Newsletter No. 237

UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT GLOBAL FORUM 2004 Universities in the 21st Century 29th and 30th March 2004 The Chinese University of Hong Kong A Gathering of the Best Minds and the Most Experienced Hands from Important Seats of Learning F ive years ago in 1999, the heads of 47 prestigious universities from different parts of the world gathered on CUHK campus to explore the developments of global tertiary education at the V i c e - Ch a n c e l l o r s ' and P r e s i den t s 'Forum sponsored by the Association of University Presidents of China and organized by The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The forum was one of the largest of its kind ever held in Hong Kong. This year, a similar international conference will be hosted by the University on 29th and 30th March for 46 university presidents from around the world. Sponsored by the University Grants Committee of Hong Kong, the Croucher F o u n d a t i o n ,and the K. C. Wong Education Foundation, the University P r e s i den t s' Global Forum 2004 provides a unique opportunity for experience- sharing among leaders of the higher education sector in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. These men and women from, some of the world's mightiest seats of learning will expound their views on the topic of 'Universities in the 21st Ce n t u r y ' . Opening ceremony 29th March 2004‧0900-0930‧T.Y. Wong Hall Officiating Party Dr. Alice LAM, Chairman , University Grant s Committee , The Governmen t o f th e Hon g Kong Specia l Administrativ e Region Dr. Edgar W.K. CHENG, Chairman o f th e Council , The Chines e Universit y o f Hong Kon g Professor Ambrose Y.C. KING , Vice-Chancellor, The Chines e Universit y o f Hong Kon g List of Participants (in alphabetical order) Professor Jame s Drummon d BONE , Th e University o f Liverpoo l Professor Si r Coli n CAMPBELL , Th e Universit y o f Nottingham Professor R.F . BOUCHER , Th e Universit y o f Sheffield Professor CHAN G Chun-yen , Chia o Tun g University (Hsinchu ) Professor Gavi n BROWN , Th e Universit y o f I Sydne y Professor H.K . CHANG , Cit y Universit y o f Hon g Kong 3 No. 237 19th March 2004