Newsletter No. 217

由自動化與計算機輔助工程學系設計及製造的機器人「騰飛將軍」,在 會場不斷走動,與人溝通、握手、跳舞等,最受小朋友歡迎。 General 'T eng Fei', a robot modelled on a Han warrior and designed by the Department of Automation and Computer- Aided Engineering for the 40th anniversary celebrations, can walk, talk, shake hands, and dance. 中大學生表演非洲鼓和唱歌 African drums and singing performances by CUHK students 同日舉行的校慶體育活動 「大學教職員足球邀請賽」 決賽,結果由香港科技大學 以三比一力壓香港浸會大學 奪魁。賽後金耀基校長頒授 冠軍獎座予科大副校長 Mr. Paul A. Bolton ( 後排左 六)。 The HKUST team beat Baptist University to clinch the championship title of the invitation football match. Prof. Ambrose King presented the cup to Mr. Paul A. Bolton (left 6, back row) after the match. 金耀基校長與前任校長馬臨教授(左)和高錕教授(右) Prof. Ambrose King (middle) with two of his predecessors Prof. Ma Lin (left) and Prof. Charles K. Kao (right) 動物列車團團轉 Children ridingtheirfavourite cartoon characters 一展身手 Test your limits! 補充體力 Replenish! 4