Newsletter No. 227

Information in this section can only  be accessed with CWEM password .   若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 Three New Thinkers in Management Share Valuable Lessons M r. W o n g T i n C h e u n g, v i c e - c h a i r m an a nd managing director o f Yau Lee Holdings Ltd., M r . K e l v i n Wo n g , d i s t r i ct d i r e c t or o f M a n u l i f e (International) L t d ., and M r . A d o n is L a u, general manager (Guangdong) o f Baleno Group, were guest speakers in the first three shows o f the New Thinking in Management series o r g a n i z ed b y the E M B A Programme and R T HK. The series, wh i ch w i l l run until December 2003, is a sequel to the 10-segment Talking to CEOs programme aired f r om Ma r ch to July 2003. The shows were broadcast on R T H K Radio 1 on 13th July, 3rd August, and 10th August 2003 respectively, and posted simultaneously on rthk/radio 1/NovaManagement/. I n the debut show o f the series, M r . Wo n g T i n C h e u ng t a l k ed about crisis ma n a g eme n t. I n the second show, M r. K e l v i n Wo ng explained the four parts o f a selling cycle: establishing rapport w i t h the sales target, i d e n t i f y i ng the problem, d e f i n i ng the problem, and providing a solution. I n the third show, Mr. Adonis L au emphasized the need to think beyond the i mme d i a te use or value o f a merchandise or s e r v i c e. D e s p i t e e c o n o m i c d i f f i c u l t i es a n d competition, a garment retailer w h o has clear goals, understanding and foresight into consumer needs and w h o embraces change w i l l still succeed, he said. Prof. L eo Sin o f the Department o f Marketing, Prof. C.F. Chan, director o f the E M B A Programme, and Ms. Jenny Lee o f R T H K served as co-hosts on the shows. From left: Ms. Jenny Lee, Prof. C.F. Chan, Prof. Leo Sin, and Mr. Adonis Lau Personalia •人事動態 • Personal ia •人事動態 •Personal ia •人事動態 •Personal ia •人事動態 •Personal ia •人事動態 4 No. 227 4th October 2003