Newsletter No. 321

第321期 2008年8月19日 No. 321 19 August 2008 中 大教育學院大學與學校夥伴協作中心於六月舉行 十周年慶祝活動啟動禮暨校本經驗分享會,與二 百多名教育界人士一起回顧過去與中、小學及幼稚園協 作的成果。 在啟動禮上,中大教育學院院長暨中心主任李子建教授 感謝各界的支持,令中心得以在不同類別的計劃中,與 教師共同探究,互相協作,發揮夥伴效應,讓學生透過 思考建構知識,勇敢面對挑戰。他表示:「我們深信教 育改革的真正意義,是透過改變令學校實現理想,辦出 自己的特色,讓教師能夠提高教學質素,而不同才能的 學生亦有發展及進步的空間。」 六間中、小學分別就學校文化、教師專業素養及學生潛 能發展三方面介紹其校過去十年的改革成果;而研討會 則邀得十多所學校分享其優化課堂教學、夥伴協作及建 立學習社群等各方面的經驗。 大學與學校夥伴協作中心於1998年成立,致力拓展各種 支援學校全面發展的計劃,透過自我完善機制,提升教 與學的成效。中心曾三度獲優質教育基金資助,與超過 六百間中小學結成夥伴。 T his year marks the tenth anniversary of the Centre for University and School Partnership (CUSP). In June, the centre held the Kick-off Ceremony cum Sharing Session on School-based Experience. Over 200 participants from the education sector were in attendance to share and enjoy the fruits of partnership. At the ceremony, Prof. John C.K. Lee, dean of Faculty of Education and director of the centre, thanked the enthusiastic support from different sectors for having enabled CUSP to develop partnerships and collaborations with teachers through projects which ultimately benefit students. He said, ‘We believe the realization of the schools’ missions and the development of their own characteristics could raise the quality of teaching and help improve different aptitudes and abilities in students. This is what education reform is for.’ Six secondary and primary schools introduced the positive results they have received in terms of school culture, teaching professionalism and development of students' potential while a dozen of schools shared their experiences in improving class teaching, collaborating with the University and forming learning communities. Established in 1998, CUSP is committed to supporting schools in implementing comprehensive development projects by means of healthy collaborative relationships and a self-refining mechanism for quality education. In the past 10 years, CUSP has established partnerships with over 600 primary and secondary schools—three times under the auspices of the Quality Education Fund. 為 建立整全的學前數學教育模式,中大教育心理學 系成子娟教授在十年前展開研究,設計了一套名 為「學前數學:操作式和多元化」的課程。本年7月,她 向三百多位學前教育工作者發布課程的研究成果。多位 曾參與研究計劃的幼稚園校長、主任及老師更於發布會 上分享經驗和心得。 成教授的研究於2000年及2005年獲優質教育基金撥款 資助逾四百三十萬元,2006年7月開始展開了一個兩年 計劃,共有七十六間學校參與,培訓了近八百七十名幼 稚園老師,惠及八千名幼兒。透過校長會談、教師培訓 班、教師指導工作坊、教學視導等途徑,參與培訓的老 師得以掌握並實踐課程的基本理念和教學方法。 成教授表示:「該課程能有效幫助幼兒發展數學邏輯思 維,以及解決數學問題的能力。課程的優點是它並不單 單要求導師教授數學知識,而是着重培養觀察、分析、 比較、想像和推理等思維能力。」 此外,課程重視數學的內在邏輯關係,並綜合不同學科 的內容,以多元化的形式教授。例如成教授設計的一系 列數字王國童話故事,便讓幼兒從閱讀故事中理解數與 量的關係。 中華基督教會灣仔堂幼稚園駱燕微老師表示:「傳統教 法較難解釋數學抽象的概念,亦較難引起小朋友對學習 數學的興趣。採用這課程,小朋友有機會身體力行去解 決數學難題,數字便變得不再抽象難明。」 T o develop a comprehensive preschool mathematics education, Prof. Cheng Zijuan of the Department of Educational Psychology has designed the ‘Operational and Integrated Mathematical Learning in Preschools’ (OIMLP) curriculum. The research findings of the project was announced in July to over 300 preschool educators. A number of principals and teachers were invited to share their teaching experience in using this approach. The highly innovative and practical mathematics curriculum has been extensively developed through experiments and practices in the past 10 years, with over $4.3 million in funding from the Quality Education Fund in 2000 and 2005. A two-year project involving 76 preschools was launched in July 2006 to put the OIMLP curriculum into practice. The project provided training to more than 870 preschool teachers, benefiting around 8,000 preschoolers. Through meetings with principals, training classes and teaching workshops, as well as school visits, the teachers learned the basic principles of preschool mathematics teaching and put the approach into practice. Prof. Cheng said, ‘The OIMLP curriculum can help develop children’s logical thinking and their skills to effectively solve mathematical problems in daily lives. Instead of simply teaching mathematical concepts, it also enhances children’s abilities of observation, analysis and comparison, imagination and deduction.’ Furthermore, the curriculum stresses the importance of the inner relationships among different mathematical concepts to the whole mathematical thinking process. For example, in traditional mathematics class, children learn digits 1 to 10 by memorizing and matching symbols with the relative object quantities. In this curriculum, Prof. Cheng uses a series of self-designed fairy tales named ‘The Number Kingdom’ to structurally teach children reasoning and to understand the relationship between digits and quantities by reading interesting stories. Miss Lok, a teacher from the Church of Christ in China Wanchai Church Kindergarten, said, ‘It is difficult to teach children abstract mathematical concepts and to arouse their interest in mathematics by using traditional teaching methods. With this curriculum, children are encouraged to learn by engaging in physical activities. Mathematics is no longer abstract to them.’ 成子娟教授展示其設計的 「學前數學:操作式和多元化」課程學具 Prof. Cheng Zijuan showing the learning tools used in the OIMLP curriculum 大中小學 同行十載 Ten-Year Partnership between University and Schools 學前數學課程 發展幼童數學邏輯思維 Innovative Preschool Curriculum Enhances Children’s Logical Thinking in Mathematics (左起)中大教育學院鍾宇平教授、香港津貼中學議會主 席黃詩麗校長、中大副校長楊綱凱教授、香港大學校長資 深顧問程介明教授、教育局首席助理秘書長(質素保證) 鄧發源先生、李子建教授、津貼小學議會主席鄧貴泰校 長,以及中心副主任陳維鄂教授出席啟動禮 Guests attending the ceremony are (from left) Prof. Chung Yue-ping Stephen, Faculty of Education, CUHK; Ms Wong She-lai Shirley, chairman of the HK Subsidized Secondary Schools Council, Prof. Kenneth Young, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, CUHK; Prof. Cheng Kai- ming, senior advisor to Vice-Chancellor, University of Hong Kong; Mr. Tang Fat-yuen, principal assistant secretary (quality assurance) of the Education Bureau; Prof. John C.K. Lee; Mr. Tang Kwai-tai, chairman of the Subsidized Primary Schools Council, and Prof. Chan Wai-ock David, associate director of CUSP