Newsletter No. 187

CUHK Newsletter No. 187 4th September 2001 5 Postgraduate Students Develop Own Health Protocols T he award presentation ceremony for the best protocols developed by the students of the Postgraduate Programme in Epidemiology and Biostatistics took place on 26th June at the Prince of Wales Hospital. For several months, the students had been working hard to develop their own protocols. The health issues they addressed included smoking relapse, pulmonary rehabilitation programmes, lower back pain and knee pain, and asthma and environmental tobacco smoke. The awards presented were: • Best Presentation Awa rd 'Prevention of Smoking Relapse in Postpartum Women' by Grace Cheung Ka Yan • Outstanding Presentation Awa rd 'Randomized Controlled Trial to Compare the Effects o f Added Psychosocial Intervention w i th Those o f Conventional Regime in Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme on the Quality of Life of Patients with COPD' by Leung Wing Sze • Outstanding Presentation Awa rd 'Work-related Risk Factors for Low Back Pain and Knee Pain in Postmen in Hong Kong: Results of a Questionnaire Survey' by Lam Wai Yip • Outstanding Presentation Awa rd 'Asthma and Environmental Tobacco Smoke' by Fung Yuk Mei Microbiology Summer Course for Mainland Fellows Y o u ng f e l l o ws specializing in m i c r o b i o l o gy f r om different institutions a n d h o s p i t a l s i n m a i n l a n d C h i n a p a r t i c i p a t ed i n the Summer Course 2001 i n M i c r o b i o l o g y , o r g a n i z ed by t he D e p a r t m e n t o f Microbiology from 6th to 19th June 2001 at the Prince o f Wales Hospital. The course not only gave the participants a chance to update their laboratory skills and techniques, but also extended research collaboration between Hong Kong and the mainland, and attracted qualified candidates to enrol in postgraduate studies at the department. Summer Camp for Potential Business Leaders T hirty-five outstanding sixth-formers from the territory were given a taste of the excitement of business studies at the University at the Summer Programme f or Fu t u re Business Leaders. The programme was launched by the Faculty of Business Administration from 11th to 15th June 2001. The students spent f i ve days on campus to acqua i nt themselves with the BA Faculty, its teachers, students, and alumni, to experience what it is like to study business at the University, and to enjoy campus l i fe in general. They attended lectures given by Profs. Leo Sin, Dennis Fan, and Go r don Cheung from the faculty, who e n l i g h t e n e d t h e p a r t i c i p a n ts on the principles of marketing, f i n a n c e , and ma n a g eme n t. T he participants were also given a chance to work on a real business proposal which they had to present to the f acu l t y 's associate deans, Prof. Michael Hui and Prof. C.F. Chan. The winning team was given the best p r esen t a t i on awa rd at the c l o s i ng ceremony. Intercultural Focus on China's Future Development by Students F o r t y - f our students f r om mainland universities and three students from universities in the US joined 20 counterparts f r om Chung Chi College in a p r og r amme en t i t l ed ' Ch i na Today — A Study of Hong Kong a nd S h a n g h a i ' . H e l d i n c e l e b r a t i on o f t he 5 0 t h ann i ve r sa ry o f Chung Ch i College, the programme was o r gan i zed by the Lee Sh iu Centre of Intercultural Learning of the college and co-organized by Fu d an U n i v e r s i t y and Shenzhen Un i v e r s i t y. It t ook place respectively in Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Shenzhen from 1st to 28th August 2001. The aim o f the programme was to enable the students to examine the strengths and qualities of the three cities that are favourable to China's opening up and development by enriching their own experience. The students were given the chance to study the five pillars of modern society, namely the rule o f law, prevention o f c o r r u p t i o n, b a n k i ng and f i nan c e, education and social services, as well as the roles o f these f i ve pillars in the development of Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. They participated in 22 seminars and 15 visits, including visits to the Independent Commission Against Corruption, the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Jenco Electric (Shenzhen) L t d ., Shenzhen Special Zone Press Group, the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the Shanghai Prosecution Bureau. A t the opening ceremony held in the Esther Lee Bu i l d i ng on campus, Prof. Ambrose K i ng , pro-vice-chancellor, Prof. Rance P.L. Lee, head of Chung Chi College, and Dr. Lee Shiu, founder of the Lee Shiu Centre of Intercultural Learning, addressed the delegates. Then Ms. the Honourable Margaret Ng, barrister and member of the Legislative Council of the HKSAR, spoke on Hong Kong's legal system in the opening seminar on law. UC Students Train Body and Mind at Hebei C lose to 30 students of United College went to Hebei University on 23rd June 2001 for a 17-day intensive training camp, accompanied by Prof. Stephen Wong o f the Depa r tment o f Sports Science and Physical Education. Organized by United College and sponsored by the College Endowment Fund, the objective of this new Summer Pu t onghua and M i l i t a r y T r a i n i ng Programme was to provide students of the college w i th the opportunity to polish t h e i r p u t o n g h u a , e n h a n c e t h e i r knowledge of Chinese culture and h i s t o r y, and strengthen their b o d i e s t h r o u g h i n t e n s i ve p h y s i c al training provided by the host institution. A l l s t u d e n t s c o m p l e t e d t h e p r o g r a m m e successfully. BBA Alumni Association Annual Dinner T he CUHK BBA Alumni Association, the alumni association of the first business degree p r og r amme i n the territory, held its alumni dinner this year on 19 th June at the Go v e r nme nt Secretariat Staff Club. M r . Mo s es Ch e n g, f o u n d i ng chairman of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors and a senior partner in P.C. Woo & Co., was the guest speaker for the occasion. Speaking on ' Qua l i ty and Q u a n t i t y o f L i s t e d C o m p a n y Information' , he shared with the audience the common difficulties encountered by i n v e s t o r s i n i n t e r p r e t i n g t he announcements of listed companies and what can be done to improve the quality o f such information. Prof. Larry Lang, professor of finance at the University, was the guest chairman.