Newsletter No. 227
Secon dTeachin g an dLearnin g Qualit yProces sRevie w T he University Grants Committee (UGC) conducted a 'Second Teaching an d L e a r n i n g Q u a l i t y P r o c e ss R e v i ew ( TLQPR )' a t The Chinese University o f Hong Kong i n September 2002 and a report of the review was given t o the University earlier this year. In the report, the UGC recognizes that progress has been made b y th e University since th e first round o f TLQPRs, and that efforts have been made t o address explicitly the recom-mendations o f the first round review. Four developments i n particular are commended i n the report. They include th e systematic operation o f th e course an d teaching evaluation on campus, with attention being paid to the results, especially in respect of personnel decisions; the implementation o f the new medical curriculum, in terms of both its form and the processes via which i t was developed; the establishment of the Centre for Learning and Research (CLEAR); and th e administration an d delivery o f research postgraduate education. The high quality o f the University's teaching an d learning processes i s we ll reflected by the performance of its graduates. According to the results published i n 2002 o f a large-sample survey o n th e opinions o f emp l o y e rs o n th e ma j o r aspects o f performance o f Hong Kong's year 2000 graduates o f UGC - f unded institutions, conducted by the Government's Education and Manpower Bureau in 2001, CUHK graduates' performance was rated outstanding. The University i s grateful t o the UGC for it s recommendations, wh i ch w i l l b e followed u p t o ensure that the University's teaching and learning processes w i ll become even more mature and effective. The University has released to the public both the review report and the University's statement i n response t o th e report vi a th e Internet. Two CLC Instructors Honoured for Good Teaching M r. Poon Mi ng (left photo) and Mrs. Tsao Tang Li-si (right photo) were the winners of the Exemplary Teaching Award 2002-3 of the New Asia— Yale-in-China Chinese Language Centre (CLC). A l l teaching staff of the CLC participated i n the award presentation ceremony held on 30th August i n Fong Yun Wah Hall. Certificates were presented t o the two awardees b y Prof. Jack Cheng, pro-vice-chancellor. The award wa s established four years ag o t o give recognition t o distinguished instruction. Criteria for nomination include high rating i n course evaluations over the past two years and contributions t o the CLC. A nominee has t o obtain a t least half o f the votes cast b y all teaching staff to become a n awardee. Mr. Poon has been a putonghua instructor a t th e centre for 14 years and Mrs. Tsao has b e en t e a c h i ng Cantonese since she j o i n e d t h e centre i n 1990. 宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新設課程 New Programmes 教務會於六月十一日的會議通過由二零零三至二零零四年度起開設下列新課程: •集成電路設計理學碩士課程(自資,在深圳開設) •通信與網絡工程理學碩士課程(自資,在深圳開設) •小學課外活動管理證書課程(由香港教育研究所及香港課外活動主任協會開設) 由校外進修學院開設 •副學士學位(款待服務及旅遊業管理)課程 •副學士學位(物流管理)課程 •副學士學位(康樂及休閒事務)課程 •物業及設施綜合管理高級文憑課程 •康樂休閒事務管理高級文憑課程 教務會另批准「行政人員財務策劃培訓課程」易名為「理財策劃行政課程」,該課程的 英文名稱不變。 The Senate approved the introduction of the following programmes in 2003-4: • Master of Science Programme in IC Design (self-financed, offered in Shenzhen) • Master o f Science Programme i n Telecommunications and Network Engineering (self- financed, offered in Shenzhen) • Certificate Programme in Management of Extra-curricular Activities in Primary Schools (by the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research and the Hong Kong Extra-curricular Activities Masters' Association) By the School of Continuing Studies • Associate Degree Programme in Hospitality and Tourism Management • Associate Degree Programme in Logistics Management • Associate Degree Programme in Recreation and Leisure Studies • Higher Diploma Programme in Integrated Estates and Facilities Management • Advanced Diploma Programme in Leisure Services Management 公積金及強積金計劃投資成績 Investment Returns o fStaff Superannuation Schemes and MPFS 財務處公布公積金及強積金計劃內各項投資基金之回報如下: The Bursary announces the following investment returns in the Designated Investment Funds of the 1995 and 1983 Schemes, and the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme (MPFS). 二零零三年八月 August 2003 基金 Fund 計劃 Scheme 指摽回報: Benchmark Return 強積金計劃 MPFS** (只供參考 forreference only) 1995 1983 (未經審核數據 unaudited) 增長 Growth 3.88% — 3.96% 4.95% 平衡 Balanced 2.42% 1.77% 2.76% 3.84% 穩定 Stable 1.28% — 0.95% 1.51% 香港股票 HK Equity 8.93% — 8.64% 9.59% 香港指數 HK Index-linked 8.81% — 8.64% — 港元銀行存款 HKD Bank Deposit 0.19% 0.09% 0.00% # — 美元銀行存款 USD Bank Deposit 0.16%* 0.08%* 0.00% # — 澳元銀行存款 AUD Bank Deposit 0.34%* — 0.26% — 歐元銀行存款 EUR Bank Deposit -2.35%* — 0.07% — *包括期內之匯率變動 Including foreign currency exchange difference for the period concerned **強積金數據乃根據有關期間的單位價格及標準投資管理費計算,未包括管理費回扣。 Based on the changes in unit price during the period concerned and using the standard investment m anagement fee. Fee rebate has not been reflected. # 少於 0.005% Less than 0.005% 僱員假期資料査詢系統 Leave Information o nStaff Self-service Enquiry System 若假期紀錄已經由電腦系統處理的大學全職僱員,現可透過「僱員個人資料查詢系 統」查閱以下資料: (一)在特定日期的假期結餘(通常於星期一更新)。 (二)推算至某一個指定日期的可享假期。 (三)過去十二個月內的年假/長假/假期紀錄。 請以互聯網瀏覽器 Internet Explorer (5.01 或更新之版本)進入該系統(網址為 https:// ,內設使用說明 。 若假期資料並未載於電腦系統的僱員,可如常向人事處或其所屬單位查詢有關資 料。此類僱員包括按醫管局相類服務條例受聘的僱員,屬「乙」類及「丙」類服務條例年假 計劃 (1998 以前)的僱員,以及其他屬非正規假期安排的僱員。 Full-time staff members whose leave records are captured in the computer leave system o f the Personnel Office or their parent offices may now tap on the leave section of the Staff Self- service Enquiry System (SSES) for the following leave information: (a) leave balance as at a specific date, updated every Monday; (b) projected leave balance as at a designated date; (c) annual/vacation/long leave period(s) taken in the past 12 months. SSES is easy to operate and can be accessed with Internet Explorer 5.01 or above via Instructions on the applications are available online for reference. Staff members whose leave records are not captured i n the computer leave system (e.g. clinical teachers on HA-equivalent Terms o f Service, Terms o f Service (B)/(C) o r equivalent staff on the Pre-1998 Annual Leave Scheme, and staff on non-standard leave terms) may check the relevant information from their respective leave administrators in the Personnel Office or their parent offices. 網上預訂體育場地 On-line Booking System o fSports Facilities 體育部及資訊科技服務處己於八月二十五日推出第二階段網上預訂體育場地系統, 供大學員生及各單位快捷方便地預訂大學體育中心及各書院之運動設施。 To provide speedy and convenient facilities booking service, the Physical Education Unit and the Information and Technology Services Unit have launched the On-line Booking System of Sports Facilities (Second Phase) on 25th August 2003. All eligible staff, students, departments and organizations can now book University and college sports facilities through the Internet. 學生漢語演講及講故事比賽 Chinese Speaking Contests fo rStudents 新雅中國語文研習所將舉辦學生漢語演講及講故事比賽,初賽於十月二十一日至二 十五日在方潤華堂舉行,決賽於十一月八日在崇基學院謝昭杰室舉行。截止報名日期為 十月十三日。 賽事資料載 於。 查 詢請致電曾小姐 (二六零九六七三四)或電郵 至。 The New Asia—Yale-in-China Chinese Language Centre is organizing Chinese speaking contests fo r CUHK students. The first round will take place from 21st to 25th October at Fong Yun Wah Hall. The finals will take place on 8th November a t the C.K. Tse Lecture Theatre, Chung Chi College. The deadline for entry is 13th October 2003. Details of the contest are available at htm. Please direct enquiries to Ms. Tsang Fong Yin at 26096734 or email fongyintsang@cuhk. . 3 No. 227 4th October 2003
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