Newsletter No. 335

No. 335, 4.4.2009 大學.上莊.活力 張晉華(系統工程與工程管理學系) Energy Cheung Chun-wah (Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management) NEWS & EVENTS 清泉學府 梁佑聖(精密工程研究所) Campus by the Water Leung Yau-saint (Institute of Precision Engineering) 教職員組冠軍 First Award, staff category 在中大校園工作令我感到精神煥發和 充滿動力,又能體會來自世界各地師 生共聚的融洽與快樂氣氛。 I feel energetic and motivated working on campus. I can also feel the harmony and happiness of staff and students from different places in the world gathering here to teach and learn. 校園就是一個很美麗的公園,到處都 是花草樹木,遠離煩囂,是學習的好地 方。 The CUHK campus is a very beautiful park with flowers and plants. It is away from city and is a good place for learning. 鏡頭下的中大校園 CUHK Campus through the Lens • 學 生事務處年初以「中大校園印記」為主題,舉辦中 大四十五周年校慶攝影比賽,鼓勵大家用別出心 裁的角度,捕捉校園的美麗風光或動人情景。比賽分學生 和教職員兩個組別,共吸引了逾一百五十名參賽者,提交 近六百幀作品。 兩組的冠、亞、季軍及五名優異獎已經選出,頒獎典禮於3月 19日在邵逸夫堂舉行,由大學協理副校長馮通教授( 左 )、 四十五周年校慶籌劃委員會召集人廖柏偉教授( 中 )及大學 輔導長吳基培教授( 右 )主禮。 得獎名單 Awardees 教職員組Staff 冠軍 First Award 梁佑聖(精密工程研究所) Leung Yau-saint (Institute of Precision Engineering) 亞軍 Second Award 梁佑聖(精密工程研究所) Leung Yau-saint (Institute of Precision Engineering) 季軍 Third Award 梁詠珊(學生事務處) Leung Wing-shan (Office of Student Affairs) 優異獎 Merit Award 梁詠珊(學生事務處) Leung Wing-shan (Office of Student Affairs) 伍美玲(工商管理學院) Ng Mei-ling (Faculty of Business Administration) 謝約翰(實驗動物中心) Tse Yeuk-hon John (Laboratory Animal Services Centre) 謝約翰(實驗動物中心) Tse Yeuk-hon John (Laboratory Animal Services Centre) 黃俊維(中醫中藥研究所) Wong Chun-wai (Institute of Chinese Medicine) 學生組Student 冠軍 First Award 張晉華(系統工程與工程管理學系) Cheung Chun-wah (Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management) 亞軍 Second Award 梁國信(計算機科學與工程學系) Leung Kwok-shun (Department of Computer Science and Engineering) 季軍 Third Award 葛天方(生物化學系) Ge Tianfang (Department of Biochemistry) 優異獎 Merit Award 劉浩然(化學系) Lau Ho-yin (Department of Chemistry) 利金源(經濟學系) Li Kam-yuen (Department of Economics) Robert Thomas van Antwerp ( 亞洲課程 International Asian Studies Programme) 黃曉迎(英文系) Wong Hiu-ying (Department of English) 王健輝(綜合工商管理學系) Wong Kin-fai (Integrated Business Administration Programme) 如欲欣賞得獎作品,請瀏覽: For winning photos, please visit: _ photo-comp.html I n celebration of the University’s 45th anniversary, the Office of Student Affairs organized a photo competition themed ‘CUHK Campus in My Eyes’ in January 2009. All University members were invited to capture the different faces of our lovely campus. The competition, comprising student and staff categories, attracted close to 600 entries from over 150 participants. The first, second and third awards plus five merit awards for each category have been selected. Officiated by Prof. Fung Tung (left), Associate Pro- Vice - Chancellor, Prof. Liu Pak-wai (centre), convenor of CUHK 45th Anniversary Celebration Organizing Committee, and Prof. Dennis K.P. Ng (right), University Dean of Students, the award presentation ceremony was held on 19 March at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. 學生組冠軍 First Award, student category