Newsletter No. 286

第二八六期 二零零六年十一月四日 No. 286 4th November 2006 5 地理與資源管理學系二年級生余翠怡 ●● (崇基學院)於 上月七日在意大利都靈舉行的世界輪椅劍擊錦標賽勇 奪重劍個人及團體金牌、花劍團體金牌和個人銅牌, 並獲選為全場最佳運動員,同時直接取得二零零八年 北京傷殘人士奧運的參賽資格。余翠怡其後轉往雲 南,參加十八日舉行的第七屆全國殘疾人運動會,再 奪女子花劍團體銀牌。 Chung Chi College student Ms. Yu Chui-yee (Year 2, Department of Geography and Resource Management)wongold in the épée events (teamand individual), andgold (team) andbronze (individual) in the foil events, at the IWAS Wheelchair Fencing World Championships 2006, held from 29th September to 7th October, in Torino, Italy. She was also named Best Female Fencer. Her performance qualifies her for the 2008 Beijing Paralympics. Ms. Yu then went on to win a silver medal in the 非 酒精性脂肪肝是常見的肝臟疾病。華裔人口中約 一成五是非酒精性脂肪肝患者,且有機會惡化為 肝硬化及肝癌。本校研究發現,約四分之一的非酒精性 脂肪肝患者有明顯的肝纖維化現象。在其後連續六年的 個案跟進當中,約半數患者的肝纖維化病情更趨嚴重, 有些個案甚至惡化為肝硬化。 非酒精性脂肪肝與糖尿病的關係非常密切。本港約一成 人口患有糖尿病,而口服葡萄糖耐量測試則被認為是測 試糖尿病的黃金標準。醫學院內科及藥物治療學系在二 零零四至零五年間,透過口服葡萄糖耐量測試,研究非 酒精性脂肪肝患者患上糖尿病的比例。經肝穿刺活組 織檢查確診患上非酒精性脂肪肝的一百二十四名病人 中,有六十人已確定為糖尿病患者,另外六十四人並無 糖尿病病歷,但口服葡萄糖耐量測試顯示其中二十五人 (39%)有前期糖尿症狀,另外有十五人(23%)確診 有糖尿病。研究又發現,患上糖尿病的非酒精性脂肪肝 病人有嚴重肝纖維化現象(17%),非糖尿病患者則完 全沒有此情況。 中大又詳細研究了八十名非酒精性脂肪肝病人的新陳 代謝情況,然後和四十一名年齡及性別配合的健康人 士作比較,發現糖尿病人患上非酒精性脂肪肝的機會 率比非糖尿病患者高五十倍,顯示非酒精性脂肪肝與新 陳代謝疾病相關。研究發現,在這八十名患者中,五十 二人被證實有嚴重肝纖維化或發炎現象,當中三十四人 (65%)同時亦患上糖尿病。 這項研究足證非酒精性脂肪肝和糖尿病緊密相關。非酒 精性脂肪肝可能是早期糖尿病的預兆。另一方面,糖尿 病患者亦有較大機會患上非酒精性脂肪肝及肝臟疾病。 中大醫學院建議,糖尿病患者應作詳細的非酒精性脂肪 肝檢查,非酒精性脂肪肝患者則宜接受口服葡萄糖耐量 測試,以檢查是否已經患上糖尿病。中大並成立肝臟護 理中心,教育公眾於肝臟及肝病的知識,加強預防肝炎 意識,研究治療方法,並為醫療機構提供最先進的肝炎 診斷技術服務。 N on-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a common liver disease affecting about 15% of the Chinese population. People with NAFLD may develop liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. About 10% of the Hong Kong population have diabetes mellitus. The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is the gold standard for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. The Department of Medicine and Therapeutics of the Faculty of Medicine has conducted a study to investigate the proportion of NAFLD patients who had undiagnosed diabetes mellitus byOGTT. From 2004 to2005, 124patients had NAFLD confirmed by liver biopsy. Among them, 60 had diabetes mellitus and 64 did not have known diabetes mellitus. After the oral glucose tolerance test, 23%were found to have undiagnosed diabetes and an additional 39% had impaired glucose tolerance. Severe liver fibrosis was more common among NAFLD patients who had diabetes (17%) than those who did not (0%). In another study, 80 NAFLD patients were studied on the detailed metabolic profile, which was compared to 41 healthy age- and gender- matched individuals. Among the 80 NAFLD patients, 52 patients had steatohepatitis, a severe form of NAFLD with evidence of inflammation and/or fibrosis in the liver, and 65% had diabetes mellitus. These studies confirm that NAFLD and metabolic syndrome are closely inter-related and NAFLD can be an early predictor of diabetes mellitus. On the other hand, patients with metabolic syndrome have a higher risk of NAFLD and more severe liver disease. The researchers recommend that all diabetic patients be screened for fatty liver disease and all patients with fatty liver should receive OGTT to look for undiagnosed diabetes. The Centre for Liver Health has been established to promote public awareness of liver health. 中大生及校友分獲殊榮 Laurels for CUHK Student and Alumna 非酒精性脂肪肝與糖尿病關係密切 Studies Find Intimate Link Between Fatty Liver Disease and Diabetes Mellitus women’s foil event (team) at the Seventh National Games for Disabled Persons held in Yunnan Province, China. 音樂系應屆畢業生林芍彬獲二零零六年至零七年香港 ●● 賽馬會音樂及舞蹈信託基金獎學金,前往美國伊士曼 音樂學院攻讀音樂碩士(管風琴演奏)。林芍彬學成 後將返港從事演奏及教學工作,並在內地推廣少為人 認識的管風琴。 Ms. Lam Cheuk Bun, an alumna (2006) of the Department of Music was awarded the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund Scholarship 2006–07. She will pursue a Master of Music degree in Organ Performance at Eastman School of Music, Rochester, USA. She intends to perform or teach in Hong Kong after finishing her studies. Ms. Lam also wishes to promote the organ as a musical instrument in China. 音樂系二零零二年博士畢業生楊民康的博士論文《貝 ●● 葉禮贊——傣族南傳佛教節慶儀式音樂》(二零零三 年,宗教文化出版社),榮獲本年度國家文化部第二 屆文化藝術科學優秀科研成果獎二等獎。該獎為國家 文化藝術研究領域最高級別的獎項,每五年評選一 次,一等獎為集體合作項目,二等獎為個人著作最高 殊榮獎。 楊民康博士的指導教師為曹本冶教授,他自取得中 大音樂博士學位以來,先後獲多項政府獎勵,包括 著作《雲南瑤族道教科儀音樂》獲教育部第三屆中 國高校人文社會科學研究優秀成果獎三等獎,畢業 論文獲中國少數民族音樂學會首屆優秀論文評獎一 等獎第一名和北京市文聯第四屆文藝評論獎評論類 一等獎。 以下項目詳情,請上網 newslter/issue/286/discoveries.htm 閱覽: ■ Eight Research Projects Received Grants