Newsletter No. 255
宣布事項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 資訊科技概論證書課程 Certificate Course on IT Essentials 為提高校內行政及支援人員的資訊科技水平,資訊科技服務處將於本月舉辦 「資訊科技概論證書課程」。課程包括六個單元:(一)互聯網應用、(二)網上教 學、(三)智能卡應用、(四)企業資訊技術、(五)文件管理、(六)資訊保安。 課程導師將由資訊科技服務處資深電算師擔任,並以網上學習及面授形式進行。 「資訊科技概論證書課程」歡迎各級行政及支援人員參加,助理主任/執行助理/ 計劃協調員獲優先取錄,學費五百港元。學員修畢課程後,可參加評核考試,及格 者將獲簽發有效期兩年的證書,並等同通過助理主任/執行助理/計劃協調員晉升評 核中的資訊科技水平測試。有關課程詳情及報名辦法,請參閱網頁http: //www.cuhk. 。 The Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) will conduct a Certificate Course in Informatio n Technolog y Essential s fo r staf f o f the Universit y i n Marc h 2005 . Composed of six modules, viz. (a) Internet and its applications, (b) Web-based teaching, (c) smart card and its applications, (d) enterprise computing, (e) document management, and (f) information security , the course is part of a training initiative to help develop the IT competence of administrative and support staff. Featuring face-to-face tutorial s and Web-based self-study, the course will be delivered by experienced computer officers of ITSC. Application i s open to all administrative an d support staff with priority give n to executive officers , executive assistant s and project co-ordinators . The course fee is $500 and course participants will be awarded a certificate after passing an assessment examination upon completion of the course. With a validity period of two years, the certificate will be recognized by the University as equivalent to passing the IT test for EO/EA/PC promotion assessment. For detailed information and enrolment, please refer to webpage: http://www. 預防肝炎運動 Hepatitis Awareness Campaign 保健處現舉辦預防肝炎運動,在保健醫療中心展出有關肝炎的資料至三月十一 日。該處又提供健康諮詢服務,為教職員及其家屬和學生檢驗肝炎抗原及抗體,並 為有需要者注射疫苗。 甲型肝炎因進食受污染的食物或喝了不潔的水而受感染,通常可自動康復,沒 有長期影響,只不過,康復期可以長達數月。保健處建議下述人士注射甲型肝炎疫 苗:未滿三十歲者,來自西方國家的居港者,以及高危者(包括經常外遊者、小兒 護理工作者、渠務人員)。 乙型肝炎的傳染途徑為傷口接觸到病毒者的血液或其他身體分泌、輸入受感染 者的血液、性接觸或母親傳染予初生嬰兒;十分一受感染者會成為帶病毒者,而四 分一帶病毒者最終會死於肝癌或肝硬化。 抽血檢驗於三月三及四日上午九時至中午十二時半,以及下午二時至四時半在 保健醫療中心進行,費用為一百元。欲注射乙型肝炎疫苗者,必須驗血;欲注射甲 型肝炎疫苗者,則可選擇直接注射。 注射甲型肝炎疫苗(兩劑)每劑費用二百二十五元,乙型肝炎疫苗 (三劑) 每 劑七十元,而混合甲乙型肝炎疫苗(三劑)則每劑二百二十元。疫苗注射日期訂於 三 月十及十一日、四月七及八日,以及九月二十二及 二十三 日進行,時間為上午 九 時至下午十二時半,以及下午二時至四時半。 The Universit y Healt h Servic e i s holdin g a Hepatitis Awarenes s Campaign . Pre - vaccination blood tests, at $100 each, are available on 3rd and 4th March 2005, from 9.00 a.m. to 12.3 0 p.m., and from 2.00 to 4.30 p.m. They are optional fo r Hepatitis A and required for Hepatitis B . Vaccinations ar e available on 10t h and 11th March for the first dose; 7th and 8th April for the second dose, and 22nd and 23rdSeptember for the third dose, from 9.00 a.m. to 12.3 0 p.m. and 2.00 to 4.30 p.m. The two-dose regimen for Hepatitis A is $225 per dose; the three-dose regimen is $70 per dose; and the three-dose combined Hepatitis A&B i s $220 per dose. Health counselling and an exhibition are held until 11t h March. 捐血週 Blood Donation Campaign 2005 大學保健處、學生事務處和香港紅十字會於本月中合辦捐血週,捐血活動於每 日上午十一時至下午五時進行,歡迎參加。日期及地點如下: 日期 地點 三月十四日(星期一) 范克廉樓地庫學生活動中心 三月十五日(星期二) 聯合書院湯若望宿舍禮堂 三月十六日(星期三) 新亞書院樂群館林耀明夫人堂 三月十七日(星期四) 崇基學院眾志堂 三月十八日(星期五) 科學館理學院學生活動中心 ELG201 室 三月廿一日(星期一) 逸夫書院輔仁中心 A blood donation campaign organized by the University Health Service, the Office o f Student Affairs, and Hong Kong Red Cross will be held from 11.0 0 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. from 14t h March as follows: Date Location 14th Marc h (Monday ) Student Activitie s Centre , LG/F , Benjami n Frankli n Centr e 15th Marc h (Tuesday ) Adam Schal l Hail , Unite d Colleg e 16th Marc h (Wednesday ) Mrs. Davi d La m Hall , Staff-Studen t Centre , Ne w Asi a College 17th Marc h (Thursday ) Chung Ch i Tang , Chun g Ch i Colleg e 18th Marc h (Friday ) Science Studen t Societ y Rooms , ELG201 , Scienc e Student Activit y Centre , Eas t Block , Scienc e Centr e 21st Marc h (Monday ) Fu Zung Centre , Sha w Colleg e 教職員及其配偶普通話和粵語課程 Putonghua and Cantonese Courses for CU Staff and Staff Spouses 新雅中國語文研習所定期為本校教職員及其配偶舉辦普通話和粵語課程,二零 零五年第二期的開班詳情如下: 課程: (一)供外籍教職員及其配偶選修之初級普通話課程。 (二)供外籍教職員及其配偶選修之初級粵語課程。 (三)供粵籍教職員及其配偶選修之初級普通話課程。 (四)供非粵籍教職員及其配偶選修之初級粵語課程。 日期: A 班:二零零五年四月十九日至六月二十三日 (逢星期二、四;每次兩節,共四十節) B 班:二零零五年四月二十日至六月二十四日 (逢星期三、五;每次兩節,共四十節) 時間: 下午六時三十分至八時二十分(每節五十分鐘) 地點: 方樹泉樓 截止日期:二零零五年四月六日 以上課程每班限額十五人,少於六人不開班,按報名先後取錄。學費全期五千 二百港元,凡聘任期不少於兩年之本校全職教職員及其配偶,如未獲任何語言修習 資助者,可獲大學津貼學費四成。有意就學者,請於二零零五年四月六日前與該所 聯絡(電話二六零九六七三一)。 The Ne w Asia—Yale-in-Chin a Chines e Languag e Centr e offer s Putonghu a an d Cantonese courses to University staff and their spouses on a regular basis. The following courses have been scheduled as follows: Course Titles:(1) Beginner's course in Putonghua for non-Chinese speakers . (2) Beginner's course in Cantonese for non-Chinese speakers. (3) Beginner's course in Putonghua for speakers of other Chinese dialects. (4) Beginner's course in Cantonese for speakers of other Chinese dialects. Duration: Clas s A: 19t h April to 23rd June 2005; 40 sessions Every Tuesday and Thursday (two sessions each) Class B: 20th April to 24th June 2005; 40 sessions Every Wednesday and Friday (two sessions each) Time: 6.3 0 p.m. to 8.20 p.m. (50 minutes per session) Venue: Fon g Shu Chuen Building Deadline: 6t h April 2005 The siz e of each class will b e limited to 1 5 students. The minimum numbe r o f students t o form a class is six. Enrolment wil l be on a first-come-first-served basis . Basic tuition fee for each course is HK$5,200. The University wil l subsidiz e 40 per cent of the tuition fee for all full-time academic and administrative staff, as well as their spouses, who are expected to be with the University for at least two years, and who are not receiving a language study subsidy from any other source. For enrolment, please contact the Chinese Language Centre at 2609 6731 before 6th April 2005 . 心理輔導服務 Online Counselling Service 中大「臨床及健康心理學中心」特別為受南亞海嘯事件影響,以致心理或情緒 受困擾的人士提供網上心理輔導服務。該項服務名為「言癒」( e-Relief) ,由中大 臨床心理學研究生提供,並由臨床心理學教授任顧問。有需要人士可留言在網站 上,中心會在四十八小時內回覆。「言癒」的網址 為 Relief。 The Clinical and Health Psychology Centre of the University has an online counselling service, named e-Relief (言癒 ), for members of the public needing counselling because of the South Asian Tsunami. The service is operated by a group of final-year postgraduate clinical psychology trainees from the Department of Psychology under the professional guidance of professors of clinical psychology. Members of the public in need are invited to leav e messages o n this webpage . Respons e wil l b e given within 4 8 hours . Th e e-Relief website i s http://www.psy . cuhk. edu. hk/~e-Relief. 5 第二五五期 二零零五年三月四日
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