Newsletter No. 321

第321期 2008年8月19日 No. 321 19 August 2008 車鎮濤教授主持研討會開幕儀式 Prof. Che Chun-tao presiding at the opening ceremony of the conference 中 大香港癌症研究所及包玉剛爵士癌症中心於7月 與美國得克薩斯大學安德遜癌症中心簽訂姊妹機 構協議,正式確立兩方長遠合作關係,以實踐在科研、 病人治療、教育及防治各方面的共同使命。現已界定鼻 咽癌、肝癌及神經膠質瘤為首期重點研究。 簽訂儀式由安德遜癌症中心全球學術項目副主席Dr. Karen K. Fields及中大腫瘤學講座教授暨香港癌症研究 所及包玉剛爵士癌症中心總監陳德章教授主持,並邀得 多位安德遜癌症中心的學者出席。 安德遜癌症中心主席Dr. John Mendelsohn表示︰「締結 為姊妹機構後,我們將進一步合作,以創新的方法研究 癌症,希望減低全球的癌症發病率及癌症病人所承受的 痛苦。」 「基於近年中國城鄉的癌症病例不斷上升,世界各地的 研究人員實有必要加強合作,共同尋找治療方案,為病 人謀福祉。」陳德章教授續指出:「與安德遜癌症中心 簽訂姊妹機構協議,將加深我們現有的學術及教育夥伴 關係,增進知識和臨床經驗的交流,有助增加對癌症的 認識及治療成效。」 協議為期五年,雙方的研究及醫護人員將共同就鼻咽癌 及病毒相關的癌症尋求最新的醫療方案,另外,亦會為 內科醫生籌辦交流計劃及教育活動,包括每年一次的醫 學研討會(血液及腫瘤內科),以及為放射科及腦科腫 瘤部門開設培訓計劃等。 T he University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center signed a sister institution agreement with the Sir Y.K. Pao Centre for Cancer and Hong Kong Cancer Institute at CUHK in July, formalizing existing collaborations between the two cancer centres based on their shared missions of scientific discovery, patient therapies, education and prevention. The institutions have identified nasopharyngeal carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma and glioma as initial research areas of focus. M.D. Anderson’s vice president of Global Academic Programs, Dr. Karen K. Fields, joined Prof. Anthony T.C. Chan, director of the Cancer Centre at CUHK and Professor of Clinical Oncology at the signing ceremony. ‘The new partnership will create and support more opportunities for innovative cancer research collaborations to ultimately reduce the incidence of cancer and suffering among patients globally,’ said Dr. John Mendelsohn, president of the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. ‘The alarming rise in cancer rates in rural and urban provinces of China underscores the great need for collaboration among the world’s leading cancer programmes,’ said Prof. Chan. ‘Our sister agreement with 中 大中醫學院於6月7至8日舉辦「香港 ‧ 《黃帝內 經》(下稱《內經》)學術研討會」,促進本港及 海內外學者對過去數十年《內經》研究成果的交流。研 討會除了吸引過百位來自本港三間中醫藥學院的教授、 學生及其他本地學者外,還有來自中國內地、美國、英 國、日本、台灣等地多位蜚聲國際的《內經》專家與學 者出席。 有二千多年歷史的《內經》為中國傳統醫學四大經典著 作之一,是現存最早的中醫理論著作,不但奠定了中醫 的理論基礎,也為中醫理論提供了良好的結構框架。這 些理論具延續性和跨時代性,對現今研究生命、疾病以 及臨床醫療的醫學模式,仍有深遠而重要的啟示。 研討會的特色之一,是以自由辯論為主、高度互動的 「爭鳴論壇」,鼓勵《內經》專家和與會者各抒己見, 集思廣益,打破《內經》研究根深蒂固的框架,重新尋 求解讀《內經》的方法,推動中醫學在二十一世紀的 發展。 中大中醫學院院長車鎮濤教授希望透過該活動,為本港 三間中醫學院日後發揚中國經典醫學思想奠下基礎,並 為推動本地中醫學的長遠發展寫下新的里程碑。 T o promote the exchange of knowledge in the seminal medical text Huangdi Neijing (hereafter called Neijing ) among local and non-local scholars, the 'HK • Huangdi Neijing Conference' was organized by the CUHK School of Chinese Medicine on 7 and 8 June. The conference drew over 100 academics and students from the three local Chinese medicine institutes, and scholars and world-renowned Neijing specialists from mainland China, the US, the UK, Japan and Taiwan. Written 2000 years ago, Neijing is regarded as one of the four most seminal medical texts of ancient China. Being the earliest work on Chinese medicine, Neijing lays a solid foundation for the development of Chinese medicine by covering the theories systematically. The continuity and timelessness of the Neijing theories make it still highly influential in terms of life study, illness, clinical medicine and medical models in modern time. The free and highly interactive forum was one of the highlights of the conference. It encouraged liberal argument and expression of opinion on the research and interpretations of Neijing . By pooling minds, new light was expected to be shed on the study of Neijing . Prof. Che Chun-tao, director, School of Chinese Medicine, hoped the conference could foster the development of the three local Chinese medicine institutes in promoting traditional Chinese medical theories and mark a milestone in the long-term development of local Chinese medicine. 中大與美國癌症中心 締結姊妹機構 Collaboration with M. D. Anderson to Advance Cancer Research M.D. Anderson will enable us to expand our existing academic and educational partnership and increase the active sharing of knowledge and clinical experiences to better understand and treat the diseases.’ The sister agreement builds on five years of collaborative investigations among researchers and clinicians at both institutions in the areas of nasopharyngeal cancers; viruses in patients with virus-associated and related cancers; and physician exchanges and educational activities including annual educational seminars (hematology and medical oncology) and clinical fellowship programmes with the departments of radiation oncology and neuro- oncology. 香港 ‧ The HK • Huangdi Neijing Conference 《黃帝內經》 學術研討會 左起:陳德章教授、Dr. Karen K. Fields,以及中大醫學院院長霍泰輝教授 From left: Prof. Anthony T. C. Chan, Dr. Karen K. Fields and Prof. Fok Tai-fai, dean, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK