUHK Staff From the Business Office • The Tai Po Kau Interactive Nature Centre (Address: Tai Po Kau Village, No. 4339 Tai Po Road, N.T.; Tel: 2657 6657) is offering from now until 30th June 2001 a discount of 10 per cent for lunch on weekdays to CUHK staff members. • Royal Park Hotel (Tel: 2601 2111) and Regal Riverside Hotel (Tel: 2649 7878) are offering various discounts for patronage by CUHK staff. Users please check with these hotels whether discounts are available before settling bills. 翻譯研究中心三十周年翻譯手稿展 RCT 30th Anniversary Translation Manuscripts Exhibition 翻譯研究中心為慶祝成立三十周年,特於三月五至十七日與邵逸夫堂合辦「翻 譯手稿展」,首次展出 Burton Watson、David Hawkes、 劉殿爵等中國文學英譯名家手 稿共十二份。 展覽於邵逸夫堂留足展覽廳舉行,展覽首天傍晚並於展場設置酒會,款待作 者、翻譯界及學術界友好。 To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Research Centre for Translation (RCT), a translation manuscripts exhibition will be organized in collaboration with Sir Run Run Shaw Hall from 5th (Monday) to 17th (Saturday) March 2001. Featuring a total of 12 sets of manuscripts of such well-known translators of Chinese literature as Burton Watson, David Hawkes, D.C. Lau, etc., shown to the public for the first time, the exhibition will be held at the Foyer Gallery of Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. A cocktail reception will be held at the foyer on the evening of 5th March. 文物館展覽 A r t Museum Exhibitions 文物館展覽廳維修工程於本 月中完成,重新開放。下述兩個 展覽將於本月十五日下午四時半 舉行開幕禮,由副校長金耀基教 授主持,北京大學圖書館館長戴 龍基教授主禮,歡迎出席。 「中國古代碑帖拓本」展覽於 三月十六日至五月十三日在文物 館西翼展覽廳舉行,由藝術系、 文物館和北大圖書館合辦。 中國古代碑帖拓本的內容非 常豐富,包括摩崖、碑碣、石 闕、墓誌、塔銘、造像、畫像、 題名題記、名家翰墨等。碑帖拓 本因其書法藝術及文獻價值,長久以來,備受重視珍藏。 北大圖書館和中大文物館向來致力嵬集及保存中國歷代碑帖拓本,促進書法藝 術的欣賞與研究。是次展品共一百五十項,精選自兩館的珍藏。碑帖的年代由戰國 至清代,拓本的年代則以明清至近代的善拓居多,而極為珍罕的宋拓本亦為數不 少。展品風格多樣,異彩紛呈,可說是中國碑帖書法文化的縮影。 另,配合展覽的「中國碑帖與書法國際研討會」,會於四月廿六至廿八日舉行。 「文物館藏品選」則於三月十六日至八月在文物館東翼展覽廳舉行,展品以館藏 拓本為主,輔以文房雅玩,包括筆、筆洗、墨、墨硯、印章、印泥盒、水注、水 洗、案屏、臂擱、紙鎮等。 The Art Museum Galleries have been closed for renovation until recently. They will reopen at 4.30 p.m. on 15th March (Thursday) for a preview of the following exhibitions: • Ancient Chinese Calligraphic Rubbings (From 16th March to 13th May 2001 at the West-wing Galleries) The 150 rubbings in this exhibition have been selected from the rich collection of the Peking University Library and the Art Museum of The Chinese University. The original stones date from the Waning States to the Qing dynasties, while the rubbings belong mainly to the Ming/Qing and pre-modem periods. A couple of rare rubbings that were made during the Song Dynasty form the star-pieces in the show. Together they represent the most comprehensive and systematic exhibition of this unusual branch of Chinese art ever held in Hong Kong. To coincide with the exhibition, an international symposium (in putonghua) will be held from 26th to 28th April. • Selections from the A r t Museum Collection (From 16th March to August 2001 at the East-wing Galleries) On display are rubbings from the Art Museum collection, but there is also a special group of objects from the scholar's studio, which range from brush pots, ink cakes, ink slabs, seals, seal vermilion boxes, water droppers, water coupes to table screens, arm rests, and paper weights. 東漢禮器碑,明代拓本 北京大學圖書館藏品 Liqi Stele, Eastern Han, Ming Dynasty rubbing, collection of the Peking University Library
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