Newsletter No. 261

Profiles of Honorary Fellows 2005 en Hsien is a distinguished entrepreneur and a co-founder of Windsor rporation Ltd. Dr. Chou is currently chairman and managing director of ustrial Corporation Ltd. Dr. Chou is honorary consultant of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and Pok Oi Hospital, as well as former president and life honorary consultant of Yan Chai Hospital. Dr. Chou was appointed honorary visiting professor of Suzhou Medical College and Shanghai Medical University, and is also honorary consulting professor of Shanghai Teachers University. He was awarded Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa, by East Asia University in Macau. In 1987, he was awarded Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Dr. Chou is equally committed to Hong Kong's educational development. He is chairman of the Hong Kong Winsor Education Foundation and the Chou's Foundation. He has been a member of the Board of Trustees of New Asia College for many years and in 1998 served as chairman of the board. Dr. Chou has also represented the board to serve as a member of the University Council of CUHK. In recent years, Dr. Chou is committed to the promotion of Chinese medicinal health care. Under his leadership, the Hong Kong Association for Health Care Ltd. collaborated with Suzhou Medical College to found the Suzhou Chinese Medicine Research Institute, which has contributed significantly to the promotion of Chinese medicine in the world. 李金鐘先生 Mr . Lee Kam Chung 李金鐘先生為香港中文大學的傑出校 友,亦是出色的敎育家。 數十年來,李先生孜孜不倦致力於敎育 事業,一九六四年大學畢業後曾任中學敎師 和校長,也曾開辦英文中學,一九八二年起 擔任香港中文大學校友會聯會敎育基金會有 限公司主席,並出任基金會三間中小學的創 校校監至二零零二年,現仍任基金會一間幼 稚園的校監。李先生對內地敎育發展亦非常 關注,是廣東香港人子弟學校的創校校長。 李先生又積極推動地區事務,並參與香 港地方行政、改善民生和培育青少年,貢獻 卓越,一九九三年獲頒港督社區服務獎狀, 一九九六年獲頒英女皇榮譽獎章,二零零三 年獲頒聖約翰員佐勳銜。 李先生一直非常熱心支持母校的發展, 一九九四年開始出任大學校董,並參與新校 長遴選委員會的工作;一九七八至九四年出 任新亞校董。他在推動校友事務方面亦不遺 餘力,先後擔任中大校友會聯會主席、中大 評議會主席和新亞書院校友會主席。 Mr, Lee Kam Chung is a distinguished alumnus of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and an eminent educationalist. Mr. Lee has committed himself to education for over four decades. After graduating from the Chinese University in 1964, he served as seconday school teacher and principal and once founded a secondary school. He has been chairman of the Education Foundation of the Federation of the Alumni Associations of CUHK since 1982. Mr. Lee had served as supervisor of the Foundation's three secondary and primary schools from their inception until 2002, and is currently the supervisor of one of its kindergartens. He was also the founding principal of the School for H . K . Children in Guangdong. Mr. Lee has made remarkable contributions to local district administration, livelihood improvement and youth development. He was awarded the Governors Commendation for Community Service in 1993 , the Queen's Badge of Honour in 1996, and St. John Ambulance Serving Brother in 2003. Over the years, Mr. Lee has lent his time and expertise to the development of his alma mater. He has been a member of the University Council since 1994, and was appointed a member of the Search Committee for the Appointment of the Vice-Chancellor in the same year. Mr. Lee was a member of the New Asia College Board of Trustees from 1978 to 1994. He has also played an instrumental role in strengthening ties between alumni and the University through his capacities as chairman of the CUHK Federation of Alumni Associations, chairman of CUHK Convocation, and chairman of New Asia College Alumni Association. stinguished philanthropist and a long-serving member of the Board of College. architecture and marine engineering at the Massachusettes Institute of ersity of Michigan, USA. He joined Taikoo Dockyard when he returned to Hong le achievements during his 18-year career as a naval architect and shipbuilder. He s and real estate business. A sophisticated artist, Mr. Li is also enthusiastic in close connections with Sheng Kung Hui. He has served on the school councils of Hui secondary schools. In recognition of his outstanding service to local nt of Hong Kong and Sheng Kung Hui named a secondary school in Chai Wan Hing Secondary School in 1996. Mr. Li has also made important contributions tor. He is a member of the Hospital Governing Miu Ling Nethersole Hospitals, and was ee from 1997 to 2000. Mr. Li is also a Governing Committee of Pamela Youde tal and United Christian Hospital, and a sole Fund. Mr. Li was awarded the Officer of of the British Empire in 1987. nd close relationship with Chung Chi oard of Governors of Chung Chi was later reorganized as the College as rendered distinguished service on ars until 2004. He was chairman of 1987. Under his outstanding complished several important trength to strength. Mr. Li helped ing Shan Project which evenue for the college. Mr. Li has s donations to the University, such ships for mainland students. 蒙德揚先生 Mr. Mong Tak Yeung, David 蒙德揚先生是信興集圑副主席兼信興敎育 及慈善基金主席,為本港商界的青年才俊。 蒙先生是美國洛杉磯加州大學理學士(電 機工程),聖克萊拉大學工商管理碩士。他 曾於日本松下電器產業株式會社任職, 日式管理及先進科技;一九九一年加入信興 電器貿易有限公司出任常務董事,現任集團 副主席兼董事總經理。 蒙先生樂善好施,由他任主席的信興 敎育及慈善基金至今已捐善款近四億港 元,嘉惠海內外敎育、醫療、體育、文 化和環保等公益事業。他亦擔任多項 公職,為醫療、敎育、管理專業和電 器商業貢獻其卓識和經驗。 蒙先生支持香港中文大學不遺 餘力,二零零四年透過信興敎育及 慈善基金慷慨捐助中大成立信興髙 等工程研究所,並慨允出任該所諮 詢委員會主席,領導推行創新科技 研究。蒙先生亦出任中大工程學 院諮詢委員會委員與數學科學研 究所諮詢委員會委員。 Mr. Mong Tak Yeung, David is vice-chairman of Shun Hing Group and chairman of the Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund. Mr. Mong obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a MBA from Santa Clara University. From 1985 to 1989, he served in Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. in Japan, where he gained a thorough understanding of the Japanese management style as well as hands-on experience in advanced technology. Mr. Mon g joined Shun Hing Electronic Trading Co. Ltd. as executive director in 1991. Currently, he is vice-chairman of Shun Hing Group. Mr. Mong has contributed much of his expertise and resources to the medical, educational, management and electronics sectors. Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund has donated over HK$400 million over the years in support of projects in the fields of education, medical services, sports, arts and culture, and environ- mental protection in Hong Kong, mainland China, and overseas. Mr. Mong has also been a staunch supporter of the Chinese University. The Shun Hing Institute of Advanced Engineering was established in 2004 with a generous donation from the Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund. He also serves as the founding chairman of the advisory board of the institute and member of the Advisory Board of the Faculty of Engineering, and Advisory Committee of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences of the University. Charles 有限公司董事總 院傑出校友。 創立的沙龍電影 港電影業翹楚, 及紀錄片等。 多項公職,包括 務諮詢委員會 募及推廣委員會 汪博士獲美國 ity for Professional 榮 譽哲學博士學 I Chevalier de ettres 榮銜。 起擔任崇基學 院活動。一九 汪博士又出任 ,並由一九九九 的學長。 選為中大評議 評議會籌募策 Dr. Charles Wang, managing director of Salon Films (HK) Ltd., is an outstanding figure in the film industry and a distinguished alumnus of Chung Chi College. Dr. Wang inherited the management of Salon Films from his father in 1968. Under his capable leadership, Salon Films has become a leading force in the local film industry, producing high quality films, commercials and documentaries. Dr. Wang has held many public positions including member of the Film Services Advisory Committee of HKSAR, and committee member of the Fundraising and Promotion Committee for the Agency for Volunteer Service. In 1996, he was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration and Management, honoris causa, by the Southern California University for Professional Studies, USA, and appointed Chevalier de L'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French Government. As a member of the Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College since 1990, Dr. Wang has been a staunch supporter of his alma mater. Dr. Wang was chairman of Chung Chi College Alumni Association from 1998 to 2000 and has served as mentor to Chung Chi students since 1999. Since 1993, Dr. Wang has been appointed a member of the Standing Committee, and convener of the Fundraising Sub-Committee of the CUH K Convocation. 殷巧兒女士 Ms. Yan Hau Yee, Lina 殷巧兒女士是出色的敎育工作者、聯 合書院傑出校友,現任香港中文大學評 議會主席。 殷女士曾任中學敎師,中、小學及幼 稚園校董及校監,一九七六年加入香港電 台服務,職至香港電台敎育電視總監,一 九九五年離任,改任天主敎香港敎區主敎 代表助理(敎育)至一九九九年。 殷女士積極參與社會服務,擔任公職 眾多,致力推廣中華文化,促進敎育發 展,推行德育,二零零四年獲頒香港特 別行政區榮譽勳章。 一九九三年中大評議會成立,殷女士 即獲選為評議會常務委員會選任委員, 大力推動會務發展,一九九九年獲選為 評議會主席至今,並代表評議會出任大 學校董。殷女士又出任中文大學多個委 員會及工作小組的成員,另於二零零零 至二零零一年任中大校友會聯會會長, 現任中大校友會聯會敎育基金會董事及 聯合書院校董。 Ms. Yan Hau Yee, Lina is an eminent educationalist. A distinguished alumna of United College, Ms. Yan is currently the chairperson of the C U H K Convocation. Ms. Yan had worked as a secondary school teacher, and served as supervisor and board member of secondary and primary schools and kindergartens. In 1976 she joined Radio Television Hong Kong and when she left in 1995, was head of RTHK's Education Television Division. Ms. Yan continued her career in education as assistant to the Episcopal Delegate for Education from the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, a position she held until 1999. A devoted educator, Ms. Yan contributed immensely to community services, particularly to the promotion of moral education, Chinese culture and a better education system. She was awarded the Medal of Honour by the Government of the HKSAR in 2004. She joined the CUHK Convocation at its inception in 1993 and has served as its chairman since 1999. Ms. Yan has worked zealously to promote convocation activities. She also represents the convocation to serve on the University Council, and is an active participant of University committees. Currently board member of the CUHK FAA Education Foundation and member of the Board of Trustees of the United College, Ms. Yan was president of CUH K FAA in 2000-1. 4 第二六一期 二 零 零 五 年 六 月 四 日