Newsletter No. 290

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 2 Prof. Leslie Lo, professor of educational administration and policy, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the • HKSAR as a member of the Council of the Hong Kong Institute of Education from 12 October 2006 to 24 April 2009. Prof. Jean Woo, professor of medicine, has been appointed by the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food as a medical • member of the Appeal Board Panel under Rabies Ordinance from 10 October 2006 to 9 October 2008. Prof. Fok Tai Fai, dean of medicine, has been re-appointed by the Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food as a member of • the Hospital Authority for two years from 1 December 2006. Mr. Li Kai Ming, director of Alumni Affairs Office, has been re-appointed by the Secretary for Economic Development and • Labour as a member of the Appeal Panel of the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong for two years from 7 December 2006. Prof. Ho Puay-peng, professor in the Department of Architecture, has been appointed by the Deputy Secretary for • Housing, Planning and Lands (Planning and Lands) as a member of the Appeal Tribunal Panel, Section 45 of the Buildings Ordinance, for three years from 1 December 2006. Prof. LimWan Fung Bernard, professor in the Department of Architecture, has been appointed by the Deputy Secretary • for Housing, Planning and Lands (Planning and Lands) as a member of the Appeal Tribunal Panel, Section 45 of the Buildings Ordinance, for three years from 1 December 2006. Prof. Daniel Shek Tan Lei, professor in the Department of Social Work, has been appointed as an honorary professor of • the Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau from academic year 2006–07 to 2008–09. Prof. Shek and other board members of Heep Hong Society have been awarded the Directors of the Year Award 2006 by the Hong Kong Institute of Directors. Prof. Joseph Lau, director of Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, has been appointed as a technical adviser of • HIV/AIDS research in the Shenzhen Centre for Diseases Control and Prevention for three years from 1 October 2006. Prof. Yu Tak Sun Ignatius, professor in the Department of Community and Family Medicine, has been invited to serve • as an expert cancer epidemiologist in the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) Monograph Working Group in Lyon from 10 to 17 October 2006. He has also been invited to serve as an examiner in the Part 1 Fellowship Examination (Written Paper, June 2006) and Exit Examination (Practical/Clinical, October 2006) of the Australasian Faculty of Occupational Medicine, Royal Australasian College of Physicians. Prof. Lam Wai Kei Christopher, chairman of the Department of Chemical Pathology, has been elected as an Honorary • Fellow of The Royal College of Pathologists. (Information in this section is provided by the Communications and Public Relations Office. Contributions should be sent direct to that office for registration and verification before publication.) 中大與清華攜手合研媒體科學 New CUHK-Tsinghua Centre 中 文大學工程學院和清華大學深圳研究生院聯合成 立「清華深圳研究生院—香港中文大學工程學院 媒體科學、技術與系統聯合研究中心」,充分利用雙方 的優勢,致力於媒體處理的研究和開發,打造媒體處理 的創新成果和研究平台,培養高水平的人才。 中心的揭幕典禮於十一月底在深圳市南山區西麗大學城 應屆畢業生回饋母校 超 過一千八百名應屆中文大學畢業生參加 了「二零零六畢業班捐貲承諾計劃」, 承諾畢業後三年內,捐款五百港元回饋母校,共 為大學籌得近一百萬港元捐款。以應屆總畢業生 人數計算,參與 率逾三成,人數 亦較去年多出近 五成,成績十分 理想。 「畢業班捐貲承 諾計劃」由拓展 及籌募處籌辦, 旨在鼓勵畢業班 校友積極回饋母 校,承先啟後, 支持學弟學妹。 每位參與者均可獲贈刻有中大校徽及畢業年分 的特別版紀念襟針,時刻銘記自己為中大人的 身分。 拓展及籌募處高級主任鄭文珊先生表示,該計劃 除為大學每年籌得近一百萬港元外,更重要的是 在畢業校友心中播下回饋的種子,讓他們在離校 之初便與母校建立緊密的聯繫。他衷心感謝參與 計劃的一千八百多名應屆本科及研究院畢業生, 更指出中大今年的三成一參與率,可媲美美國著 名長春藤學府的三成參與率,成績令人鼓舞。更 有一名研究院畢業生即席捐款一萬港元,反映出 中大校友萬眾一心,支持母校不遺餘力。 「畢業班捐貲承諾計劃」自二零零四年開展,至今 已是第三年舉辦,累積參與人數超過四千人。 中心集中了兩校媒體處理相關領域的專家學者和研究成 果。近二十年來,清華大學先後完成了國家 863、自然 科學基金、國際合作等數十項媒體處理領域相關課題, 積累了豐富的創新性研究經驗和成果。 中大工程學院的研究項目跨越工程學、計算機科學、人 工智能、通信、人機交互、工效學、認知科學,以及語 言學等眾多學科。過去十多年,中大研究隊伍獲得香港 工業資助基金及創新科技基金資助逾四千五百萬港元; 又獲國家自然科學基金委員會及香港研究資助局聯合資 助計劃、香港研究資助局中央撥款等重點資助;還多次 奪得「挑戰杯」全國大學生課外活動學術科技作品競賽 的獎項,以及香港資訊科技卓越成就獎等榮譽。 中心的研究方向包括:多媒體技術、人機對話系統、漢 語普通話與廣東話語音合成、信息檢索、多模態交互、 嵌入式系統、信息安全技術,以及計算機網絡技術等。 T he Faculty of Engineering of The Chinese University and the Tsinghua Shenzhen Graduate School has jointly established the Tsinghua Shenzhen Graduate School – CUHK Faculty of Engineering Joint Research Centre for Media Sciences, Technologies and Systems. The Centre was officially inaugurated in November in Shenzhen. The ceremony was officiated by Prof. Ching Pak-chung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of TheChinese University and professor of electronic engineering, and Prof. Guan Zhicheng, dean of the Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, and Vice- President of Tsinghua University Council. The Centre will pool the expertise and research findings of both institutions. Its research areas include multimedia technology, human-computer spoken language systems, information retrieval, information security technology, embedded systems, and computer networks technology. 清華大學校務委員會副主任兼深圳研究生院院長關志成教授 (左) 與中文大學副校長兼電子工程學講座教授程伯中教授 Prof. Guan Zhicheng (left), dean of the Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University and Prof. Ching Pak-chung, Pro-Vice- Chancellor of CUHK 清華校區舉行,由中大副校長兼電子工程學講座教授程 伯中教授與清華大學校務委員會副主任兼深圳研究生院 院長關志成教授主持。 中心的成立是兩校在該領域長期合作和交流的結果,雙 方教師和學生曾多次互訪,更成功地聯合申請並獲國家 自然科學基金項目。