Newsletter No. 232

Information in this section can only  be accessed with CWEM password .   若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 Breakfast an d Happiness Closely Associate d 'The Biggest Health y Breakfas t Day' , launche d b y th e Centr e fo r Health Education and Health Promotion o f the University o n 28t h June 2002 was recently awarded the certificate fo r a new Guinnes s Worl d Record. Thi s world' s larges t simultaneou s breakfas t involve d 91,59 1 students, teachers, and parents at 14 4 different venues around Hong Kon g with th e ai m o f arousin g publi c attentio n t o th e importanc e o f eatin g breakfast. Studies by the centre suggest that children who breakfast are healthier, happier and even perform better academically. A healt h surveillance stud y in 199 9 revealed that the perceived level of happiness an d healthy eatin g habits were independent factors associated with having breakfast regularly . Smoking o r alcoho l drinking , an d a stronger sens e of hopelessness wer e independent factor s associated with higher likelihood of not breakfasting . Other survey s i n lat e 200 1 als o reveale d student s wit h depressiv e symptoms wer e mor e likel y t o be those who d o not breakfast . Centre director, Prof. Albert Li, with the Guinness World Record certificate and staff and students from the participating schools Support for Five Research Projects T he following fiv e researc h projects involvin g facult y member s o f the University hav e attracte d HK$31,250 eac h in funding suppor t from th e France/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme 2003-4 : • Microsatellit e Instabilit y Profile s an d Their Correlatio n wit h Clinico-pathologica l Feature s i n Endometrial Cance r Principal investigator from CUHK: Prof . Won g Y i c k - f u (Departmen t o f Obstetric s an d Gynaecology) • Investigatio n o f Nuclei c Acid Bindin g Propertie s o f the HPV E6 Oncogenic Protei n Principal investigator from CUHK: Dr . Lam Sik-lo k (Departmen t o f Chemistry ) • Detonatio n Model s i n Two-phase Flows : Mathematica l Analysi s Principal investigator from CUHK: Prof . X in Zhoupin g (Departmen t o f Mathematics ) • Molecula r Mechanis m o f Plan t Prevacuola r Compartment s Principal investigator from CUHK: Prof . Jian g Liwen (Departmen t o f Biology ) • Nove l Catalyst s fo r C-C/C= C Bond-formin g Reaction s an d Fin e Chemistr y Principal investigator from CUHK: Prof . Xi e Zuowe i (Departmen t o f Chemistry ) Study on Rotavirus I nfect ion in Hong Kong R otavirus, first identified in 1973 , is the most common caus e o f sever e diarrhoe a i n children, almos t al l o f whom w i l l b e infecte d before th e age of five . As r o t a v i r u s i n f e c t i o n c a n n o t b e prevented b y improvement s i n sanitatio n an d hygiene, a vaccine i s see n as the bes t optio n for controllin g this disease . As part of a global initiative t o fas t trac k th e developmen t an d introduction o f a rotavirus vaccine , regiona l surveillance network s ar e bein g se t u p t o increase awarenes s o f th e diseas e an d t o collect diseas e burde n dat a usin g simila r protocols. Th e Universit y i s part o f a regional network tha t ha s bee n collectin g dat a o n th e virus fo r th e pas t thre e years . The finding s o f the stud y wer e announce d on 22n d No v embe r a t th e Postgraduat e Education Centr e of the Faculty o f Medicine b y Prof. Fok Tai-fai, acting dean of the faculty, Prof. John Tam from the Department of Microbiology , and Prof. Anthony Nelson from the Departmen t of Paediatrics . The y reporte d tha t o f the 7,39 1 diarrhoea admission s i n fou r governmen t hospitals (involvin g childre n unde r five ) fro m 1st April 200 1 to 31s t March 2003 , 8 0 per cen t had a stool specime n sen t fo r rotaviru s testing . Some 3 0 per cen t teste d positive fo r rotavirus , which amounte d to 24 per cent of all diarrhoea l admissions. • Personalia • 人事動態 • Personalia • 人事動態 • Personalia • 人事動態 • Personalia • 人事動態 • Personalia • 4 No. 232 19th December 2003