Newsletter No. 314

第 314 期 2008 年 3 月 19 日 No. 314 19 March 2008 普及檢測計劃惠及糖尿病患者 CUHK Offers Much Needed Diabetes Risk Assessment Service 中 大香港糖尿病及肥胖症研究所獲丘耀西教育及慈善 紀念基金慷慨捐贈二千八百多萬港元,成立丘中傑 糖尿病檢測中心,並於3月3日在威爾斯親王醫院舉行「丘 中傑糖尿病檢測中心暨廖韻玉糖尿病研究紀念基金成立典 禮」。 香港的糖病患者不斷增加,公營醫療體系已為超過20萬名 糖尿病患者提供服務,現有資源實難為所有患者提供定期 風險評估檢測。以威爾斯親王醫院為例,輪候檢測的時間 左起:丘中傑糖尿病檢測中心主任唐俊業教授、醫學院院長霍泰輝教授、署理校長楊綱凱教授、丘耀西教育及慈善紀念基金主席丘國 生先生、 醫院管理局新界東醫院聯網總監馮康醫生,以及中大糖尿病及肥胖症研究所所長陳重娥教授 From left: Prof. Peter Tong, director, Yao Chung Kit Diabetes Assessment Centre, Prof. T.F. Fok, dean, Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Kenneth Young, Acting Vice-Chancellor, Mr. Philip Yao, chairman, Yao Yiu Sai Education and Charitable Memorial Fund, Dr. Hong Fung, cluster chief executive, Hospital Authority, and Prof. Juliana Chan, director, Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity 為 了加深公眾對中國產業發展及晚清民國政府的財政面貌的認識,中大歷史系與中國上 市公司股票第一博物館首度合辦「近代中國證券展覽」,展出約80件近代的政府債 券、已發行及未發行的股票等複製品。展覽於2月27日至3月4日假香港中央圖書館展覽廳舉 行,由中國銀行(香港)贊助,康樂及文化事務署香港公共圖書館協辦。 是次的展品涵蓋清代銀行股票、清代民用企業股票、清代工商業和地產業股票、清代債券、 民國股票、民國債券,以及革命根據地發行的債券,見證了現代化集資、官督商辦的概念如 何流入中國和遞變。全部珍藏由趙善榮先生、汪志剛先生、陳偉國先生、王志鋼先生、吳知 安先生、周子承先生和喻建忠先生提供。 是次展覽為中華貨殖論壇活動之一。本年度的中華貨殖論壇以「中國資本市場百年回顧」為 主題,在2月舉行了四場公開講座,讓市民對中國經濟歷史與發展有更深入的了解。 從清末民初證券看近代中國經濟發展 Exhibition Showcases Modern China Share and Bond Certificates T he Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, CUHK, received a generous donation of HK$28 million from the Yao Yiu Sai Education and Charitable Memorial Fund to establish the Yao Chung Kit Diabetes Assessment Centre. The official opening ceremony and establishment of the Lioa Wun Yuk Diabetes Memorial Research Fund was held on 3 March at the Prince of Wales Hospital. The growing number of people with diabetes who need regular assessments overwhelms the public system which is already providing care to over 200,000 diabetics. At the Prince of Wales Hospital, the wait for this assessment ranges from 18 to 24 months, while that for the specialist diabetes clinic, is 24 months on average. The condition of many of these patients deteriorate silently and they may end up with acute emergencies and major disabilities. By alerting patients and their doctors in time, risk assessment programmes can potentially save lives. Located at the Staff Quarter of the Prince of Wales Hospital, the centre offers a diabetic complications assessment programme at only HK$480, 25% of the market price. The programme allows doctors and diabetics to make informed decisions and save waiting time. 為18至24個月,輪候專科門診平均需時 兩 年。許多病人在 輪候期間病情惡化而不自知,往往在接受專科治療前已轉 化為急症或導致殘障。因此,越早為糖尿病患者提供風險 評估,越能保障其性命。 新成立的檢測中心位於威爾斯親王醫院職員宿舍,以市價 四分之一,即480元,為糖尿病人提供全面的風險及併發 症檢測服務,使他們無需費時久候公立醫院排期,及早辨 識出現併發症的風險,選擇合適的治療,減低死亡率。 T o give the public a better understanding of economic and financial development in modern China, the Department of History and the Museum of Shares of Listed Companies, PRC, jointly organized the Exhibition of Securities Certificates in Modern China. Close to 80 replicas of share and bond certificates from late Qing to Republican China were on display from 27 February to 4 March at Exhibition Gallery 5, Hong Kong Central Library. The exhibition was sponsored by the Bank of China (Hong Kong) and organized in association with Hong Kong Public Libraries, Leisure and Cultural Services Department. The exhibition is one of the events of the ‘Public Lectures of History and Business in China: Capitalist Market in Modern and Contemporary China’. There were also four public lectures.