Newsletter No. 309

第 309 期 2007 年 12 月 19 日 No. 309 19 December 2007 優才獎學金助內地生完中大夢 SHKP-Kwoks’ Foundation Help Realize Dreams of Talented Mainland Students 新 鴻基地產郭氏基金特撥款1,500萬港元成立 「新鴻基地產郭氏基金-香港中文大學內地 生優才獎學金」,從2005年起,連續五年每年資助六 名成績優秀及有經濟需要的內地學生,入讀中大四年 本科課程,資助金額約為每人50萬元,以支付四年學 費、宿費及生活津貼。 在11月16日舉行的獎學金捐贈簽署儀式上,除公布新 一屆獲獎名單,亦安排歷屆得獎人與獎學金負責人會 面。郭氏基金主席郭炳湘表示,希望受助同學珍惜學 習機會,不斷擴闊視野,為推動祖國發展作好準備, 將來學有所成,回饋祖國。中大校長劉遵義教授感謝 郭氏基金的慷慨捐獻。 今年獲頒發獎學金的六名內地學生,除了學冠同儕、 高考成績在省內位列30名內,課外活動同樣表現非 凡。連同今屆受惠的學生,郭氏基金至今已資助了 18名內地生前來中大升學。 去年獲獎的學生李力說:「我的家庭入息很低,根本 無法負擔大學的學費,因此這份獎學金不僅是一種鼓 勵,對所有經濟有困難的學生來說,更提供了實質上 的支援。」來自福建的李力去年9月入讀中大,現為 計量金融學二年級學生,他希望將來有機會在港工 作,汲取寶貴經驗後回祖國服務。 T hanks to the establishment of the Sun Hung Kai Properties Kwoks’ Foundation-CUHK Mainland Students Scholarships, financially needy mainland students with excellent exam results can pursue their studies at CUHK. The foundation pledges HK$15 million worth of support to the scholarship programme for five years from 2005. Six mainland students each year would be awarded with around HK$500,000, covering all tuition, accommodation and living expenses for four years. Foundation chairman Mr. Walter Kwok and CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau attended the signing ceremony on 16November to announce the latest scholarships and meet with past scholarship recipients. Mr. Kwok hoped that scholarship recipients wouldmake full use of their stay at CUHK and contribute to the country’s development after graduation. Prof. Lawrence J. Lau thanked the foundation for its generosity. The six scholarship recipients this year are among the top 30 achievers in national public exams in their respective provinces. They are also keen participants of extra-curricular activities. Altogether they have brought the number of beneficiaries to 18 since the inception of the scholarship programme in 2005. Student Li Li, representative of the scholarship recipients, expressed thanks to the foundation for its support. The Year 2 quantitative finance student said, ‘My family makes very little money, and without the scholarship I simply would not be able to afford university. The money helps the less well-off and it is also an encouragement.’ Li Li came from Fujian. He hopes to work in Hong Kong after graduation to gain experience that will enable him to contribute to his homeland. 內地師生中大喜相逢 Mainland Educators Meet Mainland Students on CUHK Campus 兩個多月可有回家?」「你看來胖了!」 問安的話來得簡單卻真摯。四十多名內地 重點中學及招生辦公室的代表,於11月23日造訪中 大。校方特安排六十多名內地生與眾師長一聚;大家 久別重逢,親切問候,暢談近況,氣氛溫馨熱鬧。 代表團由來自內地15個省市的31所重點中學及五個招 生辦公室組成,此行由入學及學生資助處安排,目 的主要是讓國內有關單位更了解中大的教學理念、學 制、環境和收生要求。來訪學校包括廣東實驗中學、 四川成都第七中學、遼寧省實驗中學、重慶南開中學 等,五個招生辦公室所屬省份–黑龍江、吉林、河 北、山西及安徽–則在2007年始納入中大的招生範 圍。 當天程序包括招生事務、書院及各學院的簡介,參觀 衛星遙感地面接收站及遊覽校園。代表團十分關心 內地生在中大就讀的適應問題、入學要求及獎學金安 排,此外,他們最感雀躍的要算與在中大就讀的內地 生會晤了。 The purpose of the one-day visit, organized by the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid, was to familiarize the delegation with the University’s vision and mission, features of education, admissions policy and requirements. They also took a tour around the picturesque campus. The delegates comprised representatives of 31 middle schools and 5 admission offices from 15 provinces and municipalities. Some were key middle schools such as Guangdong Experimental High School, High School No. 7 at Chengdu, Sichuan, Liaoning Province Shiyan High School, and Chongqin Nankai Middle School. The five admission offices came from provinces that were newly included in the 2007 mainland student recruitment exercise, namely, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Hebei, Shanxi and Anhui. The delegates attended a series of talks on admissions, Colleges and Faculties. They showed great interest in mainland students’ adaptation issues, admission requirements and scholarships offered. After the talks, they visited the Satellite Remote Sensing Receiving Station. Mr. Liu Chaozhong, executive vice-headmaster of Liaoning Province Shiyan High School, was pleased to meet some of his graduates at CUHK—Zhang Ruochen, a Year 1 student in electronic engineering, and Zhang Yupeng, a Year 1 student in information engineering. The two had given up the offers of Shanghai Jiaotong University and Peking University respectively to enrol at CUHK last September. Impressed by the University’s comprehensive facilities and beautiful environment, Mr. Liu was sure his students had made the right choice. In his address at the welcoming dinner, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, said the ultimate goals of the recruitment exercise are to cover all provinces and cities and increase admission offers. 郭氏基金主席郭炳湘先生(右)及中大校長劉遵義教授主持 獎學金捐贈簽署儀式 Foundation chairman Mr.Walter Kwok (right) and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau at the signing ceremony 遼寧省實驗中學常務副校長劉朝忠與該校的畢業生張 若塵及張宇鵬見面,深感欣慰。這兩位尖子分別放棄 了上海交通大學及北京大學的學額,選擇今年九月入 讀中大,修讀電子工程及訊息工程。劉副校長親睹這 裡的優美環境及完善設施,認為當初他們的選擇絕對 正確。 中大校長劉遵義教授於歡迎晚宴上表示,中大的長 遠目標,是將招生範圍擴展至全國各地,同時逐 漸增加內地生名額,他希望內地中學多向學生推介 中大。 ‘ Z he lianggeyue keyou huijia ? (Did you go home these two months?)’ ‘ Ni kanlai pang le ! (You seem to have put on weight!)’ On 23 November, over 40 representatives from mainland middle schools and admission offices visited CUHK and had a joyous reunion with their old students — their graduates — who were among the 60 mainland students of CUHK meeting with the delegations. 「這