Newsletter No. 304

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter ‘M y primary and secondary education on the mainland gave me a solid foundation, whereas CUHK has provided me with many opportunities for broadeningmy perspective.’ Zhang Tianyu, a graduating Integrated BBA student, has enjoyed the double advantage of an education spanning the mainland and Hong Kong. With her outstanding performance, Tianyu defeated 50 contenders to become the Hong Kong Rhodes Scholar this year. Tianyu is the seventh Rhodes Scholar of the University in 10 years, and the first mainland student to be awarded the honour at CUHK. A native of Shenyang in Liaoning Province, Tianyu moved to Shenzhen with her family at age 11. Upon graduation from high school, she was sent to the cradle of diplomats, the Beijing Foreign Studies University. But her father believes that studying at Hong Kong can expand a young person’s vision. Tianyu also wished to major in business, an area for which Hong Kong, being a global financial hub, provides an ideal environment. In the end, she decided to enrol at The Chinese University. The linguistically talented Tianyu knew no Cantonese when she arrived, but went on to win the second place at a Cantonese speech contest at the University. She was also active in extracurricular activities and was the captain of the Chung Chi tennis team. Tianyu’s talent set her apart in the Rhodes Scholar selection process which required short-listed candidates to have dinner with the judging panel besides attending an interview. She recalls the walls of the restaurant were decorated with many paintings. ‘One of the judges, who knew a lot about art, pointed at a painting and asked me which era it was.’ Despite her limited knowledge of art as she modestly claimed, Tianyu made the right guess after giving it some thought — it was the 1990s work of a Taiwanese painter. The judges were duly impressed. 推動本土歷史研究的重鎮──李和聲香港歷史資源中心開幕 Opening of the Lee Woo Sing Hong Kong History Resource Centre 馬臨教授,以及中大副校長兼 逸夫書院院長程伯中教授主禮。 程伯中教授致詞謂,希望這個 以香港歷史為主題的中心,能 令學生對本土文化發展有更深 刻體會。李和聲校董則感謝逸 夫書院抱著負責任的態度運用 捐助,因應學生和社會的需要 調整中心的發展方向,他更希 望中大學生乃至社會更能懂得 欣賞香港的歷史。歷史系何佩 然教授呼籲各界提供資源,豐 富中心館藏,以便有更全面的 資料去推動本地歷史研究。 中心逢星期一至五早上9時至晚 上6時開放。詳情可致電2696 1886查詢。 T he Lee Woo Sing Hong Kong History Resource Centre opened on 12 September at Shaw College amidst much talk in town about collective memory. Officiating at the ceremony were Ms. Esa Leung, 左起:程伯中教授、李和聲先生、梁潔玲女士、馬臨教授 From left: Prof. P.C. Ching, Mr. Lee Woo-sing, Ms. Esa Leung, and Prof. Ma Lin 翔天之羽──中大內地生膺羅德學人 CUHK Mainland Student Awarded Rhodes Scholarship 集 體回憶成為近來的熱門議題,李和聲香港歷史 資源中心也剛於9月12日在逸夫書院開幕,由古 物古蹟辦事處執行秘書梁潔玲女士、大學校董兼逸夫 書院校董會副主席李和聲先生、逸夫書院校董會主席 「 在 內地讀中小學,知識基礎較為穩固,而在 中大讀書,有很多擴闊眼界的機會。」 工商管理學士綜合課程應屆畢業生張天羽,結合中港 兩地教育的優勢,憑著突出的表現,擊敗50名對手, 獲得本年度香港區羅德獎學金。她是中大十年來第七 位羅德學人,並是本校首個獲此殊榮的內地學生。 祖籍遼寧瀋陽的天羽,11歲舉家遷至深圳,中學畢業 後獲保送至以培養外交官著名的北京外國語大學。但 她父親認為香港是國際化都會,在這裡升學可擴闊眼 界;天羽本身則希望修讀商科,香港這個國際金融中 心正是理想環境,所以最後決定報讀中大。 天羽甚有語言天分,初來港時不懂廣東話的她,後來 竟然在廣東話演講比賽中獲得亞軍。她還積極參加各 類課外活動,更是崇基網球隊隊長。 天羽的聰穎亦在羅德獎學金的遴選過程中突顯,除了 面試外,入圍學生還被安排與遴選委員共晉晚餐。天 羽憶述,晚膳的餐廳掛了許多畫:「有對藝術有研究 的委員指著一幅畫,叫我猜是哪年代畫家的作品。」 自謙對繪畫研究不多的天羽,憑著畫中的物件及筆 觸,猜出是出自90年代台灣畫家的手筆,令委員留下 深刻印象。 師友眼中的張天羽 How Others See Her 天羽為人積極主動,往往是早到遲走的一位,又喜歡提 問,從她提出的問題中,看出她曾下功夫,並非為問而 問,令人留下印象。此外,天羽交的功課比一般學生有深 度,是一個很用心和認真的學生。 Tianyu is an active and enthusiastic young woman who is always the first to arrive and the last to leave. She is very fond of posing educated, well-thought-out questions which never fail to leave an indelible mark. She is also a focused and serious student whose homework reflects more insight than that of the average student. 商學院副院長蘇偉文教授 Prof. Raymond So Wai-man, associate dean of the BA Faculty 天羽在唸大學時甚至更早就已經有清晰的人生路向,她曾 透過崇基學院的交流計劃入讀美國賓夕法尼亞大學沃頓商 學院,令她擴闊了視野,並為她對知識的孜孜追求奠下堅 實的基礎。 Tianyu knew exactly what she wanted in life during her under- graduate life or possibly even well before that. Through the exchange programme run by Chung Chi College, she had the opportunity to study at the Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania. This broadened her horizons and laid a solid foundation for her pursuit of knowledge. 香港機場管理局行政總裁許漢忠先生 崇基學長計劃中天羽的學長 Mr. Stanley Hui, CEO, Airport Authority Hong Kong, Tianyu’s mentor 天羽思想成熟、實事求是,學業成績出眾,但又很謙虛。 她每做一事,無不竭盡所能,力臻完善。 Tianyu is very mature and pragmatic. She is outstanding academically and yet remains humble. She always strives to do her best. 崇基學院學生輔導長方永平教授 Prof. Fong Wing-ping, dean of students of Chung Chi College 天羽待人很友善,有人向她請教功課,她都很樂意回 答,而且她學什麼都很用心。記得一年級時,我們一 起上游泳課。那時候她還不大會游,上完課以後,她 游得非常好。相信除了學習能力強外,一定花了許多 時間練習。 Tianyu is very friendly. She’s always willing to oblige when classmates seek her help in homework. She also has excellent focus. In Year I, we took a swimming course together. She barely knew how to swim then. But after the course, she was swimming very well. Besides being a fast learner, I’m sure she must have spent a lot of time practising. 楊穎琳,天羽的同學 Winnie Yeung, Tianyu’s classmate executive secretary of Antiquities and Monuments Office; Mr. Lee Woo-sing, University Council member and vice-chairman of the Shaw College Board of Trustees; Prof. Ma Lin, chairman of the Shaw College Board of Trustees; and Prof. P.C. Ching, Pro-Vice- Chancellor and head of Shaw College. Prof. P.C. Ching hopes better exposure to historical information on Hong Kong will deepen students’ understanding of the development of local culture. Mr. Lee Woo-sing expressed thanks to Shaw College for its responsible attitude towards his donation and its move to adjust the centre’s orientation to meet the changing needs of students and society. He hopes this will lead to better appreciation for the history of Hong Kong. Prof. Ho Pui-yin of the History Department urges all to help enrich the centre’s collection so that more comprehensive information will be available and the study of local history can be promoted. The centre is open from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm on weekdays. Students, staff and the public are welcome to visit. For enquiries, please call 2696 1886.