Newsletter No. 304

第 304 期 2007 年10月 4 日 No. 304 4 October 2007 今 年10月,對本地哲學界來說,可謂盛事連連。中大哲學系籌劃了一連串 學術活動,慶祝勞思光教授八十華誕。 勞教授是著名哲學家、中大哲學系榮休教授、中大榮譽博士及台灣中央研究院院 士。勞教授與中大淵源極深,自1964年應聘於崇基學院宗哲系開始,在中大任教 逾四分之一個世紀,培育了幾代的學術人才。現今港、台許多卓然有成的學者, 都是勞教授的學生,哲學系系主任張燦輝教授便是其中之一。張教授說:「勞教 授的地位舉足輕重,肯定是當世最重要的華人哲學家之一。他對哲學系其中一項 重要貢獻,是與多位系內先賢前輩,將哲學系發展為研究中國哲學的世界重鎮; 然而,他最為人所稱頌崇敬的,是廣博精深的學術造詣,以及對社會、政治、文 化等問題的深切關懷。今年適逢是勞先生八十華誕,我系十分榮幸,邀得勞教授 於10月來訪中大,參與多項 學術活動。」 第一項活動是1 0月8日的 「唐君毅訪問教授」公開演 講,講題是「哲學課題之變 與常」。勞教授是「唐君毅 訪問教授計劃」在2003年開 設以來第九位訪問教授,更 是首位獲邀的華人學者。張教授說:「藉著舉辦公開 講座,我們希望能夠提升本地人士對哲學的興趣。」 該計劃也邀請勞教授為哲學系講授一個含一學分的研 究院課程,題目是「合理性之辯護」,旨在通過對 「合理性」的省思,顯示當前文化哲學思維的路向。 該課程將在10月6日起一連四周舉辦。 另一項學術活動是將於10月25至27日舉行的「哲學詮釋、文化批判與詩藝探索── 勞思光教授八十大壽學術會議」,屆時約30位港、台學者會齊集中大,從多方面探討 勞教授的思想和詩藝。張教授說:「勞教授家學淵源,在耳濡目染下,他自小就詩文 皆絕。我們想趁此機會,更全面的了解勞教授的學養,因此選擇了他的詩藝為這次討 論的重點之一。」 勞教授著作等身,著有專論三十多種,文章更是不計其數。代表作包括:《中國哲 學史》(三卷四冊),以及「思光學術論著新編」(十三冊)和「思光學術新著」 (三冊)等系列。「思光學術新著」之第三冊:《危機世界與新希望世紀──再論 當代哲學與文化》,剛於9月出版,正好配合勞教授八十華誕這項盛事。 有關上述各項活動的詳情,請瀏覽哲學系網頁: O ctober will be a special and eventful month for the local philosophical community. The Department of Philosophy of The Chinese University of Hong Kong will organize a series of academic activities to celebrate the 80th birthday of Prof. Lao Sze-kwang, renowned philosopher, professor emeritus of the CUHK Department of Philosophy, Fellow of the Academia Sinica (Taiwan), and Doctor of Literature, honoris causa , CUHK. Prof. Lao’s long association with CUHK began in 1964, when he joined the Department of Religion and Philosophy, Chung Chi College. During his service of over a quarter of a century to the University, he nurtured several generations of young academics in philosophy and other disciplines, many of whom have now become accomplished scholars in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Prof. Cheung Chan-fai, chair of the CUHK Department of Philosophy, is one of them. ‘Prof. Lao is, beyond doubt, one of the most important living Chinese philosophers,’ says Prof. Cheung. ‘Together with several predecessors, Prof. Lao laid a solid foundation for the development of the department as one of the most important research centres on Chinese philosophy in the world. But most of all it is his profound philosophical research and deep concern for contemporary social-political- cultural issues that make him a remarkable, respectable figure. This year marks Prof. Lao’s 80th birthday. It is our great honour that he will come to the University in October for a series of academic activities.’ The first event will be a public lecture given by Prof. Lao under the Tang Chun-I Visiting Professorship, titled ‘Variations and Constancy in Philosophical Problematics’. ‘Prof. Lao is the ninth holder of the Tang Chun-I Visiting Professorship since its inception in 2003. ‘He is also the first Chinese scholar to be so honoured,’ Prof. Cheung points out, ‘By holding the public lecture, we aim at stimulating interest in philosophy in the local community.’ The Visiting Professorship will also offer a one-month, one-credit postgraduate seminar on a specialized topic. This year Prof. Lao will speak on ‘Rationality: A Defence’ and discuss ‘rationality’ from the three stages of development: metaphysical, epistemological and pragmatic. He will also discuss the significance of the concept of rationality for the philosophy of culture. The postgraduate seminar will take place in four consecutive weeks starting from 6 October. Another event, ‘Philosophical Hermeneutics, Cultural Criticism and the Art of Poetry: Conference to Celebrate the 80th Birthday of Prof. Lao Sze-kwang’, will be held from 25 to 27 October. Close to 30 scholars from Hong Kong and Taiwan, mostly students of Prof. Lao, will gather at the University to present their reflections on different aspects of Prof. Lao’s thoughts and art of poetry. Prof. Cheung remarks, ‘It is widely known that Prof. Lao is well-versed in both Chinese and Western philosophical traditions, and has a lifelong concern for cultural issues. He is also a gifted poet of traditional Chinese poetry. Prof. Lao was brought up in an eminent family, with several of his ancestors having been esteemed scholars and high-ranking officials. We would like to make his art of poetry one of our foci of discussion in the conference, so that we can have a more comprehensive understanding of his scholarship.’ A prolific writer, Prof. Lao is the author of over 30 monographs and numerous articles. Among his acclaimed works include History of Chinese Philosophy (3 vols.), the two series ‘A New Compilation of Lao Sze-kwang’s Academic Works’ (13 vols.) and ‘Lao Sze-kwang’s New Academic Works’ (3 vols.). The third volume of the ‘Lao Sze-kwang’s New Academic Works’ series, The World of Crisis and the New Century of Hope: On Contemporary Philosophy and Culture, II (2007), just came off the press for a timely celebration of Prof. Lao’s birthday. For details on the activities associated with Prof. Lao’s October visit, please see the Department of Philosophy website: 「勞教授的地位肯定是當世最重 要的華人哲學家之一。他最為人 所稱頌崇敬的,是廣博精深的學 術造詣,以及對社會、政治、文 化等問題的深切關懷。」 ‘ Prof. Lao is, beyond doubt, one of the most important living Chinese philosophers. But most of all it is his profound philosophical research and deep concern for contemporary social-political-cultural issues that make him a remarkable, respectable figure. ’