Newsletter No. 261

二零零五年度榮譽院士簡介 張煊昌博士 Dr. Cheung Huen-cheong, Thomas 張煊昌博士是本港保險業翹楚,著 名慈善家,亦是香港中文大學的傑出 校友與榮譽博士。現為太平洋保險有 限公司及太平洋人壽保險有限公司主 席兼行政總裁。 張博士熱心公益,成立張煊昌基金 有限公司,施惠社會,對中大尤其鼎 力支持,多次慷慨捐資贊助。一九九 一年起出任中大校董,並擔任多個委 員會的委員。張博士亦為聯合書院校 董會副主席及聯合書院基金會主席, 貢獻卓越。 張博士一直積極推動校友事務,一 九七二年獲選出任聯合書院校友會會 長,其後三十多年均獲選連任;又先後 擔任三届中大校友會聯會會長,並歷任 該會屬下敎育基金會有限公司董事。 張煊昌博士是斯里蘭卡駐香港及澳 門名譽領事,一九九一年獲斯里蘭卡 總統授與該國榮譽勳銜。 Dr. Cheung Huen Cheong, Thomas is a prominent figure in the Hong Kong insurance industry, a renowned philanthropist, and a distinguished alumnus and honorary graduate of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is currently chairman and CEO of the Pacific Insurance Co., Ltd. and the Pacific Life Assurance Co., Ltd. A famous philanthropist, Dr. Cheung founded Thomas H.C. Cheung Foundation Ltd. through which he has made magnanimous donations to the Chinese University. He has been a member of the University Council since 1991 and holds a number of positions in various committees. Dr. Cheung is also vice-chairman of the United College Board of Trustees and chairman of the United College Endowment Fund Committee. Dr. Cheung is dedicated to alumni affairs, and has played a pivotal role in strengthening ties among C U HK alumni and between the University and its alumni. He has been continuously elected president of the Alumni Association of United College since 1972. He was also three-time president of the Federation of Alumni Associations of CUHK, and is a director of its subsidiary Education Foundation. Dr. Cheung is Honorary Consul for Sri Lanka in Hong Kong and Macau, and was awarded the national honour Sri Lanka Ranjana by the President of Sri Lanka in 1991. 周文軒博士 Dr. Chou Wen Hsien 周文軒博士為本港知名企業家, 是南聯實業有限公司的創辦人之一, 現任南聯實業有限公司主席。 周博士服務社會不遺餘力,現任 東華三院和博愛醫院的名譽顧問,並 為仁濟醫院前主席與永遠名譽顧問。 他是蘇州大學與上海醫科大學的客座 敎授、上海師範大學顧問敎授和澳門 東亞大學榮譽社會科學博士,一九八 七年獲頒授英帝國官佐勳章。 周博士熱心公益,尤其關注教 育,現為香港南聯敎育基金會與周氏 基金的主席,貢獻良多。周博士擔任 新亞書院校董多年,一九九八年起獲 推選出任新亞校董會主席,並代表 院出任大學校董。 周博士近年致力於中華醫藥保健 工作,曾促使香港保健協會與蘇州大 學合作設立蘇州中藥研究所,為中藥 走向世界作出重要貢獻。 Dr. Chou Industrial Windsor 李福慶先生 M r . Li Fook Hing 李福慶先生是熱心的慈善家,曾擔任崇基 學院校董長達三十六年。 李先生畢業於美國麻省理工學院及密西根 大學,專攻造船工程,返港後加入太古船 塢,負責製造各類大小輪船,卓然有成,其 後轉而發展證券及地產業。他的藝術造詣甚 髙,熱心敎育事業,與聖公會淵源深厚,曾 出任多間聖公會中學的校董。一九九六年, 香港政府及聖公會香港敎區特將柴灣一所中 學命名為聖公會李福慶中學。李先生對醫療 服務亦貢獻良多,曾於一九九七至二零零零 年擔任雅麗氏何妙齡那打素醫院執行委員會 主席,現仍留任委員,也是東區尤德夫人那 打素醫院及基督敎聯合醫院的管治委員會成 員,以及世界傳道會/那打素基金信託人。 一九八七年獲頒英帝國官佐勳章。 李先生與崇基學院關係深厚,一九六八年 起應邀出任崇基校董,服務至二零零四年止; 一九八一至八七年間更擔任崇基校董會主席, 領導該院發展,其中小道風山的發展計劃,成 功為崇基建立龐大基金。多年來,李先生亦十 分關注大學的發展,並慷慨捐款,包括設立獎 學金資助內地本科生入讀香港中文大學。 Mr. Li Fook Hing is a Trustees of Chung Ch Mr. Li studied nav Technology and the Un Kong and made remar then switched to securit education service and h a number of Sheng Kun education, the Govern Sheng Kung Hui Li Fo to the medical service s Committee of Alice Ho chairman of the commi member of the Hospita Nethersole Eastern Hos Trustee of CWM/Neth the Most Excellent Ord Mr. Li has a long College. He joined the College in 1968, whic Board of Trustees, and the board for over 36 the board from 1981 t leadership, the college projects and grew fro to launch the Siu Tao continuously generate also made magnanimo as in the form of schol 汪長智博士 Dr. Wang Cheung Tz 汪長智博士是香港沙龍電影 經理、卓越的電影工作者和崇基 汪博士一九六八年接管其 製作公司,並領導該公司成為 製作無數髙素質的電影、廣 汪博士熱心公益,擔任 香港特別行政區電影 委員、義務工作發展局 委員等。一九九六年 Southern California Univ Studies 頒授工商管理 位,並獲法國政府頒 L'Ordre des Arts et des I 汪博士一九九 院校董,鼎力資助 九八至二零零零年 崇基學院校友會主 年起擔任崇基學長計 汪博士一九九三年起 會常務委員會委員,並擔 劃小組召集人。 李和聲先生 Mr . Lee Woo Sing 李和聲先生是本港金融界翹楚,為順隆集團有限公司的創辦人,現 任大唐投資國際有限公司董事會主席與大唐金融集圑有限公司主席。李 先生為香港聯合交易所創會理事,以及香港金銀業貿易場顧問、香港證 券商協會名譽會長及香港證券經紀協會名譽顧問,對推動香港成為國際 金融中心貢獻傑出。 李先生在公共及社會服務方面,同樣成就卓著,曾任香港特別行政 區第一屆及第二屆行政長官推選委員會委員,現任香港上海總會理事 長、香港浙江省同鄉會聯合會名譽會長和寧波旅港 同鄉會名譽會長。 李先生亦致力促進內地及本港的敎育發 展。他於二零零三年獲委任為浙江大學經濟 學院及人文學院名譽敎授,以及上海同濟大 學榮譽常務校務委員。在李先生與其他理 事鼎力支持下,香港上海總會於一九九 三年慨捐一千三百五十萬元,資助大學 成立上海總會科研技術中心。自一九 九七年出任逸夫書院校董以來,李先 生以香港上海總會及他本人名義慷 慨捐款,資助書院和大學多項活 動,包括成立「家在香江」計劃, 該計劃更促成中大內地本科生聯 合會的成立,開創本地大專界同 類組織的先河。 An eminent entrepreneur in the finance industry, Mr. Lee Woo Sing is the founder of Shun Loong Group and currently non-executive director of Grand Investment International Ltd. and director of Grand Finance Group Company Ltd. He was elected a founding committee member of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd. Mr. Lee is also honorary adviser to the Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society, honorary president of the Institute of Securities Dealers Ltd. and honorary consultant of Hong Kong Stockbrokers Association Ltd. Over the years, he has contributed significantly to the advancement of Hong Kong as an international financial centre, Mr. Lee has also been active in serving the community. He was a member of the Selection Committee of the First and Second HKSAR Government and is currently chairman of the Shanghai Fraternity Association Hong Kong Ltd. (SFA), honorary president of the United Zhejiang Residents Association (HK) Ltd. and the Ning Po Residents Association. Mr. Lee is equally committed to educational development in Hong Kong and the mainland. In 2003, he was appointed honorary professor of the Colleges of Economics and Humanities of Zhejiang University. He is an honorary member of the Executive Committee of School Affairs, Shanghai Tongji University. In 1993, backed by Mr. Lee and other directors, the SFA made a magnanimous donation of HK$13.5 million towards the establishment of the Shanghai Fraternity Association Research Services Centre on C U HK campus. Since his appointment to the Board of Trustees of Shaw College in 1997, Mr. Lee has been a staunch supporter of the college and the University. With his support, the SFA joined hands with the University to launch the 'Home in Hong Kong' project which led to the formation of the C U HK Mainland Undergraduate Association, the first of its kind among local tertiary institutions. 閔建蜀教授 Prof, Mun Kin Chok 閔建蜀敎授為香港中文大學市場學榮休講座 敎授、新亞書院榮譽院士和傑出的市場學學者。 閔教授一九六九年加入新亞書院任工商管理 學講師,二零零零年榮休。服務期間,閔敎授擔 任多項行政要職,包括於一九八一至八四年及 一九八七至九三年三度當選工商管理學院院 長、行政人員工商管理碩士課程主任、校 外進修學院諮詢委員會主席、亞太工商 研究所管理委員會主席等,貢獻良 多。閔敎授一九九三年規劃成立行政 人員工商管理碩士課程,該課程為 全港首創,多次獲評為亞太地區最 佳行政人員工商管理碩士課程之 一,在全球排名亦位列前茅。 中國自一九七八年對外開 放,閔敎授即協助中大重建與內 地院校的交流網絡,義助很多內 地院校建立市場學、國際企業與 工商管理課程,並曾擔任多所院校 的榮譽敎授。他又將中國傳統哲理(尤其 是易經)應用於現代管理,貢獻卓越。 A distinguished scholar in marketing, Prof. Mun Kin Chok is currently Emeritus Professor of Marketing of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Honorary Fellow of New Asia College. Prof. Mun joined the University in 1969 as lecturer in business administration and retired in 2000. During his over 30 years of excellent service to the University, Prof. Mun performed various administrative duties and made remarkable contributions to the development of the University and the Faculty of Business Administration. He was dean of the Faculty from 1981 to 1984, and from 1987 to 1993, director of the Executive MBA Programme from 1992 to 2002, chairman of the Advisory Board to the School of Continuing Studies, and chairman of the Management Board of the Asia-Pacific Institute of Business. Prof. Mun pioneered the launch of the Executive MBA programme at C U H K in 1993, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, and a leading programme in both Asia-Pacific and the world. Prof. Mun helped the University to re-establish its ties with universities and ministries on the mainland shortly after China reopened its doors. In the 1980s and 1990s, he helped mainland universities set up programmes in marketing and international business, and business administration. He held numerous honorary professorships in mainland institutions. Prof. Mun has contributed significantly to the application of classic Chinese philosophy, especially Yijing ( I Ching), in modem management. 4 No. 261 4th June 2005