Newsletter No. 315

中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter 法律生奪大中華地區最佳辯手獎 Law Student Selected Top Oralist in Vis (East) Moot 女子乒乓隊五連冠 Fifth Successive Victory for Women’s Table Tennis Team 中 大女子乒乓球隊於2007至08年度「香港大專盃女子乒乓球決賽」以三比一 擊敗理大,勇摘桂冠,連續五年稱王。 決賽於3月1日在香港專業教育學院(青衣分校)舉行。中大隊以初賽時全勝首名出線, 在準決賽挫敗港大,晉身決賽,與理大爭冠。憑著高昂的士氣,巧妙的排陣及主動的 打法,終於再下一城。 T he CUHK women’s table tennis team won their fifth successive championship title with a 3:1 victory over Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The final of the 2007–08 University Sports Federation of Hong Kong, China (USFHK) Women’s Table Tennis Competition was held on 1 March at the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Tsing Yi). The CUHK women’s team triumphed in the preliminary round, then defeated the University of Hong Kong in the semi-finals. In the final, excellent strategies and the determination to win enabled CUHK to make history again. 第 五屆Willem C. Vis (East) 國際 商業模擬仲裁比賽於3月3至9日 舉行,吸引逾350名來自世界各地52所大 學的法律學生參加,中大法律學院的碩 士生黃彥銓勇奪大中華地區的最佳辯手 獎,贏得在路偉律師行香港辦事處暑期 實習的寶貴機會。 這項每年一度的盛事源於維也納,是現 今最大規模的國際商業法模擬仲裁比 賽。今年乃中大第二次舉辦,並續獲英 國仲裁學會東亞分部贊助。 本屆的考題於去年10月公布,環繞一批 頂級紅酒。控方為買家,購入該批酒後 發現其成分有差異,因而引發有關國際 貨物銷售合同公約的爭論。參賽學生需 要在國際知名的仲裁員面前,為其當事 人進行最少四次訟辯,堪稱法律技巧及 知識的嚴格測試。 是次出賽的八名中大學生來自法律博士 及國際經濟法法學碩士課程。 O ver 350 students from 52 law schools participated in the 5th AnnualWillemC.Vis(East)International Commercial Arbitration Moot from 3 to 9 March in Hong Kong. Wong Yin- chuen Spencer, Juris Doctor student at CUHK, was selected top oralist from the 中大隊員(前排左起):何宇浩、徐非夢、黃書玲、王子妍、黃菁、陳志中、許天衣(後排左一)及黃彥 銓(後排左二);指導員許善敏(後排左三)、盧雅思(後排右二)及法律學院專業顧問Peter Rhodes (後排右一) The CUHK team (front row from left): Ho Yue-ho Justin, Tsui Fei-mong Alice, Huang Shu-ling Carol, Wang Zi-yan Betty, Huang Jing Caroline, Chan Chi-chung Casey, Hui Tien-yi Chester (second row left 1), and Wong Yin-chuen Spencer (second row left 2), with Hui Sin-man Simone (second row left 3) and Elsie Lo (second row right 2), coaches of the team, and Peter Rhodes (second row right 1), professional consultant, School of Law Greater China region and was granted an internship to work at Lovells’ Hong Kong this summer. Vis (East) Moot is a ‘sister’ to the original Vis Moot in Vienna, the biggest international arbitration competition on international trade law today. It was CUHK’s second year to host this annual student competition. The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (East Asia Branch) was the principal sponsor. This year’s moot court problem, released last October, involved an order for top quality red wine. The claimant found unexpected ingredients in the wine and this gave rise to a dispute under the Convention on the International Sale of Goods. Appearing at least four times before internationally renowned arbitrators, the students argued on behalf of their ‘clients’ in a gruelling test of legal skills and knowledge. The eight-member CUHK team comprised students from the Juris Doctor Programme and the Master of Laws Programme in International Economic Law of the School of Law. 藝術系 Fine Arts Department 《與藝同行五十年》(下冊) Department of Fine Arts at 50 II 蘇芳淑編 為紀念藝術系創系五十周年而出版,載有歷任系主任特約撰寫的文章,以及 「藝術系五十年大事記」,並有珍貴圖片,圖文並茂地展現藝術系的發 展。 國際統一書號 978-962-7055-11-2 Edited by Jenny F. So To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Fine Arts Department, the second volume of this special publication consists of reminiscences of past and present department chairs and a chronicle of major events of the department. The written records are accompanied by photographs of historical value to illustrate development of the department. ISBN 978-962-7055-11-2 《香港視覺藝術年鑑2006》 Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2006 莫家良編 全面記錄2006年香港視藝活動及消息,探討香港視藝的今 昔發展。上冊除羅列香港出版的視藝著作外,更收載論文七 篇,分別討論香港已故書畫家方召麐、杜其章、呂壽琨,以及 城巿文化創意空間、公共藝術、藝術策展、外來因素與本地藝術發展等問題。下 冊記述主要視藝議題,同時收錄各類型藝術展覽。 國際統一書號 978-962-7055-12-9,730頁,300港元 Edited by Harold Mok A handy reference for all sorts of visual arts events and activities that took place in Hong Kong in 2006, the two-volume yearbook also provides scholarly analyses of the past and present development of major art forms in the territory. In addition to an all-embracing list of art publications appearing in the year, Volume I consists of seven essays on the art of Fang Zhaoling, Toh Kee-cheung and Lü Shoukun, creative spaces, public art, curating of exhibitions, and the link between international and local art. Volume II is made up of a chronicle of public issues relating to visual arts, descriptions of various exhibitions, and accounts of arts activities. ISBN 978-962-7055-12-9, 730 pages, HK$300