Newsletter No. 286
Information in this section can only be accessed with CWEM password . 若要瀏覽本部分的資料, 請須輸 入 中大校園電子郵件密碼 。 中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 今年的本科生入學資訊日於上月十四日舉行,吸引多達一萬八千名預科生、家長和教師參觀。 當天的活動包括學院和課程介紹展覽,實驗室參觀,學科講座,即場健康檢查,手術室儀器和 針灸示範等。四所書院的宿舍和圖書館更開放與公眾參觀,法律學院學生則以話劇形式,帶出 法律如何影響日常生活。另有「全方位入學講座」,由大學主管人員和校友介紹中大特色、校 園設施、入學途徑、大學生活、選擇學科須知,以及獎學金和其他支援。多位本地、內地和海 外本科生則分享其入讀中大的經驗。 Some 18,000 sixth formers, their parents and teachers came to the University for this year’s Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admissions on 14th October. The activities of the day included faculty and programme exhibitions, laboratory visits, talks on academic subjects, health checks, demonstration of surgery room equipment and acupuncture, and much more. The hostels of the four colleges and the University Library System also opened their doors to the visitors; while students of the new Law School mounted a play on how the law influences our daily lives. At the admissions talk, visitors were introduced to the University’s characteristics, campus facilities, admission procedures, campus life, course selection, scholarships and other forms of assistance by the management and alumni. Some local, Mainland and international undergraduates also shared their CUHK experience with the audience. 286_p3-4.indd 4 11/9/06 3:25:00 PM
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