Newsletter No. 289

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 2 應屆諾貝爾獎得獎人費爾普斯教授演講 SHKP and CUHK Present Lecture by New Nobel Laureate 新 鴻基地產(新地)及香港中文大學第七度合辦「新 鴻基地產諾貝爾獎得獎學人傑出講座」,上月三 十日於九龍香格里拉酒店舉行。應屆諾貝爾經濟學獎得 獎人費爾普斯教授主持講座,分享其研究成果及精闢獨 到的見解。 費爾普斯教授的講題為「邁向現代經濟的障礙」,吸引 逾五百名世界各地學者、經濟學家、商界領袖及學生出 席,座無虛設。為了讓更多人有機會聆聽費爾普斯教授 的演說,大會特別安排講座直播至本港多所大學、香港 教育城網站,以及多所內地著名學府,包括北京大學、 復旦大學、上海交通大學、清華大學的公共管理學院及 經濟管理學院等。有關大學及全港中學師生可透過學校 內聯網及教育城網站即場收看,充分表現學術無疆界, 促進各地學術交流。 費爾普斯教授自一九八二年起出任哥倫比亞大學 McVickar 政治經濟學講座教授,歷任美國財政部、參議 院財政委員會和聯邦儲備局顧問,同年更獲選為美國科 學院會員。他於二千年獲選為美國經濟學會院士,及後 出任該會副會長,並同時為計量經濟學學會、美國藝術 科學院、紐約科學院和 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 的院士。 費爾普斯教授對經濟學不朽的貢獻,為宏觀經濟學引進 了「不完整訊息」的概念。他並創立了以個體基礎引伸 出來的失業和通脹經濟模式,率先強調透過修訂古典經 濟學中關於資訊的假設,重組宏觀經濟學理論。這項卓 越成就,不論對過去三十年來宏觀經濟學的發展,或是 對當前最熱門的研究均影響深遠。瑞典皇家科學院於十 月選出費爾普斯教授為本年度諾貝爾經濟學獎得獎人, 表彰他對宏觀經濟、通貨膨脹和失業率關係的超卓貢獻。 S un Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) and The Chinese University presented the seventh installment of the Sun Hung Kai Properties Nobel Laureates Distinguished Lectures at the Kowloon Shangri-La on 30 November. The lecture was delivered by this year’s Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, Prof. Edmund S. Phelps. Over 500 people were in attendance. Prof. Phelps’ lecture on ‘Stumbling Blocks on the Way to a Modern Economy’ was well received by the audience comprising academics, economists, business leaders and students. The lecture was broadcast live to local universities and renowned mainland universities. It was also available on the Hong Kong Education City website. Prof. Phelps’ seminal contributions to economics include introducing imperfect information 其他消息 Other News Items 以下消息詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following news items are available at ■ 大學新增雙學位課程 New Double Degree Programmes at CUHK ■ 中大研究人員獲香港青年科學家獎 CUHK Researcher Honoured with Young Scientist Award ■ 宏利慈善基金資助中大癌症病人的心理輔導 Manulife Charitable Foundation Pledges Support for CUHK Psychological Counselling Service ■ 宗教與中國社會研究中心成立十週年紀念研討會暨 第三屆年青學者研討會開幕禮 10th Anniversary of CSRCS and 3rd International Young Scholars’ Symposium on ‘Christianity and Chinese Society and Culture’ ■ 第十二屆「21世紀 ─ 聯想盃」全國英語演講比賽 香港預賽 The 12th ’21st Century-Lenovo Cup’ National English Speaking Competition — Hong Kong Preliminaries ■ 郎咸平教授捐贈商學生獎學金 Generous Donations from Prof. Larry Lang to Establish Scholarships for Business Students ■ 中大教職員足球隊勇奪「香港上市公司商會盃」冠軍 ■ CEO of Swiss Bankers Association to Lecture at CUHK ■ Symposium on Daily Lives of Urban Elite in 20th Century China and France and imperfect knowledge to macroeconomics. He pioneered the first generation of economic models of unemployment and inflation based on microfoundations, and was the first to stress the importance of reorganizing macroeconomic theory by revising the postulates of the neoclassical paradigmwith regard to information and knowledge and to show how this could actually be done. This contribution has been of fundamental importance, not only to the development of macroeconomics over the past three decades, but to the most exciting work at the current research frontier. Hewas awarded the 2006 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for his ‘analysis of intertemporal tradeoffs in macroeconomic policy’. SHKP Vice-Chairman and Managing Director Raymond Kwok said, ‘Our Nobel Laureates Distinguished Lectures provide an opportunity for people in Hong Kong to hear world-class scholars and benefit from their vision. We believe that the series is an important vehicle for advancing academic knowledge and educating the public, which will have a profound impact on the territory and its future.’ Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, reiterated CUHK’s gratitude to Mr. Kwok for his generous support and thanked Prof. Phelps for coming to Hong Kong. The Sun Hung Kai Properties Nobel Laureates Distinguished Lectures, founded in 2004, aims at encouraging learning and innovation and enhancing Hong Kong’s competitiveness by allowing people to share in the excitement of discovery and breakthroughs in the six Nobel Prize categories. 建立綠色和諧書院環境 新書院院址地處校園中部 AWarm and Green Collegiate Environment: New Colleges to Be Sited Centrally on Campus 香 港中文大學校董會執行委員 會接納校園計劃及建設委員 會、晨興書院籌劃委員會和善衡書 院籌劃委員會建議,在校園中部為 兩所新書院選定院址。校董會執行 委員會亦同時接納在校園西部興建 兩座學生宿舍。 T he Executive Committee of the Council of The Chinese University ofHongKong accepted the recommendations of the Campus Planning and Building Committee and the Planning Committees for Morningside College and S.H. Ho College to site these new colleges at a central location on campus. The Executive Committee also accepted plans for two other new hostels in the western part of the campus. 晨興書院和善衡書院的院址 The sites of Morningside College and S.H. Ho College 有關詳情可瀏覽: For details, please visit