Newsletter No. 211

宣 布 事 項� ANNOUNCEMENTS The 2002-3 members of the Council and the executive committee of the Teachers' Association of The Chinese University (CUTA) have been elected on 8th November 2002 as follows: President : Kwan Hoi Shan (Science) Chairman : Chang Song Hing (Arts) Secretary : Ho Wai Kit (Education) Treasurer : Dominica S.Y. Lee (BA) Editor : Yeung Chung Kee (Arts) Executive members : Chan Tin Cheung (Social Science), Wong Chong K im (Science), and Wong Chi Sum (BA). 2002—4 representatives : Dominica S.Y. Lee (BA), Kwan Hoi Shan (Science), Leung Kui Hung (Arts), Yeung Chung Kee (Arts), Kwok Siu Tong (Arts), Lau Oi Wah (Science), Ngai Sek Yum (Social Science), Chang Song Hing (Arts), Ho Wai Kit (Education), Lau Hang Yung (Medicine), Lau Tai Shing (Science), and Stephen Wong Heung Sang (Education). 2001—3 representatives : A. Stadlin (Medicine), Joseph H.W. Hung (Arts), Ng Fung Yee (BA), Shum Kar Ping (Science), Lee Wood Hung (Arts), Michael M.Y. Chang (Engineering), Kwong Kok Shi (BA), Chan K in Man (Social Science), Vincent E.G. Ooi (Science), Yip Hon Mi ng (Arts), Lo Tak Kai (Education), and Kan Wing Kay (Engineering). CUTA's phone number has been changed to 2609 8997. Its e-mail address is 免費音樂節目 Musical Events on Campus 音樂系將於本月下旬舉辦多個免費音樂節目,而崇基管弦樂團亦舉行免費音樂� 會,歡迎出席。� •鋼琴大師班 主講者� : Mr. Norman Lee 時間及地點:十一月二十日(星期三)晚上七時半,許讓成樓 LG01 室� •嗩吶示範講座 主講者� :郭雅志� 時間及地點:十一月二十一日(星期四)晚上七時半,利黃瑶璧樓利希慎音樂廳� •崇基管弦樂團音樂會 節目包括「木星」(選自「行星」組曲,作品 32 ,霍爾斯特曲)及第八交響曲「未完成」(舒伯特曲)。� 表演者� :崇基管弦樂團� 聯合表演者:浸會大學管弦樂團� 指揮� :官美如敎授� 時間及地點:十一月二十五日(星期一)晚上八時,利黃瑤璧樓利希慎音樂廳� •「現代二胡作品和演奏藝術在國際音樂舞臺的新發展」 主講者� :許可� 時間及地點:十一月二十七日(星期三)晚上七時半,許讓成樓 LG01 室� •鋼琴演奏會 演出者� :利忠能敎授� 時間及地點:十一月二十八日(星期四)晚上七時半,利黃瑤璧樓利希慎音樂廳� The Department of Music and the Chung Chi Orchestra w i l l present the following programmes for free in November 2002: • A Piano Masterclass — 'Piano Playing — Virtuosity Without Pain' by Mr. Norman Lee Date/Time : 7.30 p.m., 20th November 2002 (Wednesday) Venue : Rm. LG01, Hui Yeung Shing Building • A Lecture — Demonstration of Suona by Guo Yazhi Date/Time : 7.30 p.m., 21st November 2002 (Thursday) Venue : Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building •Chung Chi Orchestra Concert Programme highlights include J u p i t e r f r om P l a n e t s , Op.32 by G. Hoist, and S y m p h o n y N o. 8 ' U n f i n i s h e d ' by F. Schubert. Performer : Chung Chi Orchestra Co-performer : Baptist University Orchestra Conductor : Prof. Carmen Koon Date/Time : 8.00 p.m., 25th November 2002 (Monday) Venue : Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building • A n Erhu Masterclass by Xue Ke Date/Time : 7.30 p.m., 27th November 2002 Wednesday) Venue : Rm. LG01, Hui Yeung Shing Building • A Piano Recital by Prof. Lee Chung Nung Date/Time : 7.30 p.m., 28th November 2002 (Thursday) Venue : Lee Hysan Concert Hall, Esther Lee Building 《輕鬆走過更年期》供免費索閲 Get Your Free Menopause Information Booklet 公共衛生學院婦女健康及硏究中心新推出《輕鬆走過更年期》小冊子,供免費索閱。� 該健康小冊子共分四章:第一章「更年無有怕,來認識下」介紹婦女更年期的基� 本知識,包括生理、心理的轉變,以及有關的疾病如冠心病、抑鬱症等。第二章「身� 心同照顧,生活多豐富」羅列中年婦女健康服務的資料。第三章枚舉多位對婦女健康� 貢獻良多的女士的健康心得。第四章「健康齊評估,中年不覺苦」提供更年期的健康� 評估測試和中年婦女健康生活指南。� 有興趣索閱者,可附貼上 $4 郵資的回郵信封,寄香港新界沙田威爾斯親王醫院� 公共衛生學院三樓三零七室,婦女健康促進及硏究中心收,封面註明「索取輕鬆走過� 更年期小冊子」。� Many women may undergo the transitional period of menopause with little disturbance to their daily life, while others have more complaints. Though some published information is available for Caucasian women, systematic material about menopause in Asian and Chinese women is lacking. Misconceptions and myths concerning women's health during menopausal transition abound. Many women do not know where to seek help and obtain relevant information on menopausal health. The Centre of Research and Promotion of Women's Health of The Chinese University of Hong Kong has published a booklet called Confidence for the Crossroads that provides useful information on menopause and services for women's health. The booklet also includes interviews of women who have made significant contributions to promoting women's health, a check-list for assessment of menopausal health, as well as tips for health promotion and maintenance for women in mid-life. You can now obtain this booklet for free. Just send a self-addressed A4 size envelope with a $4 stamp to: Centre of Research and Promotion of Women's Health, Rm 307, School of Public Health, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong. 乳部新知講座 威爾斯親王醫院羅嘉寶醫生將於十一月二十七日(星期三)下午一至二時,在保� 健醫療中心一樓健康教育室主持「乳部新知」講座,講解有關乳房的一般問題,自我� 檢查的新概念,賀爾蒙的影響等。講座以粵語進行,歡迎員生出席。� Talk on Common Breast Problems A talk (in English) on common breast problems, hormonal replacement therapy and breast self-examination w i ll be hosted by the University Health Service next month. A l l are welcome. Speaker : Dr. Bonita Law, surgical specialist, Prince of Wales Hospital Date/Time : 1-2 p.m., 4th December 2002 (Wednesday) Venue : 1/F, Health Education Room, University Health Centre 大 學游泳池關閉 University Swimming Pool to Close 大學游泳池將由十二月一日(星期日)至明年四月停止開放,以開展周年維修工� 程。重新開放日期,容後公布。� The University swimming pool w i ll be closed from 1st December 2002 (Sunday) to April 2003 for annual maintenance. The date of re-opening w i ll be announced later. Research Centre for Translation website: e-mail: Renditions No. 58 (Autumn 2002) A miscellaneous issue featuring Chinese lyrics, excerpts from the late 19th century novel Shanghai Demi-monde by Han Banqing, modern fiction by Ding Ling and Zhang Kangkang, and poetry by the Taiwan poet Chen Kehua. ISSN 0377-3513 , 160 pages, HK$99 (Hong Kong only), US$17 Living with Their Past: Post-Urban Youth Fiction by Zhang Kangkang, edited by Richard King Zhang Kangkang is one of contemporary China's leading writers. In a career spanning some 30 years, she has published novels, novellas, short stories, memoirs, and essays A teenager at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, Zhang was caught up in Mao Zedong's campaign to send educated urban youth away to poor and remote parts of rural China. After they were finally allowed to return to the cities in the late 1970s ,� many among this generation began to write about their experience. A cultural phenomenon known as 'urban youth literature' was born, and Zhang became one of its leading exponents. The stories collected here share the theme of urban youth �一 now returned to the city and no longer young — confronting their past. They reveal to the reader the experiences which shaped and still haunt a whole generation of Chinese people. ISBN 962-7255-26-2, 144 pages, HK$89 (Hong Kong only), US$14.95 中大通訊 第二 一一 期 二零零二年十一月十九日 4