Newsletter No. 194

4 No. 194 19th December 2001 CUHK Newsletter 宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新設課程 New Academic Programmes 大學教務會最近通過開設下列自資的新課程: •電腦輔助翻譯文學碩士課程 ( 二零零二至二零零三年度起) •工商管理碩士課程(醫療) (二零零二至二零零三年度起) •專業會計學碩士課程 (二零零二年一月起,在上海開設) •運動科學理學碩士課程 (二零零二至二零零三年度起) The Senate recently approved the introduction of the following self-financed academic programmes: • Maste r of Arts Programme in Computer-aided Translation in 2002-3 • Maste r of Business Administration Programme in Health Care in 2002-3 • Maste r of Professional Accountancy Programme, in Shanghai, in January 2002 • Maste r of Science Programme in Exercise Science in 2002-3 更改教職員個人資料 Updating of Staff Personal Data 為符合個人資料(私隱)條例及申報稅務,同人的個人資料如姓名、婚姻狀況、 子女數目、學歷等倘有更改,請填妥「更改個人資料表」及附上有關文件正本或獲確 認的副本,一併交回人事處;地址及電話如有變動,亦請以書面通知人事處,以更 新資料。「更改個人資料表」可於人事處網頁 ( 下載 或致電二六零九七二九一索取。 個 人資料之變動可能會影響僱員的附帶福利,舉例如下: 附帶福利* 更改個人資料的用途 子女教育津貼。 新生子女日後入學可申領津貼。 房屋福利 •家庭狀況改變(如結婚/新生子女)會影響自行租屋津貼。 •婚姻狀況或配偶職業的改變,須通知人事處以確保並無享用 雙重房屋福利。 旅費 •新生子女將可申領津貼。 醫療福利 •新婚僱員的配偶或新生子女將可成為醫療福利計劃的成員。 •年齡為十九至二十一歲並正接受全日制正規教育(至學士學位 課程為限)的受供養子女,亦可成為醫療福利計劃的成員。 *僱員可享用的附帶福利將根據其聘書所列的聘用條件而定。 To ensure the accuracy of staff data records as required under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and for Inland Revenue reporting purposes, staff members with changes of personal data such as name, marital status, birth of child, or acquisition of additiona l qualifications ar e requested to fill out and submit the 'Change of Personal Data' form to the Personnel Office with the originals or certified true copies of relevant supportin g documents attached. Staff members with changes in address or telephone number should also notify th e Personnel Office i n writing. Th e 'Chang e o f Personal Data' form i s obtainable from the Personnel Office (Tel. 2609 7291), or may be downloaded from its website ( . Change of personal data may have implications on the appointees' entitlemen t to benefits at the University. Below are some examples: Fringe Benefits* Examples of Changes in Personal Data Affecting Eligibility for Benefits Children's educatio n • New-bom s should be reported so as to include themas allowances eligibl e members. Housing benefits • Chang e of family size (e.g. marital status/new-borns) should be reported as it may affect the rates of Private Tenancy Allowance. • Chang e of marital status/spouse's employment should be reported for clearance of the Rules for the Prevention of Double Housing Benefits. Passages • New-bom s should be reported so as to include them as eligible members for passage allowances. Medical benefits • Spous e of newly married staff and new-boms may be included as eligible members under the Staff Medical Benefits Scheme. • Dependen t children aged between 19 and 21 will be accepted as eligible members if they are in full-time education up to the level of a first degree. • Fring e benefits are provided i n accordance wit h terms and conditions liste d i n the Letter s of Appointment. 資訊科技概論證書課程 Certificate Course in Information Technology Essentials 為進一步提高校內行政及支援人員的資訊科技水平,資訊科技服務處將於下月 推出「資訊科技概論證書課程」,講授企業資訊技術、文件管理、互聯網應用、網上 教學、智能卡應用和資訊保安。 課程以面授及網上學習形式進行,由該處資深電算師擔任導師。 該課程歡迎各級行政及支援人員參加,學費 全免。學員在修畢課程後,可選擇參加評核考 試,費用五百元。考試及格者將獲簽發有效期兩 年的證書,資歷等同通過助理主任/執行助理晉升 評核的資訊科技水平測試。有關詳情及報名辦 法,請上網查閱(網址 hk/training/certinfo/)。 The Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) will conduc t a new series of 'Certificat e Course i n Information Technology Essentials ' for staf f of the University fro m January 2002 . The programme i s composed of six modules: (a) enterprise computing, (b) document management, (c) the Internet and its applications, (d) web-based teaching, (e) the smart card and its applications, and (f) information security. It is part of a training initiative to help develop the IT competence of administrative and support staff. Featuring both face-to-face sessions and web-based tutorials, the course will be delivered by experienced computer officers of the ITSC. The course is free of charge and application is open to all administrative and support staff on a first-come-first-served basis. Course participants will be awarded a certificate after passing an optional assessment examination (a non-refundable examination fee of $500 will apply) at the completion of the course. Valid for two years, the certificate wil l be recognized by the University as equivalent to passing the IT test for EO/EA promotion assessment. Fo r detaile d information an d enrolment, please refer t o the web-page ( 訃告 Obituaries •大學校董蔡永業教授於二零零一年十二月三日辭世,本校同人深表哀悼。 蔡永業教授曾任大學副校長(一九七九至八七年)、醫學院創院院長(一九七 七至八六年)及醫學行政學講座教授,全力匡助醫學院之成立及發展,厥功至 偉。蔡教授榮休後繼續出任校長榮譽顧問、榮休講座教授、逸夫書院校董會副主 席及大學校董等要職。 過去二十五年來,香港中文大學學術科硏之素質得以不斷提昇,實有賴蔡教 授多方推贊扶翊。大學校董會暨大學同人敬佩蔡永業教授畢生獻身醫療與教育事 業,及對香港中文大學與社會公益之貢獻,對其勳績,永誌不忘。 •心理學系高級講師梁展鵬教授於二零零一年十二月十日辭世。梁教授於一九八五 年九月加入本校服務。 • Th e University records with deep sadness the passing away of Prof. Gerald H. Choa on 3rd December 2001. Prof. Geral d H. Cho a was pro-vice-chancellor o f the Universit y (1979-87) , founding dean of the Faculty of Medicine (1977-86), and professor of administrative medicine. He was instrumental in the establishment and development of the Faculty of Medicine of the University. After his retirement, Prof. Choa continued his service as honorary adviser to the vice-chancellor, emeritus professor, vice-chairman of the Shaw College Board of Trustees, and member of the University Council . Over th e pas t 2 5 years , Prof . Geral d H . Cho a ha d mad e distinguishe d contributions t o the academic and research development of the University. His lifelong devotion to the medical sciences, education, and service to the University and the community-at-large will be long remembered by his fellow Council members as well as other members of the University. • The University records with deep sadness the passing away of Prof. Leung Jin Pang, senior lecture r i n psychology, o n 10t h December 2001 . Prof . Leun g joined the University i n September 1985 . S e r v i c e t o t h e C o m m u n i t y a n d I n t e r n a t i o n a l O r g a n i z a t i o n s • Prof . Andrew Chan, professor in the Department of Marketing, has been appointed by the Financial Secretary as a member of the Hong Kong Tourism Board for three years from 1st November 2001. • Prof . Tam Man-kwan, professor in the Department of Educational Administration and Policy, has been appointed by the Secretary for Education and Manpower as the chairman of the Start-up Loan for Post-Secondary Education Providers Vetting Committee for one year from 1st September 2001. He has also been appointed as the chief education adviser to the ZB Century Talents Foreign Languages School in Shantung from April 2001. • Prof . Joyce Ma Lai-Chong, professor in the Department of Social Work, has been appointed by the Secretary for Health and Welfare as a member of the Advisory Committee on Social Work Training and Manpower Training for two years from 1st November 2001. • Prof . C.S. Cockram, professor of medicine, carried out a short-term consultancy for the World Health Organization in Vietnam between 10th and 22nd September 2001. • Prof . Christopher John Haines, professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, has been nominated as a member of the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Advisory Panel on Ageing/Postmenopause until September 2003. ‧矯形外科及創傷學講座教授鄭振耀教授於二零零一年八月一日獲國家「科學技術部 基礎研究司」委任為「國家重點基礎研究發展規劃」各項目專家組成員;鄭教授另 於二零零零年九 月十四日 獲天津醫院院長委任為天津醫院骨科名譽顧問。 Honours and Awards • Prof . Tang Wai-kwong, assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry, was awarded the Pfizer Research Award 2001 by the Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association on 16th November 2001. (Information in this section is provided by the Information and Public Relations Office. Contributions —should be sent direct to that office for registration and verification before publication.)