Newsletter No. 269
Western and Chinese Doctors Prepare Against Avian Flu A t the UHS The University Health Service (UHS) has adopted a series of preventive measures against avian flu. The UHS is also working with the Campus (SARS/Avian Flu) Task Force to protect the University community against the disease. Dr. Lo Tsun-fan (photo below), acting director of the UHS, said the UHS has a three-line strategy for prevention: 1. Communication and Information The UHS w i l l disseminate the latest avian flu information and guidelines issued by the Department of Health and the Hospital Authority through briefing sessions, training, posters, health talks, the Internet, and notices of alert response level. 2. Preparation and Prevention The UHS has been providing influenza vaccinations to members of the University since September. It has also been stockpiling thermometers, medication and surgical masks. 3. Medical Service In line with Department of Health and Hospital Authority policies, the UHS maintains direct contact with hospitals. In the event of an avian flu outbreak, influenza patients will be brought via a special route to a fever and influenza clinic on the second floor of the University Health Centre where they will be quarantined. When necessary, the UHS w i ll refer influenza patients to Department of Health and HA hospitals, clinics or quarantine centres designated for the purpose. A t the School of Chinese Med i c i ne Prof. Liang Song-ming (photo on facing page) of the School of Chinese Medicine said avian influenza and influenza share similar symptoms, namely fever, sore throat and aching of muscles. According to the traditional Chinese medical theories, these are the result of heat toxins having entered the body. In the beginning, patients w i ll have chills and runny nose, and treatment will focus on clearing internal heat and detoxifying. After one or two days, when coughing and fever set in, t r ea tment w i l l concen t r a te on relieving cough and shortness of breath, clearing the lungs and eliminating phlegm. Prof. Liang also stresses the i mpo r t an ce of p r even t i on. He has prepared a range of herbal formulae targeting different constitutions for staff and students of the University. They are aimed at boosting one's immunity against influenza and listed on the facing page in Chinese. Those who are interested but do not understand the language may wish to make a trip to the school's Chinese Medicine Teaching Clinic ( for more information. 保健處三線策略防備禽流感 禽流感橫行世界各地之際,保健處 已採取一系列預防措施,並與「香港中 文大學校園( SARS/ 禽流感)專責小組」 合作,防範和應付流感與禽流感。保健 處署理主任盧俊藩醫生介紹該處的三線 防備策略︰ (一)溝通和資訊流通 保健處會跟進衛生署和醫管局的行 動對策,並通過簡報會、訓練、宣傳海 報、健康講座、網上資訊、警戒級別通 告,發放資訊和指引給全校員生。他們 會參看病人到訪紀錄和簽發病假證明的 數目,評核流感散播的趨勢,採取適當 的跟進行動。 (二)預備和預防性行動 保健處今年九月已開始舉辦流感疫 苗注射運動,反應踴躍,至今有五千人 接受了注射。他們亦儲備了充足的探熱 針、常用藥物和十萬個外科口罩,供醫 護人員和病人使用;另會與校內各單位 合作,維持校園環境和飯堂的衛生。 (三)醫療服務 保健處會配合衛生署和醫管局的行 動,與醫院直接聯絡。該處亦制訂了一 系列內部運作方案,涵蓋員工調配、分 流系統、控制感染等。一旦禽流感於社 區爆發,大學保健醫療中心二樓會特別 設立發燒與流感診所,將病人隔離,避 免病毒傳播。屆時發燒病人會由專人帶 領經特別通道前往該診所;醫生會穿著 全套預防裝備,為病人打針或抽血等; 病人亦毋須到藥房領取藥物,會有護士 代勞。如有需要,保健處會將流行性感 冒病人轉介往衛生署和醫管局指定的醫 院、診所或隔離中心,以便及早診斷和 治療。 禽流感爆發時,校園( SARS/ 禽流 感)專責小組會就上課事宜、考試安 排、職員特別假期、緊急服務和校內活 動提供建議。 盧醫生表示,吸收 SARS 經驗後, 一旦禽流感爆發,保健處會聯同物業管 理處、大學安全及環境事務處加強相應 的消毒、診治或隔離措施,他有信心把 禽流感在中大校園散播的風險減至最 低。 葉昭彤 (學生記者•新聞與傳播學院二年級) 4 No. 269 4th December 2005
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