Newsletter No. 335

No. 335, 4.4.2009 十 方 吐 露 TEN QUESTIONS FOR ( Continued ) member of the University, willing to walk more to help conserve the environment? This is a question you should ask yourself. 6 副校長任內,你會處理哪方面的工作? What is your role as Pro-Vice-Chancellor (PVC)? 主要是處理大學的內部行政工作,如人事、財務等方面。在 全球化的年代,競爭愈來愈激烈,要做的事情愈來愈多; 而每個機構或部門擁有的資源,也會愈趨緊絀。因此,資 源分配是非常重要的一環。 大學的內部行政猶如舞台表演的幕後工作。在前台演出的 是師生,外人評價一所大學的成就,就看他們的教學和科 研。能否演出一台好戲,除了演員的努力外,還要靠後台的 人打點,確保在各方面給予最好的支持。我就是扮演居中 促成的角色,協助校內各行政部門的同事,支援前台的演 出。 I am mainly in charge of internal administration, which involves human resources, finance, etc. As our world becomes more globalized, we are faced with increasingly keen competition and heavy workloads. But the resources available for each organization or department are limited. So, optimal distribution of resources is vital. Being involved in a university’s internal administration is like working backstage in the theatre. The performers are teachers and students. Their teaching, learning and research are the yardsticks used by the public to judge a university. A successful show requires not only the outstanding performance of the actors, but also the support of the backstage crew. My role is to facilitate the work of colleagues of various internal administrative units so that they can give better support to those on stage. 7 你希望在副校長任內有何建樹? What do you hope to accomplish as PVC? 三三四學制是大學面臨的大挑戰。試想,到了2012年9月 某天,一覺醒來,會多了三千多名學生來中大上課,各方面 如何應對,是一大考驗。2012年是挑戰,但也是機遇。這 是指中大可以恢復我們深信是較理想的四年學制。而我希 望在副校長任內,能盡一分力協助大學順利過渡2012年。 The implementation of the 3+3+4 academic system is a big challenge. Imagine this: when we wake up one day in September 2012, we will have 3,000 additional students coming to study in CUHK. It is a challenge. But 2012 is also an opportunity because the University can resume the academic system we believe to be the best. In my tenure as PVC, I hope to contribute my bit to ensure a smooth transition for the University through 2012. 8 擔任大學管理人員,你的市場學知識有何用武之 地? How would your expertise in marketing facilitate your work as a senior University officer? 受過市場學訓練的人都有一種特質,就是能站在第三者的 角度去思考。市場學教導我們,如能從顧客、競爭對手,甚 至政府監管機構的角度看事情,那就能對問題有新的定義 或體會,從而作出更明智的決策。 從事大學的管理工作時,我會多站在大學其他人群,包括 學生、同事和不同部門的立場去看事情。如能正確、透徹 地理解問題,解決方法自然也水到渠成。 The people who have been trained in marketing share one characteristic, that is, the ability to think from the perspectives of others. Marketing teaches us to put ourselves in the shoes of customers, competitors or regulatory bodies when assessing an issue. That can help us to make wiser decisions through a fresh understanding of the issue. As a manager for the University, I will see things from the angles of students, colleagues and different units. A correct and thorough understanding of a problem is the prerequisite for an effective solution. 9 你曾獲頒傑出教學獎,對於教學有何心得? You have received a number of teaching awards. Any secrets to successful teaching you can share with us? 我當教授是因為嚮往教學,喜歡做研究。要想做好一件工 作,一定先要覺得享受。如果走進教室前,覺得很不想進 去,很怕見到學生,那一定做不好教學工作。除了享受教學 外,我無論預備講義還是講課,都很認真。 好的教師不是靠一個課程的幾十小時,把所有東西都講給 學生聽,或令他們考試拿甲等、拿一級榮譽畢業。好教師 應能啟發學生的學習興趣,而這又繫於教師自己對所教科 目的興趣和熱誠。如果教師熱誠認真地教學,是可以感染 學生的。 I became a professor because I like teaching and doing research. You must enjoy your job if you want to do it well. If you are reluctant to enter the classroom and face your students, you will not make a good teacher. In addition to enthusiasm for teaching, I am very serious about preparing teaching notes and delivering lectures. Good teaching is not about spoonfeeding students all the content of a course in a few dozen hours, or helping them to get an A in an exam or to graduate with first-class honours. It is about inspiring students’ interest in learning. The enthusiasm and passion of a teacher is contagious. 10 你愛好行山,這項活動有何吸引之處? You are a great fan of hiking. What do you like about it? 第一是可以享受大自然的美景;第二是身處優美的自然環 境,身心舒泰放鬆,有利健康;第三是可以訓練自己的靭力 和鬥志。行山很考驗耐性,驟眼看去,山這麼高,路這麼 長,但只要強迫自己走下去,會慢慢發覺原來也不是這麼 艱難,而且沿途可以享受美景。這和做研究或者做人都一 樣,只要有耐性,堅持下來慢慢思考,一定可以克服問題, 得出成績。 First, the beautiful natural scenery is a real treat. Second, surrounded by the scenic landscape, you feel relaxed mentally and physically, which is good for health. Third, hiking is a good way to train your perseverance. When hiking, the mountains often look dauntingly high and the roads discouragingly long. But if you keep walking, you will find that it is not that hard. And you can enjoy the countryside as you progress. This applies to research and everyday life. If you press on, you will overcome obstacles and your perseverance will pay off. 下回〈十方吐露〉將訪問吳樹培先生 Mr. Eric S.P. Ng will be featured in the next instalment of ‘TEN QUESTIONS FOR’. 預告 Coming 香港教育研究所 Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research 專題研究報告 教育政策研討系列之70 PISA 2003解難能力評估及啟示 何瑞珠 國際標準書號:978-962-8908-30-1 售價:30港元(平裝),72頁 亞洲輔導學報 第十五卷第一期 售價:50港元(平裝),108頁 Asian Journal of Counselling Vol. 15 No. 1 Price: HK$50 (paperback), 108 pp 教育研究學報 第二十三卷第二期(2008年冬) 售價:50港元(平裝),180頁 Educational Research Journal Vol. 23 No. 2 (Winter 2008) Price: HK$50 (paperback), 180 pp 工商管理學院 理財與保險─迷思和反思 蘇偉文、葉家興 此書分理財和保險兩大範疇。理 財篇介紹人生不同階段的基本理 財概念,並詳細解釋最多人參與而 複雜的投資活動,例如股票、債券 及窩輪等,解除 大眾對這些投資 產品的誤解。保 險篇則指出購買 保險的重要性, 並引用一些嚴重 的意外或災難作 個案研究,為讀 者解構保險賠償的原則及賠償資料透明度 的重要性。 國際標準書號:978-962-8960-76-7 售價:78港元(平裝),285頁