Newsletter No. 304

第 304 期 2007 年10月 4 日 No. 304 4 October 2007 第三零四期 二零零七年十月四日 No. 304 4 October 2007 李嘉誠健康科學研究所揭幕 Opening of Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences 李 嘉誠基金會捐資港幣一億元成立的中大李 嘉誠健康科學研究所,在9月7日舉行揭幕 儀式,李博士親臨主持。出席嘉賓還有中大校董會 主席鄭維健博士、校長劉遵義教授、醫學院院長霍 泰輝教授、所長盧煜明教授,以及醫管局主席胡定 旭先生、行政總裁蘇利民先生。 李嘉誠博士在致詞時引用十九世紀科學家巴斯德的 比喻:「物理學家和化學家如果沒有實驗室,就如 同戰場上的士兵沒有武器。」他深信,以研究所擁 有的科研精英和創意發明,一定能不斷提升對付各 種疾病的療法。李博士還希望醫護人員除了運用專 業知識外,還要以關懷心和同理心去感受和理解病 人。他說:「我希望大家視同理心不僅為一種切身 的關懷,不僅是一種感受,更是發自內心的天職及 責任,這樣才可掌握對方的 觀點及感受,並且力求作 出適切的行動。」 邵逸夫獎得主講座 Shaw Laureate Speaks at CUHK 2 007年邵逸夫生命科學與醫學獎得主 尼科威教授,於9月13日在逸夫書院 以「七次穿膜受體」為題演講。 尼科威教授獲頒邵逸夫獎以表彰他多年 來對GPCR(G-蛋白質偶聯接受體)研 究的貢獻。他的關鍵研究為尋找有效的 藥品提供了極重要的新思路。 邵逸夫獎成立於2002年,目的在表彰在 學術及科學研究或應用獲得突破成果, 從而對人類生活產生深遠影響的科學 家。這個國際性獎項分設天文學獎、生 命科學與醫學獎及數學科學獎。今年為 第四屆頒發。 P rof. Robert J. Lefkowitz, Shaw Laureate in Life Science and Medicine 2007, gave a lecture entitled ‘Seven Transmembrane Receptors’ on 13 September at Shaw College. Prof. Lefkowitz was awarded the prize for his relentless elucidation of the major receptor system that mediates the response of cells and organs to drugs and hormones. Established in 2002, the Shaw Prize honours individuals who have achieved significant breakthrough in academic and scientific research or application, and whose work has brought about a positive and profound impact on mankind. This international award consists of three annual prizes: astronomy, life science and medicine, and mathematical sciences. This is the fourth year that the prize has been awarded. be more aware of others — of their perspective — and we will strive to do what is appropriate and right.’ Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, thanked Dr. Li for his support of CUHK’s clinical and health science research, ‘This donation affirms the achievements of our medical team and injects tremendous momentum into their research efforts.’ The Li Ka Shing Foundation also announced an additional grant of HK$20 million to establish a second Li Ka Shing Professorship. Prof. Chan Hsiao-chang, professor of physiology and director of Epithelial Cell Biology Research Centre at CUHK, has been nominated for this new professorship. 劉遵義校長與李嘉誠博士在研究所揭幕禮上互相道賀 Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, and Dr. Li Ka-shing congratulate each other at the unveiling ceremony 劉校長感謝李博士及其基金會對醫學院 的支持:「這些捐款充分肯定了中大教 研人員的成就,並且為我們的醫學研究 工作注入莫大的動力。」 除了資助研究所的成立外,李嘉誠基 金會還再捐助二千萬元成立第二個 「李嘉誠講座教授席」,獲提名的是中 大生理學講座教授兼上皮細胞生物學研 究中心主任陳小章教授。 S et up with a HK$100 million donation by the Li Ka Shing Foundation, the Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences at CUHK was unveiled on 7 September by Dr. Li Ka-shing. Also attending the ceremony were Dr. Edgar Cheng, CUHKCouncil Chairman; Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Fok Tai-fai, dean of medicine; Prof. Dennis Lo, director of the institute; Mr. Anthony Wu, J.P., chairman of the Hospital Authority; and Mr. Shane Solomon, chief executive of the Hospital Authority. Quoting Louis Pasteur, a world-renowned French scientist in the 19th century, Dr. Li said, ‘Physicists and chemists without laboratories are like soldiers without arms on the battlefield.’ He believed this institute will play a role in advancing effective treatment for challenging illnesses. It is his conviction that saving lives requires knowledge and empathy for those who are ill. He added, ‘It is my hope that we see compassion as something beyond feeling — that we see it coupled with a sense of duty to each other. In this way, we will