Newsletter No. 324

第324期 2008年10月4日 No. 324 4 October 2008 再生能源研究獲論文獎 Study on Renewable Energy Wins ASME Best Paper Award 機 械及自動化工程學系廖維新教授( 左 )及 其學生關明杰博士( 右 )以發表在 Sma r t Materials and Structures 的論文〈壓電能量收集電 路效率與儲能器件電壓之關連〉,獲美國機械工程師 學會最佳論文獎。這是該獎自1993年設立以來,首次 授予亞洲院校的教研人員。 廖教授對獲獎感到光榮和高興,特別是該項能源研 究能獲國際肯定。「我們研究的,是使用壓電元件 收集環境中的振動能量的再生能源,以驅動傳感器 等電子設備,無需電池,也合符環保原則。」 P rof. W.H. Liao ( left ) and his former PhD student Dr. M.J. Guan ( right ) of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering have won the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Best Paper Award in Structures for their paper ‘On the Efficiencies of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Circuits Towards Storage Device Voltages’ published in Smart Materials and Structures . This makes CUHK the first academic institution from Asia to win this prestigious prize since it was established in 1993. Prof. Liao said, ‘We are excited that the significance and contribution of our research to energy have been recognized internationally. Our paper investigated energy harvested from vibration using piezoelectric materials as an alternative to renewable energy. Piezoelectric power generators were used to transform the mechanical energy from vibration into electrical energy, which can replace batteries to supply power to mobile and wireless microsystems. Without using batteries, the self-powered systems will be more environmentally friendly since they are using otherwise wasted mechanical energy from the vibration sources.’ 一百二十三名中大生獲滙豐獎學金 123 CUHK Students Receive HSBC Scholarships 以下項目詳情,請上網閱覽: Details of the following item are available at: ❏ 四十項研究項目獲撥款 Forty Research Projects Receive Grants 本校羽毛球隊奪季 CUHK Badminton Team Comes Third 本 校男女子羽毛球隊應南京大學邀請,於7月1日至8日前往南京, 參加該校舉辦的「南京大學2008兩岸四地高校大學生羽毛球 友誼賽」。除主隊外,其他參賽隊伍計有香港城市大學、台灣大學、中央 大學、澳門大學和上海交通大學。中大隊最終奪得季軍。 T he CUHK badminton team took part in a friendly match in Nanjing from 1 to 8 July at the invitation of Nanjing University. In addition to the host team and the CUHK team, there were representatives from the City University of Hong Kong, Taiwan University and Central University from Taiwan, the University of Macau, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The CUHK Team secured third place. 左起:湯遠明教練、陳佩芬、唐家健、梁啟鋒、鄺凱琪、陳家興、 馮穎之 From left: Tong Yuen-ming (coach), Chan Pui-fun, Tong Ka-kin, Leung Kai- fung, Kwong Oi-ki, Chan Ka-hing, and Fung Wing-chi 來 自多所大專院校的得獎學生和院校代表,在8月 29日雲集滙豐銀行總行大厦,出席滙豐獎學金得 主祝賀會。 在2007至08年度,中大共有一百二十三名學生獲得滙 豐銀行慈善基金的獎助學金和贊助,總計二百四十萬港 元。無論人數還是金額,都是眾院校之冠。 滙豐亞太區主席鄭海泉勉勵得獎學生:「不論你們身在 何方,你們都代表着香港的多元文化。即使你們各有不 同的目的地,但不要忘記香港是你們的出發點。更重要 的是,要緊記大學生活是你們踏進人生另 一階段的轉捩點。」 在一百二十三名中大生中,三十六位本科 生和十二位研究生獲獎學金;六十六名參 加2008年寰宇暑期實習計劃的學生,則獲 該基金贊助;另外九名學生獲得助學金。 三位來自中大的獎學金得主將分別負笈倫 敦政治經濟學院、哥倫比亞大學和多倫多 大學。中大入學及學生資助處處長周陳文 琬說:「我希望獎學金得主能好好利用這 些機會開闊視野,發揮所長。報答捐助人 的最佳方法,是傳承這份公民責任,作出 貢獻回饋社會。」 A ward recipients and staff members from different tertiary institutions were invited to the HSBC Scholars’ Reception held on 29 August 2008 at the HSBC Main Building. In the academic year 2007–08, both the number of CUHK students receiving awards from the Hongkong Bank Foundation and the total amount awarded to CUHK students were the largest among the tertiary institutions. A total of 123 CUHK students benefited from the awards of the foundation in an aggregate of HK$2.4 million. Mr. Vincent Cheng Hoi-chuen, chairman of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd., told the recipients, ‘Wherever you go, you represent the pluralistic culture of our city. Your destinations may be different but don’t forget that you all share the same starting point—Hong Kong. More importantly, remember that university life is your connecting point to a new stage of life.’ There were 36 undergraduates and 12 postgraduates who received scholarships donated by the foundation. In addition, 66 students who participated in the Global Internship Programme 2008 were sponsored by the foundation, and nine needy students were granted bursaries. Among the recipients, three received scholarships to study one year respectively at the London School of Economics and Political Science, Columbia University and the University of Toronto. Mrs. Grace Chow, director of Admissions and Financial Aid of CUHK, said, ‘I hope the scholarship recipients will make the best use of these opportunities to broaden their horizons and realize their potential. The best way to repay a donor is to carry on that sense of civic responsibility and make contributions to society in the future.’