Newsletter No. 295
中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 2 雜交水稻之父談育種新進展 Prof. Yuan Longping on the Latest in Hybrid Rice Breeding 雜 交水稻之父袁隆平院士於上月十至十八日到訪聯 合書院,並於十六日在邵逸夫堂主講「超級雜交 水稻育種新進展」。 繼發明超級水稻育種方法及成功提升每造稻田產量後, 中國國家雜交水稻工程技術研究中心主任袁隆平院士正 致力推行第三階段超級水稻育種計畫,目標是在二零一 五年將每畝水稻產量提高至九百公斤,並達到「種三產 四」,即種植三畝田,產出原來四畝田的稻產,省下的 一塊田可生產蔬果和養魚等高增值的農產品,改善生活 素質。袁院士表示今年將試驗發展六千萬畝地,以達八 千萬畝的產量,他有信心於二零一零年實現目標。 為滿足二十一世紀的糧食需求,中國農業部於一九九六 年設立超級水稻育種計劃,以提升水稻育種的每造產 量。計劃分一九九六至二零零零年及二零零一至零五年 兩個階段進行,並已達標。 袁隆平院士是聯合書院金禧年度第二位「到訪 傑出學人」。袁院士一九五三年畢業於西南農 學院,隨即投身農學研究及教育事業,從六十 年代開始利用雜交技術提高水稻產量,成果裴 然。基於他對世界糧食生產與農業科學發展的 巨大貢獻,袁院士贏取了無數的獎項,其中包 括世界知識產權組織的「創造與發明獎章」金 獎、聯合國教科文組織的「科學獎」、日本的 「日經亞洲大獎」、中國首次頒發的「國家最 高科學技術獎」、世界糧食基金會的「世界糧 食獎」等。袁院士現為中國工程院院士及美國 科學院外籍院士。 P rof. Yuan Longping, Director- General of the China National Hybrid Rice Research and Development Centre, visited United College from 10 to 18 March 2007 as the college’s second Distinguished Visiting Scholar in its 50th anniversary year. During his visit, Prof. Yuan delivered a public lecture entitled ‘Progress in Breeding of Super Hybrid Rice’ on 16 March. The lecture was listed in the Lecture Series of members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and members of Chinese Academy of Engineering. ‘Father of Hybrid Rice’, Prof. Yuan Longping, was born in Beijing in 1930. He graduated fromSouthwest Agriculture College in 1953 and has since devoted himself to agricultural education and research. A pioneer in hybrid rice research, Prof. Yuan was the first scientist to successfully alter the self-pollinating characteristic of rice and make large-scale farming of hybrid rice possible. His pioneering work in hybrid rice breeding and production techniques has revolutionized rice cultivation in China. His achievement won him numerous awards and honours worldwide. Among them were the Science Prize of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the Gold Medal Award for the Outstanding Inventor of the United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization, Fukui International Koshihikari Rice Prize of Japan, the first State Supreme Science and Technology Award by the Chinese Government, and the World Food Prize. 其他消息 Other News Items 以下消息詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following news items are available at ■ 第一屆亞太區健康大學會議 The 1st Asia-Pacific Conference on Healthy Universities ■ 聯合書院金禧活動 United College 50th Anniversary ■ Health Talk by Centre of Research and Promotion of Women’s Health ■ Engineering Faculty Honours Its Teacher, Student and Staff Achievers ■ 市場學系研究香港零售業不公平現象 Department of Marketing Survey on Hong Kong’s Retailing Industry ■ 中大率先推行外科審核數據庫 CUHK Initiates Surgical Audit Database ■ Fifteen Research Projects Received Grants 輕輕鬆鬆走校園 Move Your Feet, Boost Your Health! 安 步健體魄,活力遍校園。本刊年初介紹了大 學新設計的步行捷徑 * ,鼓勵大家多點步行, 不但有益健康,而且沿途更可欣賞校園美景,一舉多 得。大學的健康促進及防護委員會於三月十六日舉辦 了「樂步行 開步禮」活動,推廣校園步行文化,吸引 了逾四百教職員及學生參加。開步禮由副校長鄭振耀 教授、醫學院院長霍泰輝教授及社區及家庭醫學榮休 講座教授李紹鴻教授主持,啟動儀式後,參加者浩浩 蕩蕩沿步行徑由大學火車站步行至新亞書院。 活動於早上十時半於大學火車站舉行,鄭振耀教授致 辭時表示,步行不費分毫,又可以每天進行,是上佳 的運動。他續稱,醫學會建議平均每天步行八千步, 每周行五天,這樣,心臟病、中風的危機會減少一 半,而由火車站步行至新亞,約要五千步,如當中輔 以升降機,則約為三千步,有助促進健康。 安步當車 欣賞一花一木 此外,一百三十四公頃的校園,當中有一百三十多種樹 木、一百二十多種雀鳥,不少校外團體也專程前來觀鳥 賞花,若於校園步行,可細心欣賞各類品種及生態。 步行隊伍從火車站出發,經池旁路至何添樓,沿崇基 路到達蒙民偉工程學大樓的停車場,乘升降機至九 樓,轉瞬便到達本部科學館附近了,由本部上新亞,有 人選擇走新亞路,有人會爬新亞樓梯,亦有於蒙民偉樓 乘升降機至七樓抵達新亞。參加者精神抖擻,邊行邊說 笑,不用半小時已經輕輕鬆鬆走畢全程。 O ver 400 CUHK staff and students took part in a walking campaign organized by the University’s Committee of Health Promotion and Protection on 16 March to promote walking on campus*. To kick off the event were Prof. Jack Cheng, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Fok Tai-fai, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, and Prof. Lee Shiu-hung, Emeritus Professor of Community Medicine. The campaign began at 10.30 a.m. In his opening speech, Prof. Cheng reiterated the importance and benefits of walking to health. The Hong Kong Medical Association stated that walking an average of 8,000 steps a day, five days a week, can half the risk of heart disease and stroke. Walking from the KCR train station to New Asia takes about 5,000 steps, and if lifts are used during the journey, only 3,000 steps — enough to make a difference to one’s health with persistent practice. Walking is also a good way to enjoy the natural scenery of the University. Setting off from the train station, the walkers went around Pond Crescent, passing Ho Tim Building and Chung Chi Road, before reaching the car park of the William M.W. Mong Engineering Building. Taking the lift to the ninth floor, they arrived near the Science Building on Central Campus. From Central Campus, some opted to travel by New Asia Road, some chose the steps, while others took the lift to New Asia College. *
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