Newsletter No. 274

三位教員獲資助 到哈佛燕京學社進修 Three Teaching Staff Receive Funding to Further Research at Harvard-Yenching Institute 大學三位敎員經過劇烈競爭, 取得晗佛燕京學社的資助,於 二零零六至零七年到哈佛進 修。他們分别為蕭錦華博士、 黃偉豪敎授和陳漢輝先生。本 刊特别邀請他們執筆,講述得 獎感受和研究目標。 Three teaching staff of the Chinese University have been awarded, after a rigorous selection process, funding support to further their studies at Harvard University in 2006-07. The three are Dr. Siu Kam-wah, Prof. Wilson Wong, and Mr. Chen Hon-fai. The CUHK Newsletter has invited the three awardess to write about their feelings on receiving the honour as well as their research goals and aspirations. 歷史系蕭錦華博士 Dr. Siu Kam-wah, Department of History 我很榮幸能獲選為二零零六至零七年度美國哈佛燕京學社訪 問學人,特別感謝給予我良好研究環境和提名我參選該計劃的母 校中文大學,尤其歷史系。 唐五代時期中國的河南府(洛陽)從軍事中心到京畿的 演變,是中國史學界所謂「唐宋變革」的重點之一,我在 一九九五年起便致力研究這個課題,尤其專注研究唐初 洛州的軍事、政治及社會等方面的發展。 在哈佛燕京學社訪問期間,我計劃利用哈佛燕京 圖書館、其他圖書館和學術機構所藏各類史料文獻和 近人論著,進一步探討唐五代河南府的京畿行政和科層體制的形成及發展過程。由於許 多蜚聲國際的學者專家薈萃哈佛燕京學社,我深信透過積極參與有關研討會和會議,跟 中國史專家交流,當能大大增進我在研究方法和理論方面的知識。在這個訪問計劃的支 持下,我相信能在訪問結束之前,順利完成這個研究特別其主體部分,並發表一、兩篇 學術論文。這研究結果將具體說明唐宋間京畿的行政和官僚體制的演變,以及高層地方 行政體制的若干重要變化,由此增進學界對於唐宋間政治和行政兩方面的變革乃至中國 歷史分期問題的認識。 近年,我亦致力研究和講授東亞地區的歷史教育,所以在訪問期間也會搜集有關資 料,以備教研之用。 I am greatly honoured to have been awarded the Harvard-Yenching Visiting Scholar for 2006-07. I would like to thank the University, especially the Department of History, for providing me with a good research environment and nominating me for the award . Henan Prefecture developed from a military centre to a metropolitan district in the Tang and Five dynasties (618—959). This was a crucial aspect of Tang-Song transformation in China. In view of its significance, I have been doing research on it since 1995 with a focus on the military, political and social developments of Luozhou in the early Tang dynasty (618—712). During my visit to the Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1 plan to further investigate the formation and evolution of metropolitan administration and bureaucracy of Henan Prefecture in the Tang and Five dynasties using various primary and secondary sources available in the Harvard-Yenching Library, an d other libraries and academic institutions in the US. As there are many scholars of international distinction at the Harvard-Yenching Institute and Harvard University, I am sure that I would acquire more knowledge of advanced methodology and theory pertaining to research by actively participating in related seminars and conferences and sharing with scholars who specialize in the history of China. With the support of the Visiting Scholars Programme, I am confident that my research would be completed and published as one or two journal articles by the end of the visit. This research product would demonstrate the evolution of the metropolitan bureaucracy and administration and the significant changes in the upper levels of local administration of the Tang-Song period, and would deepen our understanding of the political and administrative aspects of the Tang-Song transformation and the controversial periodization of history of China. During the visit, I would also collect relevant sources on history education in East Asia, which is another topic I have been researching on and teaching in recent years. 政治與公共行政學系黃偉豪敎授 Prof. Wilson Wong, Department of Government and Public Administration 可以成為哈佛燕京學社的訪問學人,我感到興奮和光榮。我在一九九 八年加入中大,自始便察覺今時今日當教授是一件在時間和能力上要求甚 高的事情——同時擔當教師和研究員的雙重角色。兩個角色均要求我們不 斷去吸收和創造新知識。因此,能夠有一段較長的時間去專注研究和自 省,使自己能在學術上進一步成長,實在難能可貴。 在二零零二至零三年,我曾到位於美國首都華盛頓的布魯金斯研究所 訪問一年,今年則很高興可以到哈佛走一趟。我在哈佛燕京的研究題目為 「九七後的香港:香港回歸後的管治和對中國、台灣和美國的啟示」。這 研究主要是用香港回歸後的管治作為一面鏡子,來了解中國的制度能力, 以及公共管治的藝術與機制,特別是在管治一個充滿不同和多元化的系統 上。 I feel excited and honoured to have been selected as a visiting scholar by the Harvard-Yenching Institute. I joined the Chinese University in 1998. Since then, I have found that being a professor is increasingly demanding in terms of time and capacity. We play the dual role of teacher and researcher. Both demand us to absorb and create new knowledge continuously. As a result, I find it extremely beneficial for my intellectual growth to be able to take a longer period of time to focus exclusively on research and reflect on my experiences. In 2002-03, I have spent a year as a visiting fellow in the Brookings Institution, a major policy think tank located in Washington, D.C. I am glad that I now have another opportunity to do so, this time, in Harvard. The title of my Harvard-Yenching research is ' Hong Kong after 1997: Hong Kong's Post- Handover Governance and Implications for China, Taiwan, and the US: This project studies the post-handover governance of Hong Kong and uses it as a lens to understand China's institutional capacity, and the craft and mechanisms of public governance, particularly in terms of managing a different and diverse system. 社會學系陳漢 � 先生 Mr. Chen Hon-fai, Department of Sociology 我十分高興及榮幸獲頒二零零六至零七年度哈佛燕京學社訪問獎助 金。藉著這次可貴的機會,我可以與學社的傑出學者進行深入的學術討論 與交流。相信在學社的優良學術環境下,我的博士論文內容將會更為充 實。 我的論文題目是關於晚清中國士紳的結構位置及文化取向對學會組織 以至公民社會發展軌跡的影響。我的研究計劃是對學社館藏相關的檔案資 料進行文件分析及內容分析,包括各類有關學會的活動紀錄、報章報導、 回憶錄、專著及評論等。 這次得以成為訪問研究員,實有賴王淑英教授的長期支持和耐心指 導,謹此表達我衷心的謝意。此外,我感謝金耀基教授、張德勝教授、陳 健民教授與呂大樂教授的幫助和意見。最後,我感謝社會學系提名我參與 這次獎助金的選拔。 I am very pleased and honoured to be awarded the Harvard-Yenching Institute Visiting Fellowship, 2 0 0 6 - 0 7. The fellowship gives me the invaluable chance to engage in intellectual exchange with prominent scholars in the institute. Under its favourable academic environment, I believe that my dissertation research could be completed with potentially interesting and profound findings. My dissertation res( arch aims at delineating the ways in which the structural position and cultural orientation of the gentry class in late Imperial China shaped the peculiar development of study associations in particular and civil society in general. My research plan is to conduct documentary and content analysis of relevant archival data in the institute, which include various activity records, newspaper reports, personal recollections, treatises and commentaries on study associations. I wish to take this opportunity to express my most sincere gratitude to Prof. Wong Suk- ying, whose unceasing support and patient guidance has been indispensable for the success of my application. I also wish to thank Prof. Ambrose King, Prof. Cheung Tak-sing, Prof. Chan Kin-man and Prof. Lui Tai-lok for their generous help and insightful advice. Last but not least, I am grateful to the Department of Sociology for having nominated me for the fellowship. 3 第二七四期 二零零六年三月四日