Newsletter No. 309

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 身居國外筆書國內的華裔英文作家裘小龍 Chinese Novelist Writes English Stories about China 以下項目詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following items are available at: ■ 29 項研究項目獲撥款 29 Research Projects Received Grants C UHK presented a public lecture by renownedwriter Prof. Qiu Xiaolong on ‘Writing China Out of China’ on campus on 26 November. Prof. Qiu is a visiting fellow of this year’s S.Y. Chung Visiting Fellows Programme of New Asia College. Prof. Qiu Xiaolong shared with about 100 CUHK staff, students and alumni his unique writing experience — his journey from a Chinese writer born in China, to an award-winning English novelist and poet in the US. Prof. Qiu believes it is an advantage rather than a disadvantage to write from a distance. One may see from an angle things those living in the place fail to see. Sometimes writers write more imaginatively and passionately about their homeland when they are away from it. Prof. Qiu is one of the most celebrated Chinese novelists and poets writing in English. He published prize- winning poetry, translation and criticism in Chinese in the 1980s. With a special gift for language, he started learning English in his teens and then developed immense interest inEnglish literature andpoetry. In 1988, he moved to the US as a Ford Foundation Fellow, started writing in English, and obtained a PhD in comparative literature at Washington University. Prof. Qiu’s first novel, Death of a Red Heroine , was nominated for Edgar Allan Poe and Barry awards, and won the Anthony Award in 2001, making him the first Chinese to receive this international accolade for mystery fiction. 李子芬教授獲頒 卓越研究獎 Prof. Diana Lee Receives Excellent Research Award 中 大醫學院助理院長、那打素護理學院 護理學講座教授李子芬教授於食物及 衛生局舉辦的2007年衛生醫護研討會「連結 研究、實踐與政策」中,獲頒優異研究獎。 她的研究探討如何減低居住於院舍的慢性阻 塞性肺病年長患者重復出入醫院,獲評審 委員讚揚對醫療政策發展與臨牀實踐影響深 遠。該項研究由食物及衛生局資助。 P rof. Diana T.F. Lee, assistant dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Professor of Nursing, the Nethersole School of Nursing, was awarded the Excellent Research Award at the ‘Health Research Symposium 2007 — Building Bridges Between Research, Practice and Policy’ organized by the Food and Health Bureau. Prof. Lee’s project titled ‘A care protocol to reduce hospital readmissions of elderly residential care home patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)’ was selected by the assessment panel based on its cumulative outcome and impact on healthcare policy and practice. 地理與資源管理學教授推動生態旅遊獲獎 Scholar Honoured for Promoting Ecotourism to work further and said he would like to share it with colleagues and students who have the same passion for ecotourism.  地 理與資源管理學系副教授馬 路 華 教 授 獲 得 馬 來 西 亞 的 The Royal Belum Inaugural Ecotourism Award,表揚他對生態旅遊的貢獻。 他在研討會上發表論文,闡述馬來西亞 霹靂州政府在熱帶雨林區可以如何促進 研究、培訓及環保活動,並提出推動生 態旅遊的建議,獲評審委員一致讚賞。 獎項於10月底在怡保舉辦的第三屆國際 熱帶雨林旅遊研討會上頒發。 P rof. Lawal M. Marafa, associate professor, Department of Geography and Resource Management, received Malaysia’s Royal Belum Inaugural Ecotourism Award for his services and contribution towards the promotion of ecotourism. His presentation at the international symposium on how the state of Perak can facilitate research, training and environmental programmes in rainforest ecology as well as promotion of ecotourism impressed the assessment panel and won him the award. Prof. Marafa received the honour at the 3rd Tropical Rainforest Tourism Symposium held in late October at Ipoh. He described the award as a wakeup call for him 馬路華教授 (右) 從馬來西亞霹靂州官員手上接過獎項 Prof. Marafa receives the award from Yb. Dato Mohammed Radzi Manan, chairman, Perak State Exco for Agriculture, Tourism and Culture 英文系系主任、英文講座教授 David Parker 教授 (右) 致送 紀念品予裘小龍教授 Prof. David Parker, chairman of the English Department and Professor of English (right), presents a souvenir to Prof. Qiu 新 亞書院「龔氏訪問學人計劃」邀得著名華裔英 文作家裘小龍教授於11月26日在中大主持講 座,題目為「在中國之外寫中國」。裘教授與近百名 中大師生及校友分享其獨特的創作經驗—由生於中 國,以華文創作,及至在美國用第二語言英文寫作小 說和詩歌而獲獎的歷程。 裘教授認為從遠距離出發寫作可說利多於弊,因為旁 觀者清,非在其地,反而能觀察到當地人所看不到的 現象。身在國外而描寫國內,作家的創意與熱情有時 候更能揮灑。 早在80年代,裘教授的中文詩作、翻譯和評論,已屢 獲殊榮。他的語言天分過人,在青少年時期開始學習 英文,自此對英國文學和詩歌產生濃厚興趣。1988年 他獲福特基金會資助赴美深造,取得 華盛頓大學比較文學博士學位,並開 始英文的筆耕生涯。其初試啼聲之作 《紅英之死》先後入圍愛倫坡小說獎 和巴里小說獎,並在2001年榮獲安東 尼小說獎,成為首位奪得懸疑小說國 際賞譽的華人。