Newsletter No. 314

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 教育學生赴穗交流 BEd Students Visit University in Guangdong 台灣聯合大學系統校長談高等教育 Lecture by Chancellor of the University System of Taiwan 本校師生與廣東外語外貿大學附校代表攝於該校校舍前 Group photo taken at the English school attached to GDUFS 教 育學院18名語文教育英文組的三及四年級學生,由鄧麗暚教授及秦家慧教授帶領,去年 12月26至29日,訪問廣東外語外貿大學英語教育學院及該大學的附屬中、小學,交流教與 學的心得。 通過這次交流活動,教育學院學生對內地不同程度的英語教育、課程、評估,以及大學英語教師的 培訓情況,都有深入的認識。除參加座談會、到小學、中學和大學觀課外,他們還入住英語學校宿 舍,體驗當地學生生活。 此外,秦家慧教授應邀為150名內地高中三學生講解香港教育制度,鄧麗暚教授則與其學生為二十 多位英語教師示範教學,教授40名內地高中生。 E ighteen Year 3 and 4 students from the BEd in Language Education Programme (English) visited the Institute of English Language Education of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS), and the attached secondary and primary schools. Led by Prof. Eunice Tang and Prof. Cecilia Chun, the visit was supported by the Faculty of Education. The aims of the visit were to provide students with an opportunity to understand English teaching practices at different levels of education institutions in China, as well as the national English curriculum and assessment, and English teacher training at university. The visit included a discussion forum, class observations in primary, junior secondary, senior secondary and university. During the four-day visit, CUHK students stayed in the hostels of the English school. Prof. Chun delivered a talk to 150 senior Secondary 3 students on the Hong Kong education system, while Prof. Tang and her students demonstrated an English lesson to a class of 40 students and over 20 English teachers. 兩位社會科學院 模範教師談心得 Outstanding Social Science Teachers 社 會科學院於1月19日舉行模範教學獎暨院長榮譽錄頒獎 典禮,獲得模範教學獎的是政治與行政學系周保松教 授、新聞與傳播學院梁永熾教授和心理學系馮海嵐教授。梁永 熾教授及馮海嵐教授應本刊邀請,親述教學心得。 T hree teachers in the Faculty of Social Science were honoured with the Faculty’s Exemplary Teaching Award on 19 January. They were Prof. Chow Po-chung of the Department of Government and Public Administration, Prof. Louis Leung of the School of Journalism and Communication, and Prof. Helene Fung of the Department of Psychology. Prof. Leung and Prof. Fung shared their teaching experiences with us. 梁永熾教授 「我深信教師可以影響學生的生命, 當中並不只在於傳授硬知識,更重要 的,是透過在課堂內外的互動相交。 最令我享受的教學,是學生們在正規 課堂外,來到我的辦公室,個別地或 組成小組與我一起研習討論。師友間 的親切溝通和交流,才是構建知識, 扎根成長的開始。亦因如此,我和學 生往往都能建立長久和穩固的友誼。 我的教學哲學很簡單:有趣的題目、 啟發性的討論和實踐性的訓練,就是啟動和促進學習的不二法門。」 Prof. Louis Leung ‘I believe that teachers can affect students’ life not only by what we teach, but also through the interaction we have with them both inside and outside the classroom. Aside from classroom teaching, the most rewarding experience I have had is spending time with students one- on-one or in small groups in my office because this is when I can be most effective in helping them to learn and grow. It is through these interactions that my students and I develop a long lasting friendship. My teaching philosophy is simple: facilitate learning through interesting topics, stimulating discussions, and providing hands-on practice.’ 馮海嵐教授 善歌者,使人繼其聲;善教者,使人繼其志。 《禮記.學記》 「我一直致力引發學生對書本上的知 識產生興趣,以及裝備他們日後追求 學術所需的技巧。知識是可以傳授 的,但學習過程卻是傳授不了。只有 學生對所學的感興趣,並有足夠的技 巧繼續鑽研求知,他們才可以把知識 變成自己思想的一部分。」 Prof. Helene Fung ‘There is a well known Confucius saying about education, “Those who are good at singing leave an image of their voice in the audience’s minds even after they have stopped singing; those who are good at teaching leave a legacy in their students even after the students have left them.” (‘ Xueji’ in Liji ) . ‘I have been trying to leave a legacy in my students by arousing their interest in the topics or subjects I teach, and providing them with the necessary tools (skills and techniques) to pursue them in their lives. Knowledge can be taught, but the process of learning cannot. Only when students feel they are studying what they are interested in, and have the skills and techniques to do so, can they turn textbook knowledge into their own thoughts and ideas.’ 台灣聯合大學系統之系統校長兼中央研究院院士 曾志朗教授應中大邀請,於2月20日主講「提升台 灣高等教育:堅持有高尚靈魂的卓越」,吸引近 百名嘉賓出席,包括中大師生及教育界人士。 Prof. Ovid J. L. Tzeng, Chancellor of the University System of Taiwan and Academician of Academia Sinica, spoke on ‘Uplifting Higher Education in Taiwan: Excellence with a Soul’ on 20 February on CUHK campus. About 100 guests attended the lecture, including CUHK staff and students, and representatives of various academic institutions.