Newsletter No. 321

第321期 2008年8月19日 No. 321 19 August 2008 中 文大學聯同來自三十一個國家的代表,於 6月參加在意大利博洛尼亞舉行的「Research to Business」(R2B)展覽會,展出大學的最新科研成果。 at CUHK introduced and demonstrated to visitors the latest interactive multimedia and mobile video streaming technologies. The scientific findings on the use of Chinese medicine in treating cardiovascular disorder were also highlighted. Participation in overseas exhibitions is one of the major platforms for CUHK to develop technology transfer. ‘The R2B exhibition in Italy is a new channel for presenting the University’s technological innovations to overseas business communities. The exhibition is also an ideal platform for exchanging experiences with overseas universities in the areas of technology transfer and promotion of industrial collaboration,’ said Prof. Wong Kam-fai, director of CINTEC. The R2B exhibition is a major annual expo promoting technological innovations and technology transfer in Europe organized by the Italian government. It invites selected research institutes from all over the world to showcase their latest works and share their experience in technology transfer. This year, the participants came from Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Singapore, the UK and the US etc. 三 百六十多位來自中國、台灣、香港、澳門、日 本、韓國、馬來西亞和美國等地的學者,於6月 雲集中大,參與由中大心理學系主辦、香港心理學會及 香港城市大學應用社會科學系協辦的「第六屆華人心理 學家學術研討會」。 研討會內容包括會議、主題演講、專題學術講座、個人 學術報告,以及專題工作坊,範疇涵蓋認知科學、教育 及發展心理學、社會、工業及組織心理學和臨床及健康 心理學,並展示共二百四十二篇論文報告及七十六份學 術海報。 四川大地震災害深深牽動全球華人的心,華人心理學家 對於飽受心理衝擊的災民更是深表關懷。大會特別安排 兩場與災後心理危機干預有關的論壇和工作坊,交流科 研與臨床經驗。 左起:聯合書院輔導長王香生教授、研討 會籌備委員會主席兼中大心理學系系主任 張妙清教授、立法會主席范徐麗泰太平紳 士及中大副校長楊綱凱教授出席開幕禮 From left: Prof. Stephen H. S. Wong, dean of students, United College; Prof. Cheung Mui- ching Fanny, chairperson of the Organizing Committee of the 6th Chinese Psychologist Conference and chairperson of Department of Psychology; Mrs. Rita Fan, JP, then president of Legislative Council, and Prof. Kenneth Young, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, officiating at the opening ceremony 中大參加 意大利國際科技展覽 CUHK Participates in Italy’s ‘Research to Business’ Exhibition 中大於R2B 2008的展覽攤位 CUHK booth in R2B 2008 360 華人心理學家 雲集中大 360 Chinese Psychologists Gather on Campus 中大是展覽會中唯一的香港代表,中大創新科技中心的 職員向參觀者示範最新的多媒體及流動多媒體互聯網的 互動科技。此外,從科學角度分析中藥治療心臟病的療 效,則是中大展覽的另一焦點。 創新科技中心主任黃錦輝教授表示,參與海外的展覽會 是大學開拓技術轉移的重要新平台:「參與意大利的 R2B展覽會是一個新嘗試,令我們有機會向海外商界展 示大學的科研成果,同時與參展的海外大學分享交流技 術轉移和產學合作的經驗。」 R2B展覽會是為促進歐洲創新科技發展和技術轉移而舉 辦的每年一度盛事,每年意大利政府均邀請來自世界各 地的科研機構,展出他們的創新科技設計,並分享在技 術轉移方面的經驗。今年參加的國家包括澳洲、加拿 大、中國、法國、德國、印度、日本、韓國、新加坡、 英國及美國等。 C UHK joined delegates from 31 countries to display its latest technological innovations in the ‘Research to Business’ (R2B) 2008 exhibition held in Bologna, Italy in June. CUHK was the only institute representing Hong Kong this year. During the exhibition, two staff members from the Centre for Innovation and Technology (CINTEC) O ver 360 scholars from mainland China, Taiwan, Macau, Japan, Korea, Malaysia and the US took part in the Sixth Chinese Psychologist Conference in June, organized by the Department of Psychology at CUHK and co-organized by the Department of Applied Social Studies, the City University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Psychological Society. The conference featured plenary sessions, state-of-the- art sessions, symposia, individual oral presentations and workshops under four categories: cognitive science, education and human development, social and industrial- organizational psychology and psychology and health. A total of 242 papers were presented and 76 posters were displayed. The Chinese psychologists present at the conference deeply empathized with the survivors of the Sichuan earthquake. Two forums and workshops on psychological crisis intervention were held to promote exchange of research expertise and clinical experience. 公共衞生學院辦社會營銷課程 School of Public Health Offers Course on Social Marketing 中大免費為一千市民測檢鼻咽癌 Free Nasopharyngeal Cancer Test for 1000 Citizens 糖尿病人健康網站啟用 Launch of Website for Diabetic Patients 其他消息 Other News 以下消息詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following news are available at: