Newsletter No. 232

宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 新任大學校董 New Council Member 利乾先生獲大學監督依據《香港中文大學條例》規程11 第1 (k) 段指定,出任大學校董,任期三年,由二零零三年十 一月二十七日起生效。 利乾先生現任利希慎置業有限公司及 Scottish an d Eastern Investments Limited 董事,利園國際集團執行董事,以及希 慎興業有限公司和太古股份有限公司的非執行董事和審核委 員會成員。 Mr. Chien Lee has been nominated by the Chancellor of the University as a member o f the University Council for a period of three years from 27th November 2003 in accordance with Statute 11.1(k) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance. Mr. Lee is currently director of Scottish and Eastern Investments Limited and Lee Hysan Estate Co. Ltd., executive director of Lee Gardens International Holdings Ltd. , non-executive directo r and member of audit committee of Swire Pacific Ltd. and Hysan Development Co . Ltd. 副校長續任 Reappointment of Pro-Vice-Chancellor 廖伯偉教授再獲委任為大學副校長,任期兩年,由二零零三年十月一日起生 效。 Prof. Liu Pak Wai was reappointed Pro-Vice-Chancellor o f the University fo r two years from 1s t October 2003. 新設課程 New Programme s 教務會於十月八日的會議通過開設下列新課程︰ 由二零零四至二零零五年度起開設 •比較及公眾史學文學碩士課程(自資,兼讀制) •東西戲劇文學碩士課程(自資) •哲學文學碩士課程(自資,兼讀制) 由二零零四年一月起開設 •高級管理人員工商管理(中國)碩士課程(自資,於西安交通大學開設) •中醫骨傷科文憑課程(自資) 由校外進修學院開設 •財務顧問專業證書課程(由二零零三年十一月起) •歷奇活動導師訓練證書課程(由二零零三年十二月起) •中級英語證書課程(由二零零三年十一月起) The Senate has approved the introduction of the following programmes: From 2004—5 • Maste r o f Arts Programme i n Comparative an d Public Histor y (self-financed , part - time) • Maste r of Arts Programme in East-West Drama (self-financed) • Maste r of Arts Programme in Philosophy (self-financed, part-time) From January 2004 • Executiv e Master of Business Administration (China) Programme (self-financed, offered at Xi'an Jiaotong University) • Diplom a Programme in Bone Setting (self-financed) By the School of Continuing Studies • Professiona l Certificate Programme in Financial Consulting (from November 2003) • Certificat e Programme for Adventure-based Activities Trainers (from December 2003) • Certificat e Programme in English (Intermediate Level) (from November 2003) 聯合書院開放日 聯合書院學生會訂於二零零四年一月十八日上午十一時至下午六時舉行聯合書 院開放日,活動包括聯合遊、宿舍開放、攤位和舞台節目,歡迎出席。 查詢請與吳嘉欣同學聯絡(電郵: karen_ ; 電話:九六三四 二九零七)。 訃告 Obituary 大學終身校董柯克樂博士( Dr. Clar k Kerr) 於二零零三年十二月一日辭世,享 年九十二歲,大學同人深表哀悼。 柯克樂博士為美國加州大學榮休校長,獻身高等教育事業逾半個世紀;早於一 九六四年便擔任中大海外校董,一直以其睿智支持並協助大學及成員書院的茁壯成 長,建樹良多。 柯克樂博士一九九三年獲大學校董會委任為終身校董,繼續指導及支持大學的 發展,貢獻巨大,大學校董會和大學同人對其勳績,永誌難忘。 The University records with deep sadness the passing away of Dr. Clark Kerr, life member of the University Counci l and president emeritus of the University o f California, on 1st December 2003. He was 92. Dr. Kerr was a distinguished economist and educator esteemed for his outstanding work in higher education for five decades. His long association with the University dates back to 196 4 when he was appointed overseas member of the University Council . Over the years, the University and its colleges have benefited from his unstinting support and wise counsel. He was appointed a life member of the University Counci l in 1993 . Service to the Community and International Organizations • Prof . Ching Pak Chung, professor of electronic engineering , has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR a s a member of the Copyright Tribunal for two years from 1s t December 2003. • Prof . Bernard Lim Wan Fung, professor i n the Department o f Architecture, has been appointed by the Deputy Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Planning and Lands) as a member of the Appeal Tribunal Panel for three years from 1s t December 2003. • Prof . Ho Puay Peng, professor in the Department of Architecture, has been appointed by the Deputy Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands (Planning and Lands) as a member of the Appeal Tribunal Panel for three years from 1s t December 2003. • Prof . David Thompson, director of The Nethersole School of Nursing, has been appointed by the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau as amember of the Grant Review Board for the Health and Health Services Research Fund and the Research Fund for the Control o f Infectious Diseases in Hong Kong for two years. • Prof . Edit h Lau Ming Chu , professor i n the Department o f Community an d Family Medicine, has been appointed as amember of the Grant Review Board for the Health and Health Service s Research Fund and the Research Fund for the Control o f Infectiou s Diseases in Hong Kong for two years. She has also been appointed as a member of the Advisory Committee on Centre for Health Protection for two years from 1 st November 2003 and as an ambassador for the Bone and Joint Decade for two years. • Prof . Joyce Ma Lai-Chong, professor in the Department of Social Work, has been invited by the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation to be a member of the Panel for the Follow-up Institutiona l Review o f Hong Kong Shue Yan College on 8th and 9th December 2003. She has also been appointed as the chief editor of the Hong Kong Journal of Social Work from 2003—4. Award • Prof . Fann y Cheun g Mi u Ching , professo r o f psychology , ha s been awarde d the Distinguished Leadership Award for Internationals by the University of Minnesota. (Information in this section is provided by the Information and Public Relations Office. Contributions should be sent direct to that office for registration and verification before publication.) 香港教育研究所新書 「學校教育改革系列」之十三 《課程領導:挑戰、行動、反思與專業成長》 黃顯華、朱嘉穎、周昭和、黃素蘭、徐俊祥 香港教育當局設立專職的課程主任,實屬 華人社會,乃至世界大部分國家的創舉。這些 主任要面對不少困難和挑戰,例如先要改變自 己,從課堂的科目教學,轉而從事學校為本的 課程設計、發展、實施和評價。他們繼而須協 助同事,特別是校長,把只靠個人獨力工作的 學校文化轉變為合作的學校文化。此書初步總 結了作者在二零零二至二零零三年從事「課程 主任發展性課程」的經驗:從運用促進學與教 的「情境分析」以及貫注著整個課程的「行動研究」,到設計多元智能的學習 活動,目的在於促進課程主任的反思和發展。 國際統一書號 962-8077-72-4 ,平裝本,九十二頁,三十港元。 No. 232 19th December 2003