Newsletter No. 235

宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS appointees and their dependants at reasonable charges. The programme will be a comprehensive health assessment to be conducted at the UHS by its medical, nursing, and laboratory staff. The service charge for consultation and basic tests will be HK$600. Additional charges will be levied for special tests and procedures not included on the standard list. Employment-related basic medical examinations for staff w i ll continue to be conducted free of charge. To avoid disruption of regular services, health screening will be done on Saturdays only. The UHS initially welcome bookings from individuals aged 45 or above. Staff, their dependants, and retirees are eligible. Clients may choose the date and time, but the UHS prefers to assign physicians in accordance with its internal duty roster. Physicians will discuss with clients the range of tests or procedures they need and the costs, and provide follow-up advice on the outcomes of the physical examination, laboratory tests, and other health issues. A printed health report will also be issued to clients for record purposes. Health problems identified in the process will be followed up through the regular consultation system of the UHS. For further information, please contact Mrs. Pauline Kan at 2609 6436. For appointments, please call 2609 6439. Standard services include health history, physical examination, medical report, urine routine, stool routine, complete blood picture, renal function test, fasting blood glucose, lipid (cholesterol and triglycerides), and liver function test. Note: Additional services include chest x-ray (XRC) ($100), electrocardiogram (ECG)($100) and other optional tests (at cost). 教職員及其配偶普通話及粵語課程 Putonghua and Cantonese Courses for CU Staff and Their Spouses 新雅中國語文研習所定期為大學教職員及其配偶舉辦普通話和粵語課程,二零 零四年第二期的開班詳情如下: 課程:(一)供外籍教職員及其配偶選修之初級普通話課程。 (二)供外籍教職員及其配偶選修之初級粵語課程。 (三)供粵籍教職員及其配偶選修之初級普通話課程。 (四)供非粵籍教職員及其配偶選修之初級粵語課程。 日期: A 班:二零零四年四月十三日至六月十七日(四十節) (逢星期二、四) B 班:二零零四年四月十四日至六月二十三日(四十節) (逢星期三、五) 時間:下午六時三十分至至八時二十分(兩節) 地點: 崇 基學院許讓成樓 以上各課程每班限額八人,少於六人不開班,按報名先後取錄。學費全期五千 二百港元,凡聘任期不少於兩年之本校全職教職員及其配偶,而未獲任何語言修 習資助者,可獲大學津貼四成學費。有意就學者請於二零零四年四月二日前與該 所聯絡(電話二六零九六七三一)。 The New Asia Yale-in-China Chinese Language Centre offers putonghua and Cantonese courses to the University's staff and staff spouses on a regular basis. Such courses have been scheduled as follows: Course Title: (1) Beginner's course in putonghua for non-Chinese speakers. (2) Beginner's course in Cantonese for non-Chinese speakers. (3) Beginner's course in putonghua for speakers of other Chinese dialects. (4) Beginner's course in Cantonese for speakers of other Chinese dialects. Duration: Class A: 13th April to 17th June 2004; 40 sessions Every Tuesday and Thursday Class B: 14th April to 23rd June 2004; 40 sessions Every Wednesday and Friday Time: 6.30 p.m. to 8.20 p.m. (two sessions each) Venue: Hui Yeung Shing Building, Chung Chi College The size of each class will be limited to eight students. The minimum number of students to form a class is six. Enrolment w i ll be on a first-come-first-served basis. Basic tuition fee for each course is HK$5,200. The University w i ll subsidize 40 per cent of the tuition fee for all full-time academic and administrative staff, as well as their spouses, who are expected to be with the University for at least two years, and who are not receiving a language study subsidy from any other source. For enrolment, please contact the Chinese Language Centre at 2609 6731 before 2nd April 2004. 預防肝炎運動 Hepatitis Awareness Campaign 保健處將於三月一至十二日舉辦預防肝炎運動,在保健醫療中心展出有關肝炎 的資料,提供健康諮詢服務,為教職員及其家屬和學生檢驗肝炎抗原及抗體,並 為有需要者注射疫苗。 抽血檢驗於三月四及五日上午九時至中午十二時半,以及下午二時至四時半在 保健醫療中心進行,費用為一百元。欲注射乙型肝炎疫苗者,必須驗血;欲注射 甲型肝炎疫苗者,則可選擇直接注射。 注射甲型肝炎疫苗(兩劑)每劑費用二百二十五元,乙型肝炎疫苗(三劑)每劑 七十元,而混合甲乙型肝炎疫苗(三劑)則每劑二百二十元。疫苗注射日期訂於三 月十一及十二日、四月十五及十六日,以及九月十六及十七日進行,時間為上午 九時至下午十二時半,以及下午二時至四時半。 The Hepatitis Awareness Campaign will take place from 1st to 12th March 2004 at the University Health Centre. There w i ll be health counselling and an exhibition at the Health Centre during the period. Prevaccination blood tests, optional for Hepatitis A vaccination and required for Hepatitis B, will be available on 4th and 5th March, 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and 2.00 to 4.30 p.m. The cost is HK$100 per test for both. Vaccination for Hepatitis A comes in two doses at $225 per dose; vaccination for Hepatitis B comes in three doses at $70 per dose; and vaccination for combined Hepatitis A and B comes in three doses at $220 per dose. Vaccination dates are 11th and 12th March for the first dose, 15th and 16th April for the second, and 16th and 17th September 2004 for the third. 預防骨質疏鬆症運動 骨質疏鬆症是一種退化性疾病,大多數人從三十五歲起便漸漸流失骨質,但病 徵只會在後期骨骼變得脆弱時才察覺得到。 保健處將於本月二十四日(星期二)下午一至二時在邵逸夫堂舉辦「預防骨質 疏鬆症運動」,並由賽馬會骨質疏鬆預防及治療中心物理治療師兼經理郭慧良先生 主講。現場設展板,並提供小冊子、免費禮品、三文治及飲品。 即場參加骨質密度(雙能量 X 光)檢查者可獲折扣優待。欲參與者請穿平底 鞋。 「身心康泰在中大」體適能測試 由體育部主辦的「身心康泰在中大」之體適能測試(二零零三至二零零四年度 下學期),將於三月八及九日上午十一時半至下午二時半,在富爾敦樓一零三室舉 行。測試項目包括心肺功能、脂肪含量百分比、肌肉力量、肌肉耐力、柔軟度和 壓力水平,所採用的測試方法分別為踏台階測試、皮脂測試、手握力測試、仰臥 捲腹測試、坐體前伸測試和問卷調查,共需時二十至三十分鐘。曾參與上學期測 試者,可再次參與,以審視自己的體能狀態有否改進。歡迎所有中大員生即場參 加,費用全免。 文物館展出館藏精選並出售複製品 Art Museum News 文物館將於三月十二日至五月十六日在東翼展覽廳舉行「文物館藏品選」展 覽,展出館藏精選,介紹中國文物藝術的豐富內涵。展品有繪畫、書法、陶瓷及 各式工藝。今次選展的新增藏品包括美國著名收藏家安思遠氏惠贈的西晉六朝石 刻文物,本港孫中宏先生惠贈其父十萬山人孫星閣遺作書畫等。 該館收藏的清康熙豇豆紅文玩一套三件,包括太白尊、印泥盒及水洗各一,由 林氏商隱精舍交景德鎮訂燒複製,新燒成豆青、甜白釉兩式,並改用文物館館徽 為暗花圖案,精美可人,現於文物館各限量發售五十套,部分收益用以贊助文物 館經費。每套連精美禮盒,附編號證書,售三千八百元。 原件正於文物館西翼展覽廳舉行的「中國古代案頭文玩」展出,歡迎參觀。 Selections from the Art Museum Collection On exhibition from 12th March to 16th May 2004 in the East-wing Galleries of the Art Museum w i ll be selections from the Art Museum Collection featuring painting, calligraphy, ceramics, and other decorative art. Highlights include recent gifts of stone stele and carvings of the Six Dynasties from Mr. Robert H. Ellsworth in the US and a local donation of paintings and calligraphy by Sun Xingge (Shiwan shanren, 1897- 1996) from his son Mr. Sun Zhonghong. Modern Porcelain Replicas 一 Imperial Elegance Revived Peachbloom ware of the Kangxi (1662-1722) period has been the most prized among the imperial stationery of the Qing court. Apart from the subdued and pleasing glaze, the forms are exquisite and elegant. The Shangyin Jingshe has commissioned experienced potters at Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province, to reproduce a three-piece set of the Kangxi peachbloom imperial stationery from the Art Museum collection. The set comprises a beehive washer, a seal vermilion box, and a brush washer. The original incised chi- dragon roundels are replaced by the Art Museum emblem. The replicas are fired in a limited edition in celadon and white glaze. Fifty numbered sets of each colour, each with serial number, certificate and gift box, are on sale for the benefit of the Art Museum. The price of each set is HK$3,800. The original peachbloom set and the replicas are now on display as part of the exhibition Objects for the Scholar's Desk in the West-wing Galleries of the Art Museum. 6 第二三五期 二零零四年二月十九日